X Summary & Translations from Nov issue of Asuka. From: "Utako" Cover: Fuuma and two leopards. (But you all know that. Thanks, Michael Hokama.) 1st color page (Fuuma biting Kamui's collar): I know everything about you. Because I am "Kamui" too, just like you. 2nd color page (Sorata and Arashi): [What will happen to] Subaru, who sees Seishirou's image superimposed over Fuuma, who had appeared before "Kamui". P15: Star shaped kekkai over the Sunshine building P16: Fuuma: So, you set up a kekkai. You put unrelated people outside it, too. (Kamui, still held in midair by Fuuma, remembers the old man. *He's not here?*) P17: Fuuma: To leave here, the quickest way would be to kill the creator of the kekkai. Kamui: Subaru! (Nataku runs towards Subaru) P18: Nataku uses his cloth to attack Subaru, Subaru defends with his ofuda, making a star shaped ward. Subaru flings ofuda. P19: Nataku destroys the ofuda and the shikigami with his cloth. Nataku and Subaru starts running parallel to each other. P20: Subaru jumps. Nataku wraps cloth around Subaru's wrist. Kamui: Subaru! P21: Nataku jumps, raising his hand to stab Subaru. Subaru has an ofuda in hand. P22: Subaru releases ofuda, a huge flame (?) burst attacks Nataku in midair. P23: Nataku flies back, landing close to Fuuma, one end of his cloth is burnt. Fuuma: He's quite a handful. Let me do it. (Kamui looks anxious) P24: Fuuma: Don't worry, I'll play with you later. Kamui: Fuuma ... P25: Scrap metal gathers around them and binds Kamui. He struggles, but there seems to be some kind of warding mechanism and he cannot get free. P26: Kamui: *Why can't it get loose?* Fuuma (to Nataku): I'll leave Kamui's babysitting to you. (Takes cloth from Nataku) Kamui: Stop! Fuuma! P27: Kamui: Fuuma! Fuuma leaps, somewhat tattered cloth in hand. P28: Subaru looks a bit tense. Fuuma lands, the cloth passing over his eyes for a moment. Then his face is revealed again. P29: Subaru looks startled. *What ...?* Kamui: Subaru! (struggles against the binding) Fuuma gathers a ball of energy in his hand. P30: Subaru leaps sideway to avoid the energy blasts. He runs around, as the energy snowballs and follows him around. P31: Subaru continues running, placing ofuda along the way. Fuuma: Do you just plan on running with no counterattack in mind? P32: Subaru activates the ofuda. A star shaped ward sprang up around Fuuma (the attack Subaru used against Seishirou in X8) P33: Fuuma: So, you having been planting this little trap while you were running? Subaru: *Just as I thought ...* P34: Subaru: *He looks like Seishirou san!? How can that be!* P35: Subaru laces his fingers together to form the special gesture. Subaru: *Why? Why do they look so much alike?* Fuuma: If you don't concentrate, your "ward" is going to rip, "Subaru kun". Subaru looks shocked. His fingers loosened. P36: Fuuma breaks the ward. Blood sprouts all over Subaru's body. Kamui: Subaru! P37: Kamui struggles wildly, bleeding. Fuuma slowly walks toward Subaru, who is lying on the ground. Kamui strains against the bindings, dripping blood. Nataku: You will just create more wounds. Why are you doing such a useless thing? P38: Kamui glares at Nataku angrily: Shut up! I don't want anyone to die before me anymore! Kamui is still entangled, but breaking free. Nataku looks startled at his words. P39: Fuuma kicks at Subaru. (almost the same as what Seishirou did in TB 7) He lifts Subaru's face with his foot. Subaru sees Seishirou's image superimposed over Fuuma's: Sei...shirou ... P40-41: Fuuma grabs a handful of Subaru's hair. Subaru: Why ... [do you look so much like] Seishirou san ... Fuuma: Why do I look like him? That's because you wish it to be so. Fuuma raises his hand. Behind him there seems to be a shadow of Seishirou's shikigami. Subaru could only stare as Fuuma's fingers reach for his right eye. P42: (Blood splash) Kamui: Stop! A blast makes Fuuma retreat a few steps. P43: Kamui stands over the fallen Subaru, ball shaped energy gathers in front of him, exploding outward (?). P44: Fuuma jumps back to stand next to Nataku. Kamui kneels down besides the unconscious Subaru, whose right eye is bleeding. Kamui: Subaru! P45: The kekkai slowly dissolves. Fuuma: The "kekkai" is dissolving. That means that "Dragon of Heaven" is close to death. Kamui (tears in his eyes, looking angrily at Fuuma): Fuuma...! Fuuma: If the Sunshine building collapses, the surrounding area will be destroyed. The "kekkai" of Ikebukuro is broken. Kamui: Wait! Fuuma! P46: Fuuma: We'll meet again soon enough. Because I'll be the one who kills you. (Kamui, holding Subaru to him, looks on as Fuuma and Nataku leave.) P47: Kamui holds Subaru close, his tears splattering on Subaru's face. Kamui: Subaru ... I'm sorry ... I'm so sorry ...! P48: The Sunshine building collapses sideway over the surrounding buildings. (Next issue: Ikebukuro is destroyed!? Will Subaru be alright?)