From: Utako Subject: April Asuka X Translation Date: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 11:47 PM Asuka Monthly April Issue X - Kekkai 13 Magazine Cover Kamui wearing a red uniform carrying his Holy Sword, on a clockwork background. Teaser: To become stronger than everyone else P. 11 Color page: Fuuma wearing a grayish black uniform carrying his Holy Sword, on a clockwork background. Teaser: If you create a KEKKAI, I, too, will gain new power. Because that is your WISH, KAMUI P. 12-13 Color pages: Kakyou wearing a kimono suspended by purple cords. Teaser: Accepting all that has come to pass, Kamui strives towards the future. P. 15-17 Yuzuriha raised a kekkai over part of East Shinjuku. P. 18 At the hotel, Kamui and Daisuke looked out of the bay window. Kamui: *It's a KEKKAI. The SEVEN SEALS. The kekkai of the DRAGONS OF HEAVEN.* P. 19 Kamui closed his eyes and saw the image of Yuzuriha making a cylinder shaped kekkai. Kamui: "Yuzuriha!" P. 20 Yuzuriha: *Where? Where is the one who triggered this earthquake? Where are you?* P. 21 Satsuki saw Yuzuriha on the monitors. Satsuki: "... So, this is one of the SEVEN SEALS. Let's have a little talk." Satsuki: "Beast." P. 22 Live wires pulled the Isetan logo off the department store. The sign fell right in front of Yuzuriha. Yuzuriha whistled. P. 23 Inuki turned into a sword. P. 24 Yuzuriha cut the attacking live wires with the Inuki-sword. P. 25 Yuzuriha jumped to the rooftop of a building. Satsuki tracked her movement on screen. P. 26 In the hotel room, the bay window shattered. Kamui asked Daisuke: "Take care of him!" P. 27 Daisuke: "Kamui!" >From the broken window, Kamui jumped off the hotel building. P. 28 Yuzuriha rode on Inuki and searched the kekkai from midair. Yuzuriha: "Come out! Stop hiding! Only the DRAGONS OF HEAVEN or DRAGONS OF EARTH can stay inside this KEKKAI. So what are you waiting for?" P. 29 Live wires crawled all over a giant TV screen mounted on the wall of a building. Yuzuriha jumped to the top of My City Department Store. Yuzuriha: "What?" The live wires ripped the TV screen off. P. 30 The live wires raised the TV screen before Yuzuriha. Satsuki appeared on screen. Yuzuriha: "You are the one who had done all this?" P. 31 Satsuki (pulling off her goggles to reveal her face): "Yes. I am one of those who are known as the SEVEN ANGELS or the DRAGONS OF EARTH." [Note: Asuka misprinted this as "Dragons of Heaven". A correction notice was made on the official page Clamp School Web Campus.] P. 32 Yuzuriha: "Why are you doing this? What can you accomplish by wrecking buildings and causing earthquakes?" Satsuki: "What's wrong with causing earthquakes?" Yuzuriha: "Innocent bystanders might get hurt or even die! Just now, someone could have gotten hurt! Someone could have died!" P. 33 Yuzuriha: "Did you do this knowing what would happen?" Satsuki: "Let me ask you something before answering that question. Why is it WRONG TO KILL HUMAN BEINGS?" Yuzuriha: "Why...!" P. 34 Satsuki: "A lot of animals are killed by human beings. So are the trees, grasses and flowers. Even if humans didn't do it consciously, they still go on killing other living things. Why? Because the other living things can't communicate with humans? Because they are not as clever as humans? Well then, is it justifiable to kill a living thing that cannot communicate with you and is less clever than you?" Yuzuriha: "...No!" Satsuki: "No? Can you say that you have never taken a life before?" P. 35 Satsuki: "Have you never eaten meat before? Aren't vegetables living things too? When you walk on the streets, have you never stepped on an insect too small for your eyes to see? Animals other than man kill other animals for food and survival, but man is different. If it doesn't suit his purpose, he kills, be it those of his own kind or other living things." Yuzuriha looked shocked. P. 36 Yuzuriha: "That's not true for everyone ... !" Satsuki: "But even those people have definitely killed something in order to survive. Then why are humans not counted as living things that can be KILLED? Is it because humans are stronger than other living things? Then, is it justifiable for stronger living things to kill human beings?" P. 37 Satsuki: "Let me ask you once more. Why is it WRONG TO KILL HUMAN BEINGS? The live wires attacked Yuzuriha and Inuki. Inuki jumped before Yuzuriha. P. 38 Several wires pierced through Inuki's body. Inuki fell before his mistress. Yuzuriha: "Inuki!" P. 39 Yuzuriha held Inuki in her arms, crying. "Inuki! Inuki!" P. 40 Inuki licked away her tears, then vanished. P. 41 Yuzuriha: "... Inuki ... No ... Inuki ..." P. 42 Yuzuriha: "Don't leave me ...!" P. 43 Satsuki disappeared from the TV screen. The screen crashed down towards Yuzuriha. It slammed onto the building, causing an explosion. P. 44 Kusanagi carried Yuzuriha away just in time. Kusanagi: "Are you alright?" Yuzuriha, eyes closed, held out her hand: "... Inuki ..." P. 45 Kusanagi caught her hand. Tears slid down Yuzuriha's face. The kekkai started to dissolve. P. 46 Kamui arrived just as the kekkai was dissolving. Kamui: "The KEKKAI ...!" He remembered Fuuma's words: *If the KEKKAI dissolves, it means the DRAGON OF HEAVEN is close to death.* P. 47 Kamui: "Yuzuriha!" He remembered the promise he made with the smiling Yuzuriha. The crowd was screaming, trying to escape from the impending doom. P. 48 Large chunks of concrete fell onto the crowd. Kamui arrived before My City. Kamui: "Yuzuriha! YUZURIHA!" P. 49 At the hotel. Doctor: "Sir, are you alright?" Toujou: "I'm fine ..." Daisuke noticed the explosion at a distance. Daisuke: "This place is in danger. Let's evacuate." He jumped off the building from the window. P. 50 Daisuke: "Could this be the work of the DRAGONS OF EARTH?" Fuuma appeared behind Daisuke: "Not Dragons. It was the work of one single Dragon." Daisuke: "Who are you?" Fuuma: "I thought we've met before." P. 51 Daisuke, summoning the wind: "The KAMUI of the DRAGONS OF EARTH!?" Fuuma: "The one you hold dearest, is that the Dreamgazer Princess under the Diet Building?" P. 52 Fuuma: "To protect the Dreamgazer known as Hinoto. That is your WISH." Daisuke: "How ... did you know about Princess Hinoto ...?" Fuuma: "I know, and not just your WISH." P. 53 Fuuma: "Since I am KAMUI, THE ONE WHO HUNTS THE GLORY OF GOD." P. 54 Kamui returned to the hotel. He saw Daisuke on the upper level of the walkway. He ran upstairs. Kamui: "Saiki! I can't find Yuzuriha anywhere! Saiki!" P. 55 Kamui: "Sa ..." He was shocked to see a blood splattered trashcan (?), and on top of it ... P. 56 The severed head of Daisuke fell to the floor. Trailer: First Inuki, and now even Saiki ... Utako Last Impression