Asuka January Issue X - Kigai Yuuto's Side Story Disclaimer Copyright (C) Clamp 1999-2000 This translation is only intended as a companion for those who are reading the X story in the Asuka Magazine. It is not intended for public or commercial use. No profit has been, or will be made out of it. Please keep it for your personal use only. % indicates lines not spoken $ indicates flashback lines [ ] indicates lines in handwriting or captions { } indicates the actions P. 212 MAN I'd like to submit a name for my child! YUUTO {Smiling} Congratulations! [A girl or a boy?] MAN [A boy!] Anyway, here's the name! {He showed Yuuto a piece of paper with the name "Kamui" written on it.} YUUTO {look of surprise} MAN Could ... could it be that these kanji characters can't be used for names? YUUTO Not at all. It's just that I know a boy with the same name. P. 213 MAN What is he like? YUUTO ... He's having a hard time. The one he loved passed away. The one he trusted suddenly turned into a stranger and did horrible things to him ... MAN Does this ... have anything to do with the name ...? YUUTO For him, that could be it. MAN I'll ... I'll think about it and come back later! {Dashed for the door.} YUUTO At your service, sir. P. 214 YUUTO ... "Kamui". It's a good name. ... However, bearing the name of the one destined to take on the fate of Earth is a sure way to unhappiness. P. 215 YUUTO I have to go now. WOMEN IN THE OFFICE See you. YUUTO {He placed a box of pastries on the table.} I have some waffles here. Please enjoy the snack during OT. WOMEN [Wah!] Thank you! [heartmark] YUUTO See you tomorrow. {wink} WOMEN Kigai-san is so wonderful! [heartmark] P. 216 Somewhere outside, before a fountain. YUUTO Sorry to keep you waiting. [I tried to arrive 10 minutes before the appointed time ...] SATSUKI {Smiling} I just arrived. YUUTO But that doesn't change the fact that I kept you waiting. [Next time I'll arrive 20 minutes earlier.] {The water in the fountain danced around Yuuto.} SATSUKI The water seems to like you. Yuuto-san, your are actually a water master, aren't you? P. 217 YUUTO It's more like water tricks. SATSUKI Then why are you using other weapons? YUUTO That's because it's troublesome. {It requires a lot of concentration to control water.} I just thought that If I can settle things without resorting to it, that would be great. SATSUKI ... Why did you accept Kanoe's summons? Is there anything you wish to have or want to do? P. 218 YUUTO Nothing. There's nothing at all. If there's really a fate, it would be good to try and fight against it. P. 219 YUUTO It would also be interesting to see what happens in the end if I just follow the current of things. Ahahaha. ... I'm just flippant. P. 220 YUUTO Let's go. [What about Italian for dinner?] {The water followed the departing Yuuto, as if unwilling to part from him. He turned his head to look back.} [To discover my final destiny.] *** Utako ~ Keeper of Heero's SelfDestruct Pro Laptop *** Last Impression: Gundam Wing fanart, doujinshi translation, quotes and stuff