From: Utako [] Sent: Thursday, July 22, 1999 8:07 PM Subject: August Asuka X Translation Disclaimer Copyright (C) Clamp 1999 This translation is only intended as a companion for those who are reading the X story in the Asuka Magazine. It is not intended for public or commercial use. No profit has been, or will be made out of it. Please keep it for your personal use only. Asuka August Issue X Side Story - Karen Kasumi [ ] indicates lines in handwriting or captions { } indicates the actions P. 251 COVER {Karen wearing a rosary.} P. 252 TEASER [Karen's past is revealed.] {A young Karen played with fire inside a church.} KAREN Paul! (Note: Karen's teddy bear.) Isn't it beautiful? {She created spiraling orbs of flame.} See? I can do it without using a match. I'll show this to Mama. It's so beautiful. Mama will be pleased. {Karen's mother opened the church door.} P.253 KAREN Mama! Look! Isn't it beautiful? {Karen's mother was shocked.} {She slapped Karen.} KAREN'S MOTHER Demon! P.254 {In a shoddy apartment ...} KAREN'S MOTHER It's all because of you that we have to hide in such a place. KAREN Please stop! Mama! KAREN'S MOTHER Why ... !? How did I give birth to a demon like you!? Why don't you just die! P.255 KAREN Mama won't be sad if I die? ... You won't cry for me? KAREN'S MOTHER Who'd cry for someone like you! {Karen held on to her teddy bear, crying.} {A car arrived outside the apartment.} P.256 MAN We need the powers of your daughter. Please let us raise her to use her powers for peace. KAREN'S MOTHER Please go away! MAN Madam! KAREN'S MOTHER This child is a demon! If I don't keep watch over her, who knows what she will do! {She slammed the door.} Demon! Those fishy religious cults came here all because you are a demon! P.257 KAREN ... I didn't do anything. Ever since that day, I can't make fire anymore. I didn't do anything ... ... Am I a bad girl just because I have this power? If a demon is someone who do bad things ... ... isn't Mama a demon too, since you beat me all the time? P.258 {Karen's mother beat Karen while crying.} {Karen woke up in a hospital.} KAREN ... Where ... ... am I? DOCTOR You're in a hospital. Your neighbor called the police. P.259 KAREN ... Where is Mama ... DOCTOR ... She passed away ... When the ambulance arrived to take you to the hospital, she tried to stop them. She ran out to the street and got hit by a car ... {The doctor handed her the teddy bear.} ... Now ... ... rest some more ... {The doctor and the nurse left.} KAREN ... Even so, Paul ... ... I still loved Mama ... P.260 KAREN She is the only one who will ever cry for me ... {On the ear of the teddy bear, a label read "To Karen From Mama".} {Tears streamed down her face as she thought of her mother crying.} Utako Last Impression