From: Utako Subject: March Asuka Date: Tuesday, March 02, 1999 1:09 AM Asuka Monthly March Issue X - Kekkai 12 P. 149 Color page: Kamui sat on a cross-like frame, draped in red. Teaser: I hope all the ones close to me are not my enemies. P. 151 Yuzuriha stood at the meeting place with Inuki. Yuzuriha: "What's wrong, Inuki? You look worried." Kusanagi: "Missy!" P. 152 Kusanagi: "Did I get the time wrong? I thought I was early." Yuzuriha: "No, I arrived a bit too early today." Kusanagi: "Really?" Yuzuriha: "Yes!" Kusanagi: "Good." Yuzuriha grinned, her cat ears popping up. P. 153 Yuzuriha: "I just saw someone who looks like you." Kusanagi: "Looks like me? Then he must be a big guy." Yuzuriha: "No. I'm not talking about the physique, though he was tall ... Oh! You both give me the same feeling, especially the smile." Kusanagi smiled at Yuzuriha. P. 154 Yuzuriha: "I must have met him somewhere before." Kusanagi: "Someone who looks like me ..." Yuzuriha: "Could it be someone you know?" Kusanagi: "It's not like that. The one I know, I wouldn't say he looks like me. Say rather that he looks like everyone, but then he also looks different from everyone." P. 155 Kusanagi: "It's as if he has thrown away his own self to act like SOMEONE ELSE according to the other person's wish." P. 156 Kusanagi: "That's not a good thing to do to yourself." Inuki looked on. Yuzuriha: "Kusanagi-san ..." Kusanagi: "Oops, what a weird topic it is. So, where are you taking me today?" Yuzuriha: "Takano Fruit Parlor! their fruit juice of the season is really tasty!" P. 157 Kamui: "Aren't we going to the hospital?" Daisuke: "President Toujou is here." P. 158 Daisuke: "He's with the medical staff of Toujou Pharmaceutical." Kamui: "Why use a hotel?" Daisuke: "Even though the founder of Toujou Pharmaceutical, Toujou Motoharu, carries only the title of President, he is still the actual head of the firm. If it was discovered that he was involved in the earthquake at the Ikebukuro Sunshine Building and got hurt, there'll be internal and external repercussions." P. 159 They were led into a hotel room with medical staff and equipment. Toujou was lying on bed. He noticed them, his focus on Kamui. P. 160 Toujou: "You are ... KAMUI ..." P. 161 Toujou: "Let me speak with them alone." Doctor: "But ..." The doctor relented and signalled the staff to leave. Toujou: "First I must thank you." Kamui: "I didn't do anything ..." Toujou: "If you hadn't brought me out of Sunshine Building, I wouldn't be here now. Thank you." P. 162 Kamui: "There's something I want to ask you. What was Fuuma doing at the Sunshine Building?" Toujou: "Fuuma?" Daisuke: "That is the real name of the other KAMUI." P. 163 Toujou: "I do not know why KAMUI appears under the Sunshine Building with Nataku. However, KAMUI had said, 'I will destroy all of the KEKKAI, and eliminate all who pollutes the Earth.' " P. 164 Toujou: "Sunshine Building is one of the KEKKAI." Kamui remembered Subaru, Keiichi and Keiichi's mother. P. 165 Daisuke: "What is Nataku?" Toujou: "Nataku is a clone created out of an artificial womb and DNA manipulation. It had also been my granddaughter." P. 166 Kamui: "Granddaughter...? But he ... he looked like a guy to me." Toujou: "Kazuki ... my granddaughter died of sickness when she was very young. My son, who was the head of the Development Division in Toujou Pharmaceutical, decided to revive her as a clone, using the cloning technology that he has been researching for a long time." P. 167 Toujou: "However, Kazuki's body was consumed by sickness and could not be entirely restored. My son's ... Kazuki's father's body was used for the missing parts." Kamui: "Did he pass away?" Toujou: "... My son took his own life to revive Kazuki ..." P. 168 Toujou: "And then, Nataku was completed using Kazuki's artificially matured womb and my son's tissues. Half of the tissues forming Nataku's bone structure came from my son. That's why Nataku looks like a male. But in fact, it is sexless ... and without emotions." Kamui: "Why is Nataku with Fuuma?" P. 169 Toujou: "That is probably because Kazuki, no, Nataku, is related to the End of the World." Daisuke: "Then it is one of the DRAGONS OF EARTH?" Toujou: "Even knowing that, my son still wanted to revive Kazuki ..." P. 170 Kamui: "How did you know your granddaughter is a DRAGON OF EARTH?" Toujou: "... That is because ..." Boom! P. 171 Daisuke: "Another earthquake?!" The image of Isetan Department Store formed in Kamui's mind. Kamui: "It's the KEKKAI ..." P. 172 Wires emerged from the ground like a living thing, wrecking the streets. Fuuma (watching from the top of a building): "... So, it's BEAST." Satsuki sat inside Beast. P. 173 Satsuki saw the image of East Shinjuku. The wires continued their attack. P. 174 Kusanagi protected Yuzuriha from being trampled by the crowd. Kusanagi: "Are you alright?" Yuzuriha: "Yes!" Yuzuriha: *This is not a normal earthquake!* Kusanagi: *This is the handiwork of the one under the Government Building!* (The image of Satsuki came to his mind.) P. 175 Yuzuriha: "Kusanagi-san! I just remembered something I've got to do!" Kusanagi: "Huh?" Yuzuriha: "Can I call you again?" Kusanagi: "Su...sure!" Yuzuriha took off. Kusanagi: "Wait! Missy!" Yuzuriha (waving goodbye): "Please leave here as soon as possible!" P. 176 Kusanagi: "Missy!" Live wires burst up around him. Kusanagi: "Damn!" He leapt onto the traffic lights. P. 177 The wires targeted Isetan Department Store. Yuzuriha started to make a cylinder-shaped kekkai. P. 178 A kekkai was set up over the Isetan Department Store. The trailer: The mysteries are unfolding. What will Kamui do ... Utako Last Impression