From: Utako Subject: June Asuka X Translation Date: Wednesday, June 02, 1999 1:53 AM Disclaimer Copyright (C) Clamp 1999 This translation is only intended as a companion for those who are reading the X story in the Asuka Magazine. It is not intended for public or commercial use. No profit has been, or will be made out of it. Please keep it for your personal use only. Asuka June Issue X - Kekkai 15 [ ] indicates lines in handwriting or captions { } indicates the actions P. 107 COLOR PAGE {Kamui with bat wings suspended by red strings.} TEASER [As long as the "Kamui" is still Kamui, "Fuuma" will not return.] P. 108-109 {Hinoto surrounded by wisteria at night.} TEASER {Supported by his brilliant companions, Kamui will ...!?} P.111 {Daisuke was on hands and knees before Fuuma.} FUUMA This is the work of the Dreamgazer princess. It seems that she intends to bring you back to her. {He raised his hand to stop Hinoto's power.} HINOTO Kyaaaaaa! P.112 HINOTO [Chanting] FUUMA If I tear this up, your precious princess will also be ripped apart. DAISUKE Don't ... ! P.113 {Daisuke, breathing heavily, stood up with much difficulty. He charged towards Fuuma.} FUUMA Your wish is to protect Hinoto with your life, to die protecting Hinoto. P.114 FUUMA This "Wish" of yours, I will realize it for you. HINOTO Saiki-dono!!! {Fuuma reached out his right hand towards Daisuke.} P.115 {Fuuma's hand reached Daisuke's throat.} HINOTO Don't!! P.116 {In the dreamscape} KAKYOU ... And then he died. The way he did in your "dreamgazing". HINOTO ... Even so, I still wanted to save Saiki-dono ... ! KAKYOU The future has been decided. No matter how hard you try ... it will not change. HINOTO Even so ... ! P.117 HINOTO Even so, I still cannot stop wishing!! For a different future ... !! P.118 KAKYOU ... However, the "Kamui of the Dragons of Heaven" will not be able to triumph over the "Kamui of the Dragons of Earth". P.119 KAKYOU As long as he does not give up the "Wish" that he himself is unaware of. P.120 {Under the Diet Building} SOUHI Princess! HIEN What happened!? HINOTO Saiki-dono ... ! P.121 HINOTO This "Wish" of mine ... Is this merely part of the predestined "Future"? P.122 {Yuzuriha woke up in the hospital.} YUZURIHA Inuki ... ! P.123 YUZURIHA ... Kusanagi-san. KUSANAGI You're awake. YUZURIHA Where ... KUSANAGI This is the medical office of the Self-Defense Force Ichigaya Base. This is the only hospital I am familiar with. All the Shinjuku hospitals are full with all those injured coming in. YUZURIHA Shinjuku ... P.124 YUZURIHA What happened to Shinjuku ... !? KUSANAGI ... Most of the high-rises have fallen. YUZURIHA ... It's my fault ... ! KUSANAGI Missy ... YUZURIHA I ... couldn't answer that question ... that why Shinjuku ... P.125 ... and Inuki as well! KUSANAGI It's not your fault. YUZURIHA [hiccup] It's ... my fault ... ! [hiccup] I couldn't answer that question. "Why is it wrong to kill human beings?" P.126 YUZURIHA [hiccup] I knew it was wrong, but I didn't know... how to explain it ... I knew I should say ... say something, but ... but then I became... more confused. I just don't know ... how to ... say it ... ! Since I couldn't say anything, couldn't do anything, Inuki ... who was protecting me ... [hiccup] P.127 YUZURIHA It's not just Inuki! With the Shinjuku buildings collapsing, a lot of people must have died! Just because I couldn't answer that question ...! KUSANAGI But missy knew it all along. YUZURIHA What ... ? KUSANAGI The answer to "Why is it wrong to kill human beings?" YUZURIHA I don't know! KUSANAGI You know. P.128 {Kusanagi wiped Yuzuriha's tears with his fingers.} KUSANAGI See, this is the "Answer". Missy, why are you crying? P.129 KUSANAGI Are you sad because Inuki is gone? YUZURIHA ... Yes. KUSANAGI Are you sad when you think that people have died in Shinjuku? YUZURIHA Yes ... P.130 KUSANAGI The answer to "Why is it wrong to kill human beings?" is "because someone will cry for them" like this. P.131 KUSANAGI And not just human beings. It is wrong to kill living things because someone is bound to feel sorrow for them. Missy, do you feel sad when someone died? Even if that is a stranger to you, or not a human at all? YUZURIHA Yes, I will. P.132 KUSANAGI Even if you don't know the person who died or where or when he died, if someone was killed by another person somewhere unexpectedly, won't you feel like crying? YUZURIHA ... Yes. KUSANAGI Nobody dies unmourned. Whether it was an acquaintance or a stranger, someone will feel sorrow. P.133 KUSANAGI That's why it is wrong for a person to kill another. Don't you think? YUZURIHA Yes. KUSANAGI Cry and mourn all you want. For Inuki and for those who died. When you're done crying, think of how to make good use of your life that Inuki has saved. P.134 YUZURIHA Yes ... KUSANAGI Rest for a while. I'll keep watch, don't worry. YUZURIHA Kusanagi-san ... KUSANAGI ... Yes? YUZURIHA ... Thank you ... P.135 KUSANAGI The missy ... I didn't know she was one of those called the "Dragons of Heaven". P.136-137 {Shinjuku in flames.} P.138 KAREN So the "Kekkai" has collapsed ... ? {Seiichirou rang the door bell.} KAREN Sorry to call you here. SEIICHIROU Not at all. I'm sorry for being late. P.139 KAREN Please have a seat. Is tea okay for you? SEIICHIROU Yes. {Seiichirou picked up a teddy bear from the sofa.} P.140 SEIICHIROU ... I hope you don't mind my touching the teddy bear. KAREN Not at all. {The TV is on.} SEIICHIROU ... This is Shinjuku. KAREN We might say it's totally devastated. SEIICHIROU You used to work in Shinjuku, didn't you? P.141 KAREN I started working in Shibuya a week ago. It's a 5-minutes' walk from this weekly mansion. What about you? SEIICHIROU The books fell down from the bookshelves in our office, but I got away with just a bump on the head. Both my wife and my child are alright. KAREN You have a wife and a child? SEIICHIROU Yes. KAREN So it's true. SEIICHIROU What's true? KAREN The good men are usually either taken or gay. SEIICHIROU ? P.142 KAREN But I'm glad your family is safe from harm. SEIICHIROU Yes. KAREN Had you contacted Sorata-kun? SEIICHIROU Yes. KAREN It seems Kamui-kun is hurt again. P.143 SEIICHIROU He's still being treated in the Clamp Campus ... But he remains unconscious. Subaru-kun was also in a Shinjuku hospital, but has been evacuated along with other patients and was not injured. He is now in the Clamp Campus just like Kamui-kun. KAREN Where is Yuzuriha? P.144 SEIICHIROU We still ... ... don't know. Daisuke-kun ... ... seems to have passed away. KAREN ... seems ... ? P.145 SEIICHIROU Princess Hinoto said she felt it in her dream ... Since Shinjuku is in such a state, there is no way to identify the bodies. But I ... I thought so too. KAREN You feel it ... when someone close to you died? SEIICHIROU I don't have that kind of power, but ... This is very strange. P.146 SEIICHIROU Daisuke-kun made me promise not to cry for him if he died. He had decided to protect Princess Hinoto when he was small. That's why if he was to die, he would have died protecting Princess Hinoto. He would have died fulfilling his own wish. So he said not to cry for him. KAREN When was this promise made? SEIICHIROU When he was 13. P.147 {Karen placed her hand on Seiichirou's.} KAREN But it's tough not being allowed to mourn the death of someone you love. You should never ask someone to make that kind of promise to you. SEIICHIROU ... Yes. P.148 SEIICHIROU You told me on the phone that you have something to tell me. KAREN Yes. ... Next time if somewhere in Tokyo is facing destruction, I'll go. SEIICHIROU Why? KAREN I should be the one to go. SEIICHIROU Karen-san ... !? P.149 TV BROADCAST All of a sudden, the Yamanote Line was derailed! The cause for the derailment is totally unknown! I repeat! The Yamanote Line was derailed! SEIICHIROU "The Dragons of Earth"! KAREN It's "The Seven Angels". P. 150 {Seiichirou was about to leave.} KAREN What about the tea? SEIICHIROU Oh. {He gulped it down.} Thank you. KAREN No, you can't go. You have a wife and a lovely child. Kamui and the other "Seven Seals" are still young. P. 151 KAREN That's why I'm going. I have no one to cry for me. SEIICHIROU That's not true ... KAREN I don't have anyone. Really. P.152 {A woman wearing a rosary kept hitting the young Karen holding a teddy bear.} KAREN That's why no matter what happens, don't involve yourself. Until I die. P.153 KAREN I just wanted to tell you this. SEIICHIROU Did you think I would say "okay I understand"? KAREN I didn't think so. That's why I put something in your tea. SEIICHIROU Karen-sa ... {He fell.} P.154 {Karen placed the teddy bear besides Seiichirou.} KAREN Keep an eye on Aoki-san. I will take care of things before Aoki-san wakes up and Sorata-kun and the others arrive. {She left through the window.} TEASER [Claiming that no one will cry for her, Karen ...] Utako Last Impression ~ A Gundam Wing Page