From: Utako [] Sent: Sunday, September 05, 1999 9:24 PM Subject: September Asuka X Translation Disclaimer Copyright (C) Clamp 1999 This translation is only intended as a companion for those who are reading the X story in the Asuka Magazine. It is not intended for public or commercial use. No profit has been, or will be made out of it. Please keep it for your personal use only. Asuka September Issue X - Kekkai 17 [ ] indicates lines in handwriting or captions { } indicates the actions P. 11 COLOR PAGE #1 In the middle, a large round stone disc with seven dragons forming a pattern around the words "Dragons of Heaven" (in Kanji/Chinese) and "The Seven Seals" (in English). Above, the words "Seven Seals" written in Chinese. Below, a smaller symbol of the Dipper with the words "the seven seals" written in English. At the bottom, the words "Dragons of Heaven" written in Japanese. P. 12-13 COLOR PAGE #2-3 Kamui with bat wings, bleeding, his clothes torn, with bandages wrapped loosely around him. [What will be the new clash between "Heaven and Earth"?] P. 15 {Blood dripped from the tip of a bat wing.} P. 16-17 {Kamui, with 3 pairs of bat wings, hung suspended by threads, bleeding.} P. 18 {Droplets of blood fell on a liquid surface.} P. 19 {Kakyou appeared before Kamui.} KAKYOU ... "Kamui". P. 20 KAKYOU ... Can you hear me? ... You have been hurt a lot ... in body and in spirit ... ... Will you give up your "wish" ... ? ... If you go on wishing, you will be hurt again. P. 21 KAKYOU To know what you don't want to know ... To see what you don't want to see ... Even so ... ... will you go on wishing? {Kamui slowly opened his eyes.} P. 22 KAMUI Now that ... both Fuuma and I are "Kamui", no one can stop him but me ... I will ... no longer falter. I will become stronger than him. I won't let him ... kill anyone anymore. P. 23 KAKYOU Even if the "Kamui of the Dragons of Earth", no ... even if "Fuuma" will be hurt by your powers? KAMUI ... Yes. P. 24-25 KAMUI ... I have decided. ... I will get Fuuma back. P. 26 KAKYOU I know ... ... how you can achieve this. ... Would you like to know? KAMUI If what you say is true. {The Shinken (Holy Sword) appeared in the dreamscape.} P. 27 KAKYOU ... If you use the Shinken, you will meet "Fuuma". However ... That ... will be the link to further tragedies ... KAMUI ... What do you mean ...? P. 28 KAKYOU ... In everyone, there dwells another self. A gentle heart and a cruel heart. A beautiful heart and an ugly heart. Everyone ... has such opposing hearts. "The other Kamui" who brought you so much pain is you as well. P. 29 KAKYOU ... Moreover, someone close to you is also suffering because of the "other self". The face this person shows to you may not be its entirety. P. 30 KAMUI You are the Dreamgazer of the "Dragons of Earth". Why are you telling me this? KAKYOU I know the final outcome of this war. However, even knowing the Future, I cannot do anything about it, or change anything. P. 31 KAKYOU ... Maybe that's why I wanted to believe in the last words said by the girl who loved you, "The Future is not yet decided." P. 32 {Kamui woke up to see Subaru beside him.} SUBARU ... I'm glad you're awake ... P. 33 KAMUI ... Su ... baru ... {He tried to get up, but failed.} SUBARU You are still not well enough. KAMUI Have I been here ... long ...? P. 34 SUBARU You had been unconscious ever since Arisugawa-kun brought you here. KAMUI How are Sorata and Arashi? SUBARU Both of them are fine. They weren't injured. KAMUI Have you been ... holding my hand all this time? P. 35 SUBARU You did that for me when I was unconscious. KAMUI ... Thank you ... P. 36 KAMUI ... I saw a dream. In my dream, I met the Dreamgazer of the "Dragons of Earth". ... He asked me ... if I would give up my wish ... {Kamui lifted his hand to Subaru's cheek.} You're injured because of me. P. 37 KAMUI Saiki is dead because of me ... Even so, I still cannot give up on Fuuma ... P. 38 {Subaru held Kamui's hand.} SUBARU ... If that is the wish you had chosen ... My sister used to tell me, the happiest moment in a person's life is the moment his or her wish comes true. ... What makes a person happy is different for everyone. Even if it is what others see as misfortune. P. 39 KAMUI ... The only one who can make Subaru truly happy ... is the "Sakurazukamori". SUBARU ... Yes. P. 40 {Sorata and Arashi came in.} SORATA You're awake!? SUBARU He woke up just now ... SORATA I'm so glad! KAMUI What happened to ... Saiki's remains ...? SORATA With the destruction of Shinjuku, we couldn't recover his remains ... P. 41 KAMUI ... I want to see Hinoto. I want to apologize to her for Saiki's death. P. 42 KAMUI I'm not doing this for her forgiveness. I just want to ... apologize. P. 43 {Sorata put a hand on Kamui's shoulder.} SORATA ... I understand. However, you are not well enough to go to the Diet Building. Kamui, get back to sleep. P. 44 SORATA Have you contacted the Princess? ARASHI Yes. She said she is waiting. SORATA What's the matter? ARASHI It seems Princess Hinoto is not feeling well. Souhi-dono and Hien-dono are both worried about her. P. 45 SORATA It hasn't been long since Saiki's death. Kamui has just fallen sleep. He can meet her ... ... in his dream. P. 46 {Kamui entered the dreamscape.} HINOTO I have been waiting for you. KAMUI ... Hinoto ... HINOTO Please do not apologize. It is not your fault that Saiki-dono has passed away. P. 47 HINOTO It was all my fault. Saiki-dono died protecting me. Even though I am not worthy of it. P. 48 HINOTO I know you feel as much pain as I do. No, my pain is insignificant compared to yours. Please follow the way you have chosen, for your own "wish". {Hinoto started to tremble.} KAMUI ... Hinoto? P. 49 KAMUI Are you feeling well? I shouldn't have made this unreasonable request ... HINOTO ... The lingering fragrance of a "Dreamgazer's" dream ... ... You met Kakyou, didn't you. KAMUI Yes. Awhile ago, in a dream. P. 50 KAMUI Kakyou told me that if I use the Shinken, I can meet "Fuuma". Do you know what he means? He also said that in everyone, there dwells another self. Someone close to me is also suffering because of this "other self". P. 51 {A sinister smile appeared on the face of Hinoto's reflection on the liquid surface of the dreamscape.} KAMUI Hinoto? HINOTO Well ... I have ... no idea ... {She disappeared.} P. 52 {Kamui woke up to the concerned faces of Subaru, Sorata and Arashi.} SORATA Did you meet the princess? KAMUI Yeah ... {He remembered the sinister smile on the face of Hinoto's reflection.} TEASER Kakyou's words ... Hinoto's answer ... what will Kamui ... ? Utako Last Impression