From: Utako Subject: July Asuka X Translation Date: Sunday, July 04, 1999 8:27 PM Disclaimer Copyright (C) Clamp 1999 This translation is only intended as a companion for those who are reading the X story in the Asuka Magazine. It is not intended for public or commercial use. No profit has been, or will be made out of it. Please keep it for your personal use only. Asuka July Issue X - Kekkai 16 [ ] indicates lines in handwriting or captions { } indicates the actions P. 147 COLOR PAGE {Kanoe, mostly nude and wearing a flimsy semi-transparent kimono, lounged on a tree trunk.} TEASER [Karen appeared to have made some sort of decision. What awaits her at her destination?] P. 149 {On her way to the railway station, Karen remembered the way her mother abused her.} P.150-151 {Nataku used its powers to destroy the JR trains.} P.152 KAREN Stop it right there, will you? NATAKU ... You are one of the "Seven Seals". KAREN Why are you doing this? P.153 NATAKU Because this is the wish of "Kamui". KAREN !? {Nataku attacked with its cloth weapon.} P.154 KAREN {Karen's dress was torn.} I don't like impetuous people. {She started to create a cross-shaped kekkai.} P.155-156 {A cross-shaped kekkai is created over the station.} P.157 KAREN Now we can take it slowly. Just the two of us. {She blasted Nataku with a wave of fire.} P.158 {Karen continued her attack until Nataku was hit again.} P.159 {Nataku fell.} KAREN You wouldn't want to die, would you? The people crushed by the trains you derailed thought so too. P.160 KAREN Don't do this again ... NATAKU Why would people not want to die? I do not possess such an emotion. P.161 {Karen was shocked. Nataku took the opportunity to blast the station again. Karen called forth her power.} P.162 {Nataku was hit again.} KAREN ... This is so strange. You look like a small child to me. P.163 KAREN Aren't you alive? No living thing is without emotion. You only think that it was so. P.164 {Karen turned to see a wall of water crashing towards her. The water pushed her away from Nataku.} YUUTO Please forgive my interruption. P.165 KAREN ... You are another member of the "Seven Angels". YUUTO This is such an embarrassing title. But yes, it seems so. KAREN I'm all wet. My makeup is ruined. YUUTO You look much more beautiful without it. KAREN Why, thank you. P.166 YUUTO I haven't used my water tricks for quite a while. It makes me feel tired. Maybe I'm getting old. KAREN But you're still so young. YUUTO I just dress young. That's why I'd like to avoid exhausting myself if possible. Can I prevail on you to take down the "Kekkai"? P.167 KAREN Will you promise me not to go about destroying things again? YUUTO I wouldn't mind, but I doubt he will make such a promise. KAREN In which case I can't let you go. YUUTO Then I have no choice but to tax my aged body. P.168-169 {Battle scene.} P.170 KAREN You're still much younger than me. YUUTO Not at all. Your flame has slowed me down. Attacks when evaded are useless. P.171 KAREN It was pure luck that I eluded your attacks. YUUTO Don't be so modest. {Yuuto started his attack again. This time Karen had trouble evading it.} P.172 {Seiichirou blocked the attack for her with his wind powers.} KAREN Aoki-san!? Why are you here!? {Karen ran towards Seiichirou who had trouble staying on his feet.} P.173 YUUTO Since he can enter the "Kekkai", I assume he is another member of the "Seven Seals". But it seems he is not in his best condition. It would be difficult for both of us to cover for our companions. At this stage the derailment is probably not enough to affect the entire Yamanote Line. We will withdraw for the time being. Will you agree to call it a day? P.174 KAREN ... Very well. {She took down the Kekkai.} P.175 KAREN Next time you decide to destroy anywhere, remember to ask for me as your opponent. {Yuuto left with the injured Nataku.} KAREN You ought to have been sound asleep for at least 4 hours after taking the drug. How did you get here ... P.176 {Karen noticed Seiichirou's bleeding left thigh.} KAREN You ... ! SEIICHIROU ... I couldn't keep my eyes open ... so I borrowed the fruit knife ... at your ... home. KAREN What did you do that for? Don't you know your wife will worry about you? {Karen tore off part of her skirt and dressed Seiichirou's wound.} SEIICHIROU That's what ... I'd like ... to say to you. Did you really think that ... ... no one will weep for you if you die? P.177 SEIICHIROU I will ... weep for you. I am not good at getting angry ... but if ... you left all by yourself thinking what you had on your mind just now, I will really ... get angry ... {He grasped Karen's hand.} P.178 {Seiichirou passed out.} KAREN Aoki-san! {She listened to Seiichirou's chest for heartbeat and discovered that he had just fallen asleep.} P.179 {Karen's mother, wearing a rosary, kept hitting the young Karen.} KAREN'S MOTHER Devil! You should have died! YOUNG KAREN Mama won't be sad if I died? KAREN'S MOTHER Who will ... YOUNG KAREN You won't? KAREN'S MOTHER ... feel sad for the like of you! P.180 {Karen held Seiichirou's hand.} KAREN ... Thank you. Utako Last Impression