Translated by Utako-san Asuka February Issue X - Kekkai 21 Disclaimer Copyright (C) Clamp 2000 This translation is only intended as a companion for those who are reading the X story in the Asuka Magazine. It is not intended for public or commercial use. No profit has been, or will be made out of it. Please keep it for your personal use only. % indicates lines not spoken $ indicates flashback lines [ ] indicates lines in handwriting or captions { } indicates the actions P. 13 COLOR PAGE A Tree of Life diagram is drawn overlaying the inside of a computer. TITLE Beast P. 14-15 COLOR PAGES Kusanagi drawn in traditional Japanese painting style. TEASER Something is given to each of them, their individual destiny ... P. 17 {A series of jumps brought Karen and Seiichirou to the top of a highrise building. Karen noticed someone standing on another building.} P. 18 {It was Nataku.} KAREN That kid ... {Nataku turned to look at them.} P. 19 {Then he turned quickly away with a saddened expression. Karen noticed it.} P. 20 {Nataku jumped off the building.} KAREN Wait!! {Energy surged up the buildings. Seiichirou saw it.} P. 21 {Explosion.} {Seiichirou summoned the wind to shield them.} P. 22 SEIICHIROU Are you alright? KAREN Yes, thank you. {Seiichirou realized that his hand was still around Karen's waist.} SEIICHIROU Sor ... sorry! {Hands off in a hurry.} KAREN Oh! What a novel reaction! SEIICHIROU What!? KAREN Due to the nature of my work, I don't meet that many people who apologize when they touched me. {Seiichirou blushed.} KAREN The one that was there ... P. 23 KAREN It was the one who derailed the Yamanote Line in Shibuya. SEIICHIROU One of the "Dragons of Earth". {Rumbling noise.} SEIICHIROU The building that acted as a keystone has fallen! It's dangerous to stay here! P. 24-25 {Rampant destruction.} P. 26 {Karen and Seiichirou jumped from building to building while witnessing the destruction.} P. 27 KAREN % Those eyes ... % They have the look of a little kid who has been abandoned ... % Just like my eyes back in those days ... P. 28 HINOTO {She watched the scenes from the dreamscape.} % Yet another "Kekkai" is destroyed ... % Tokyo is ... % crumbling away ... P. 29 HINOTO % Is there nothing I can do % but to witness the way all things fall into ruin ...? % The one thing I can do is to see the future in my dreams. % If knowing what lies ahead does not allow me to change things, % then there is no meaning in "Dreamgazing" at all ... P. 30 {A pair of hands emerged from the dark to encircle Hinoto. It was the other Hinoto.} THE OTHER HINOTO You must be sad ... To see everything destroyed, people dying ... P. 31 THE OTHER HINOTO ... It must be hard on you. To watch and not be able to do anything about it ... P. 32 THE OTHER HINOTO Let me take over your body and you will neither feel sorrow nor pain. Sleep on ... and forget everything ... P. 33 THE OTHER HINOTO I shall guard your sleep. P. 34 THE OTHER HINOTO Sleep. Entrust your body to me. {The two Hinotos started to meld into one.} THE OTHER HINOTO Sleep well ... P. 35 {Hinoto dreamt of Kamui and Fuuma facing each other, Holy Sword in hand.} P. 36 {She saw the sadness in Kamui's eyes.} P. 37 {Hinoto pulled the hand of the Other Hinoto out of her chest and pushed her away.} HINOTO ... Even so ... I ... P. 38 HINOTO ... still want to believe in the "Dragons of Heaven" and in "Kamui". {The Other Hinoto smiled.} P. 39 THE OTHER HINOTO I shall wait and see how long you can maintain this facade of strength. It shall not take long. This ... is something you yourself know best. {She disappeared.} P. 40 HINOTO I can ... no longer ... suppress my other self ... If we meet one more time, I will surely give myself over to her. Before this happens, "Kamui" ...! {In the dream, Kamui stood over a fallen Hinoto.} P. 41 HINOTO Change the future ...! Kill me the way you did in this dream ...! P. 42 {Separated by a set of paper sliding screens, Kakyou watched the scenes between the two Hinotos unfold on the other side of the dreamscape.} KAKYOU The future cannot be changed. Just as in the past, the "Dreams" I dreamt all became reality ... The dreams of "Dreamgazers" ... can never fail. P. 43 {A girl floated down to appear before Kakyou.} GIRL Are you Kakyou? P. 44 GIRL {Smiling, she held out her hand.} My name is Hokuto. Sumeragi Hokuto. TEASER The one who appeared before Kakyou ... can it be ...!? *** Utako ~ Keeper of Heero's SelfDestruct Pro Laptop *** Last Impression: Gundam Wing fanart, doujinshi translation, quotes and stuff