From: Utako Subject: May Asuka Translation Date: Sunday, April 25, 1999 12:53 AM Disclaimer Copyright (C) Clamp 1999 This translation is only intended as a companion for those who are reading the X story running in the Asuka Magazine. It is not intended for public or commercial use. No profit has been, or will be made out of it. Please keep it for your personal use only. Asuka May Issue X - Kekkai 14 [ ] indicates lines in handwriting or captions { } indicates the actions P. 145 COLOR PAGE {Karen, clad in white and covered with a white veil, stood in the water, praying.} TEASER [Kamui is assailed by many sorrows ...] P.147 {Kamui stared in shock at Daisuke's severed head.} P.148 {Blood dripped onto Kamui's face from above.} {A headless body followed, crashing to the floor a few feet from him.} {Fuuma stood one floor above Kamui.} FUUMA You're late. P.149 {Fuuma leapt down. He slipped his blood splattered hands into the pockets of his jeans.} FUUMA I was just finishing up. P.150 {Kamui knelt down before Daisuke's head and touched it with a trembling hand.} KAMUI Sa ... ... i ... ki ... {He gritted his teeth.} P.151 {He launched a blast of energy at Fuuma.} KAMUI Aaaaaaaaaaaah! P. 152-153 {An explosion can be seen from afar.} P.154 {Sorata and Arashi raced towards the explosion.} SORATA Could it be Kamui!? ARASHI The "Kekkai" that appeared in Shinjuku was made by Yuzuriha ...! Its collapse means ...! SORATA Both Yuzuriha and Kamui are okay! P.155 SORATA Shouldn't we have more faith in them? ARASHI Ye ... yes! SORATA Let's go! P.156-158 {A furious Kamui attacked Fuuma.} P.159 {Kamui closed in, stabbing Fuuma's left shoulder with his hand.} P.160 {Kamui looked in shock at his fingers piercing Fuuma's shoulder.} KAMUI ... oh ...! P.161 {Fuuma pulled Kamui closer with one hand on his waist, the other capturing his fingers.} FUUMA Shouldn't you have aimed here? P.162 {Fuuma pulled Kamui's hand towards his heart.} FUUMA Well? If you smash it, I'll die. P.163 {Kamui caught hold of Fuuma's T-shirt, weeping.} KAMUI Fuuma ... why ...? Why ... ! P.164 {Fuuma licked away Kamui's tears.} FUUMA You had your chance, "Kamui". P.165 {Kamui was flung against the wall, collapsing it. He slid down and lay on a concrete pillar.} P.166 FUUMA If you want to kill me, try harder. {Fuuma placed his hand over Kamui's heart.} FUUMA ... This is where the heart is. P.167 FUUMA Shall I rip it out ... and eat it for you? P.168 SORATA That will be awkward for us. FUUMA "Dragons of Heaven"? {Arashi and Sorata arrived.} {Sorata gathered energy in his right hand.} SORATA Kamui's still a kid. He wouldn't understand all this profound conversation of grownups.} P.169 FUUMA ... However, it would have been in "Kamui's" best interest. {Arashi looked shocked.} P.170 {Sorata was about to create a cubic kekkai over the area.} FUUMA Don't waste your time. It's too late. P.171 {The surrounding area was split open.} P.172 {A monitor showed two screens. The upper screen showed the area splitting up in a pattern that conformed to the Tree of Life diagram in the lower screen.} ARASHI The Shinjuku high-rises! SORATA The high-rises there are the kekkai keystones! If they all collapse ...!! P.173 {A dragon made up of energy wreaked havoc among the high-rise buildings.} {On a beeping monitor, a diagram is shown superimposed on the buildings.} P.174 - 175 {The dragon raged over the area.} P.176 FUUMA Take him and leave now. SORATA Wait! ARASHI We have to get Kamui out of here! P.177 {Buildings were destroyed.} P.178 SORATA Wake up! Kamui! {Sorata lifted Kamui up.} {Kamui coughed blood.} ARASHI I'm afraid his ribs are broken. Be careful! P.179 - 181 {Buildings started to collapse.} P.182-183 {Satsuki watched the destruction of the area that formed a pattern identical to the diagram overlaid on the area map.} SATSUKI ... It's accomplished. P.184 {Satsuki leapt down from Beast into Yuuto's arms.} YUUTO ... That was a difficult question. "Why is it 'wrong to kill humans'?" The poor girl. That girl from the "Dragons of Heaven" looked like she was going to cry since she didn't have an answer. P.185 SATSUKI I just wanted to give the question a try. An answer from a ethical point of view, from an ideological point of view, or from a biological point of view. There can be many answers. However ... none of them are perfect. What do you think, Yuuto-san? Why is it "wrong to kill humans"? P.186 YUUTO That is because "someone will feel sorrow". {Satsuki looked startled.} P.187 {As Yuuto and Satsuki left the room, Beast zoomed in on Yuuto's image, beeping.} P.188 {Hinoto, enveloped in a transparent sphere, was weeping.} HINOTO Saiki-dono ... ... this ... is ... too cruel. P.189 {Kakyou appeared in the dreamscape.} KAKYOU However didn't you know this all along? Hadn't you known it would happen this way? {Kakyou showed Hinoto the scene of Fuuma blasting Daisuke.} P.190 {Hinoto saw a bleeding Daisuke crashing to the ground in front of an impassive Fuuma.} TEASER [Feeling the sorrow and suffering the hurt ...] Utako Last Impression