From: Utako Subject: January Asuka Translation P. 75 Color page - Seishirou smoking. Teaser - The wounds in Kamui's heart kept increasing one by one. P. 77 Seishirou gazed after the departing Fuuma. He lit up another cigarette, his expression thoughtful. Rain descended on the city. P. 78 Kamui lay on his bed in the unlit bedroom, thinking of Subaru's injury and Fuuma's cold eyes. He remembered the way Kotori died. "I was right there ..." P. 79 "... and I still couldn't do a thing." He covered his eyes with his hands. P. 80 Heavy rain. Dinner was ready. Sorata entered the room to find Arashi and Yuzuriha standing before the dining table. He asked, "What's going on?" Yuzuriha answered, "Dinner is ready, but Kamui-san just wouldn't come out ..." Both Arashi and Yuzuriha looked miserable. P. 81 Sorata patted Yuzuriha's head, then turned to give Arashi the same treatment. He said, "I'll go fetch him. Pour the miso soup and wait for us." He went upstairs, knocked on Kamui's door, and said, "I'm coming in." He opened the door and went inside without waiting for an answer. Kamui sat on the bed in the darkened room. Sorata switched on the light. P.82 Sorata gave Kamui a bright smile, and said, "Dinner's ready." Kamui replied with downcast eyes, "... Go ahead, don't wait for me. I don't want to upset everyone." P. 83 Sorata sat on the bed and lifted Kamui's face with his hands. He said, "Kamui, I've never said anything useful to you before, and I certainly haven't lived such a respectable life that I can teach anyone anything, but this is something I can say with conviction." P. 84 "Regret is something that starts you thinking what you should do to avoid going through all this suffering again. Kamui, I know you're already full of remorse." P. 85 "That's why you should start looking towards the future, and take a few steps forward." Kamui looked surprised, then lowered his eyes and answered, "That's right." P. 86 "Otherwise, I'll have to live with more regrets." When Kamui lifted his head again, his eyes were full of determination. P. 87 Sorata was glad of it. He put his hand on Kamui's shoulder and grinned, "Then you need to eat a lot more to regain your strength! You can't do a thing when you're hungry!" Kamui replied, "...Yeah." P. 88 Arashi and Yuzuriha were surprised to see Kamui coming down the stairs with Sorata. Kamui smiled, "Sorry to keep you waiting." He sat at the table besides Yuzuriha. P. 89 Lifting the chopsticks, he said, " ... Itadakimasu." (Let's eat.) Yuzuriha and Arashi looked relieved. Yuzuriha gave Kamui a bright smile and said, "Please eat as much as you want!" Arashi said, "I'll bring some tea." Sorata replied, "I'll help you with it." P. 90 "You amaze me," Arashi said. "Huh?" "To make someone who doesn't want to eat to have an appetite again, that's an amazing thing." Arashi elaborated. Sorata replied while rummaging the cupboard, "Not at all. Kamui decided it all by himself." Arashi said, "But you must have said something to make him want to eat again." P. 91 "The will to eat is the will to live." Arashi remembered those days when her grandmother brought her back from the slum and gave her the will to live again. P. 92 Sorata placed his hand on hers, and asked with a serious expression, "Will you eat too, if I ask you to?" Arashi looked at him, startled. They looked into each others' eyes. P. 93 The voice of Yuzuriha broke the spell. "Arashi-san! Sorata-san! Dinner is getting cold!" Sorata removed his hand and brought the tea cups with him. "Coming!" Arashi stared at the hand Sorata had touched. P. 94 Kamui stood outside the school entrance, solemn faced. Sorata pinched his face. "That's a good expression. You take care of yourself at school, okay?" He and Arashi walked off to class. Kamui lifted his hand to his pinched face. Yuzuriha stole a glance at him. P. 95 "Can I touch your face, too?" Kamui, a bit bewildered, replied, "S...sure." Yuzuriha put her hand on Kamui's cheek and said, "I'm sorry I couldn't do anything ... but ..." P. 96 With a look full of determination, she said, "If you are in danger again, please call me and Inuki. Promise me." She held out her little finger. P. 97 Kamui smiled and held out his little finger to seal their promise. Yuzuriha smiled in satisfaction and waved to him enthusiastically, "See you later." Kamui smiled after her. P. 98 He went to the grove where Kotori was buried. He thought, "Kotori, I won't be able to cry for you for a while, since nothing is changed by crying or grieving. Will you forgive me?" P. 99 A flock of birds flew past Kamui, and he smiled, "Thank you." P. 100 Kamui went into the classroom. He noticed that Segawa was absent and asked one of the girls, "Where's Segawa?" She replied, "He's probably in the Staff Office. He was absent until yesterday. His mother passed away in the Ikebukuro earthquake ..." Kamui dashed off. P. 101 Segawa walked on the school corridor, his eyes downcast. He was surprised to find Kamui rounding the corner, gasping for breath. "Shirou-kun!" P. 102 He discovered Kamui's bandaged arm and grasped his hand to examine the wound, exclaiming, "So you did get hurt!" Kamui removed his hand and said, "I'm alright, but you ..." Segawa pointed to the Band-Aid on his face and smiled, "It's just a cut." P. 103 He recognized Kamui's expression and asked, "So you heard about my mother?" Kamui looked saddened. Segawa smiled, " ... So you knew." P. 104 They went outside to the garden. "When I got back, our home was already burning ... I didn't make it in time, just like the time my father passed away. There was nothing I could do. But, that's exactly the reason why I have to live my father's and mother's share of life as well." P. 105 "At the funeral, I cried and cried, I thought my eyes were going to melt. Now I'll try hard to laugh their share of laughter, too. Our home is lost, but I'll be staying at the dorm. Exams are coming soon, I'll have to study hard to keep up the grades." P. 106 Segawa suddenly grasped Kamui's hand and said, "Come on! School has started already!" Kamui mumbled, "... If there's anything I can do, please tell me." "Huh?" Kamui looked a bit flustered. P. 107 "... since we're friends." P. 108 Segawa smiled whole-heartedly, "Sure!" He raced towards the classroom with Kamui, crying, "Wah! The teacher may have arrived already!" While running, Kamui thought, "There's something I can do." P. 109 "I can protect what is important to me." P. 110 "For this, I will create a 'kekkai'." Catch phrase: Kamui reexamines himself in the fellowship of his companions. Utako Last Impression