Disclaimer Copyright (C) Clamp 1999 This translation is only intended as a companion for those who are reading the X story in the Asuka Magazine. It is not intended for public or commercial use. No profit has been, or will be made out of it. Please keep it for your personal use only. Asuka October Issue (Rough Draft) X - Kekkai 18 [ ] indicates lines in handwriting or captions { } indicates the actions P. 79 COLOR PAGE Subaru in black, his wrists tied together with bandages, blood dripping from his wounds. TEASER "Tokyo" is terrified at the trembling "Earth" ... P. 81 KAMUI Hinoto's behavior seems so strange ... Also, the smile reflected in the water ... It seemed to belong to a different person ... P. 82 {Inside the dreamscape, Kakyou sat in a Japanese room scattered with maple leaves. On the other side of the opened paper door, he could see Hinoto with her back towards him.} P. 83 FUUMA "The future is not yet determined" ...? KAKYOU When did you enter the dream ...? FUUMA Around the time when you appeared before the "Kamui" of the "Dragons of Heaven". P. 84 FUUMA As long as you don't refuse me, you will not be able to stop me from appearing in your dream. The future has been determined. As a dreamgazer, you should know that well. What's more, if the future changes, your "wish" will not come true. P. 85 FUUMA I am the only one who can kill you. {He disappeared from the dreamscape, leaving Kakyou.} P. 86 {Kakyou continued to watch the reflection inside the dreamscape. On Tokyo Tower, Kamui, wearing a school uniform, stood before Fuuma, also in school uniform. P. 87 {Both Kamui and Fuuma were bearing their Holy Sword.} KAKYOU There is only one future ... P. 88 LITTLE GIRL Oniichan, oniichan! (Note: big brother in Japanese) If you sleep here, you are going to get a sunstroke. There are also more and more earthquakes, you shouldn't let your mind wander. Who knows when a building is going to fall? FUUMA That's why you wake me up? LITTLE GIRL Yes! P. 89 FUUMA Thank you. LITTLE GIRL {Smiles bashfully} FUUMA Did you come by yourself? LITTLE GIRL No, I came with my mama. She's shopping. I'm waiting here with him. {She showed Fuuma a frog plush doll.} FUUMA I see. I'll get you something to drink in return for waking me up. P. 90 LITTLE GIRL Hmm, hmm, I want this! Thank you. Oniichan, you are going to drink all 3 of them? {Fuuma had gotten 3 cans of tea from the vending machine.} FUUMA No, I'm going to use it. LITTLE GIRL For what? P. 91 FUUMA To destroy the "Kekkai". LITTLE GIRL Kekkai? FUUMA It's hard for one person to finish all three cans. Let's each have two cans. LITTLE GIRL Okay! P. 92 {Fuuma played with the girl until her mother arrived.} MOTHER I'm sorry to keep you waiting. LITTLE GIRL Oh! It's Mama! FUUMA She's come for you. LITTLE GIRL Yes! {Gulping down her drink} P. 93 LITTLE GIRL Thank you for your drink. *Bow* FUUMA No, I should be the one thanking you for helping me. LITTLE GIRL To do what? {Fuuma took the can from her.} P. 94 FUUMA Leave Ebisu as soon as you can with your Mama. LITTLE GIRL Why? FUUMA Because this is your "wish". P. 95 {Saying goodbye, the girl left with her mother.} FUUMA You had not wished "to die". P. 96-97 {Fuuma placed the cans at different locations. Energy emitted from the cans and from Fuuma. The cans exploded.} P. 98-101 {Earthquake in the Ebisu district.} *Booming noises* *People screaming* P. 102-103 FUUMA In Japan, those who think that "No matter what happens, I don't want to die" are rare. P. 104 {Beast displayed images of Ebisu's destruction on screen.} SATSUKI Destruction of the "Keystones" in Ebisu. P. 105 {Satsuki was inside Beast. Kanoe and Yuuto were standing below.} SATSUKI Earthquake throughout the entire Ebisu district. *Beep, beep, beep* YUUTO ... The destruction of Ebisu? That lady will be angry. (Note: Karen) {Satsuki focused on Yuuto.} *Beep, beep* P. 106 YUUTO "Kamui" is so powerful, and hard working, too. I haven't taken any actions, Kusanagi-san cannot be contacted, Sakurazuka-san is acting on his own. P. 107 YUUTO "Kamui", Satsuki-chan and Nataku-kun are the only ones who are destroying the Kekkai. The "Seven Angels" are all acting on their own whims [including myself of course]. P. 108 YUUTO Is something wrong, Kanoe-san? KANOE ... I don't know. I just have a very bad feeling about this. I don't have the power of dreamgazing. I can only get stolen glimpses of my sister's dream of the future ... P. 109 KANOE However ... whenever I see "Kamui", I have this bad feeling. P. 110 {Hinoto was dreaming about the Seven Seals and the Seven Angels at Tokyo Tower again.} P. 111 {In her dream, Kamui stood before her corpse, his Holy Sword dripping blood.} P. 112 {Hinoto's reflection spoke to her.} HINOTO'S REFLECTION Your dreamgazing will not come true. No matter how hard you try, it will not change a thing. HINOTO Stop it ...! TEASER Kanoe was frightened of the "Kamui of Earth", and Hinoto cried out in anguish ... ************ Utako ~ Keeper of Heero's Laptop ************ Last Impression: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Fuji/4189/ Gundam Wing fanart, doujinshi translation, quotes and stuff __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com