X dialogues in the December issue of From: "Utako" P.143 Seishirou stood on the cross of a church, watching the destruction of Sunshine 60 in the distance. P.144/145 Energy was released over the wreckage in the form of a dragon. P.146 Nurse A: "Have you contacted the doctor?" Nurse B: "Please confirm that the operation room is ready." Nurses rushed Subaru in on a trolley, accompanied by Kamui. Kamui (tears in his eyes): "Subaru!" Subaru snatched away the cloth pressed against his right eye: "Please ... wait ..." Nurse A: "What?" Nurse B: "What are you talking about? If we don't hurry, you'll ..." P.147 Nurse: "Don't sit up!" Subaru, trembling, managed to raise his body and turn towards Kamui. He reached out: "Ka...mui..." Kamui: "I'm sorry! It's all because I couldn't do anything!" P.148 Kamui (crying): "I'm so sorry!" Subaru (pulling Kamui into his arms): "No ... It's not your fault ... It's not your fault at all ..." Kamui: "Subaru ..." P.149 Subaru: "This is ... what I had wished for ..." P.150 Subaru fainted. Kamui: "Subaru!" Nurse: "Hurry! We have to get him to the operation room now!" Nurses rushed Subaru into the operation room. P.151 Kamui was left outside the room. He leaned against the door, his head bowed, and cried: "Subaru ...!" P.152 Birds flying. A Japan-shaped projection floated on water, Kakyou standing (?) besides it. Part of the projection was cracking (presumably the part that indicates Ikebukuro), the shards falling into the water. P.153 Kakyou: " 'Kamui' the Dragon of Heaven ... As long as Kamui is the 'Kamui', 'Fuuma' will not return ..." The water reflected the image of Kamui standing outside the operation room, crying. P.154 Kakyou opened his hand. There was a feather on his palm. The feather turned into an image of Kotori who said, "The future ... is not yet determined ..." P.155 Kakyou: "The future is determined as long as those who are living do not abandon their 'wish' ..." P.156 Sorata and Arashi entered Shinjuku General Hospital. Sorata: "I raced there the moment I knew a 'kekkai' was raised in Ikebukuro, but I didn't made it in time." Arashi: "It was the same with me." P.157 Sorata: " ... Where's Kamui?" Arashi: "He's still in the ward." Sorata: "Yeah ..." Room 406 Sumeragi Subaru. Knock, knock. "Yes?" Sorata opened the door and walked in with Arashi. P.158 Subaru was sleeping. He had an IV on his arm. Kamui sat by his bedside, holding his hand with both hands. P.159 Arashi: "He is sleeping." Kamui: "Yeah ..." Sorata: :"Are you feeling okay?" Kamui nodded. Subaru's hand twitched. He woke up. Kamui: "Subaru ..." P.160 Subaru: "I'm sorry ... to trouble you like this." Sorata: "There's nothing to apologise for. It's us who should be apologising." Arashi and Kamui looked downcast. P.161 Subaru looked at Sorata. Sorata noticed: "Kamui, is there a vase somewhere?" Kamui: "There's one in the ward ..." Sorata: "Nee-chan, can you go with Kamui and arrange the flowers?" Arashi: "...Sure." She left the room with Kamui. P.162 Sorata: "I thought you had something to say to me. Was I mistaken?" Subaru: "It was all my fault ... but Kamui, who was with me at that time, will surely keep blaming himself. Please bring him home for now. It seems that he has been watching me and has not been sleeping at all. If this goes on, he will collapse." P.163 Subaru: "Kamui's emotional wounds are much more serious than his physical wounds." Sorata: "The same goes with you too, Subaru-san." Subaru looked startled. Sorata: "I understand. We'll try our best to look after him." Subaru: "Please do so." Sorata: "How is your right eye?" P.164 Subaru: "It is blind." Sorata (shocked): "Any hope of recovery?" Subaru: "None." P.165 Sorata: "Does Kamui ..." Subaru: "... He knows, but this is what I had wished for." Sorata: "What?" P.166 Kamui and Arashi returned. Kamui set down the vase. Subaru looked at Sorata. Sorata: "We've been staying for too long, let's go home." Arashi: "... Yes." Sorata: "Kamui too." Kamui: "I ..." P.167 Sorata: "The hospital provides round the clock care, and it wouldn't do at all if you're the one who collapses." Kamui: "But ..." Subaru: "It's better that you go home for now." Kamui: "... Can I ... come back later?" P.168 Subaru placed his hand on Kamui's face and smiled. P.169 Kamui squeezed Subaru's hand once, then left with Arashi and Sorata. Outside, it was raining. Subaru: *In the past, I had sometimes wished that my right eye would go blind.* P.170 Subaru: *Why would he ... the "Kamui" of the Dragons of Earth know about this?* Subaru: "Would he ... would he also know what my true wish is?" P.171 Kamui left the hospital, holding an umbrella, looking sad. Fuuma stood on a steel frame supporting a rooftop advertisement, watching him from above. P.172 Seishirou approached Fuuma. Fuuma: "You were watching at Ikebukuro, weren't you." Seishirou: "So you noticed." P.173 Fuuma: "It seems that Dragon of Heaven was related to you in some way." Seishirou: "We made a foolish bet a long time ago." He offered a pack of Mild Seven to Fuuma. Seishirou: "Maybe it's not a good idea [to offer cigarette] to a teenager?" Fuuma: "Well ..." P.174 Fuuma: "It's not as if you would give a damn about me, right?" Seishirou lit up his cigarette. Fuuma: "It was that Dragon of Heaven's wish to lose his right eye the way you did. However, his true wish is ..." P.175 Fuuma: "... something that only you can realise for him." An image of Subaru looking angry came to Seishirou's mind. He smiled. Fuuma snatched the cigarette from Seishirou's mouth: "His "true wish" is different from what you think." P.176 Seishirou looked slightly startled. Fuuma gave him a not quite smile, then jumped off the building and left. The blurb - The wounds on Kamui's heart kept increasing.