From: Utako [] Subject: November Asuka Asuka November Issue X - Kekkai 19 Disclaimer Copyright (C) Clamp 1999 This translation is only intended as a companion for those who are reading the X story in the Asuka Magazine. It is not intended for public or commercial use. No profit has been, or will be made out of it. Please keep it for your personal use only. % indicates lines not spoken $ indicates flashback lines [ ] indicates lines in handwriting or captions { } indicates the actions P. 115 COLOR PAGE Kakyou dressed in kimono, sprawling on a tree branch. TEASER Kanoe's fear ... Hinoto's sad cry ... P. 117 HINOTO'S REFLECTION What are you afraid of? For someone who has been nothing but a Dreamgazer ever since you were born a long time ago, you should know. P. 118 HINOTO'S REFLECTION The future is already determined. That your dreamgazing will not come true is also part of the decided future. P. 119 HINOTO'S REFLECTION Whatever you do, no matter what your wish is, this dream of the future will not come to pass. P. 120 {Hinoto's reflection rose from the water to stand before Hinoto.} HINOTO How ...!? P. 121 HINOTO'S REFLECTION Are you wondering how I can leave your dream to touch you like this? P. 122-123 HINOTO'S REFLECTION You can no longer keep me locked up inside your heart. P. 124-125 {Hinoto trembled and wept. She shoved her reflection back into the water and throttled her. Her reflection smiled at her under the water.} P. 126 HINOTO'S REFLECTION Soon you will be meeting me not only in your dream, but in reality. P. 127 {Hinoto's reflection disappeared, leaving the distraught Hinoto behind.} P. 128 SUBARU ... Are you alright? KAMUI I can't sleep on forever. {Subaru smiled at him.} {Kamui could not put on his school tie due to injury. Subaru tied it for him.} P. 129 KAMUI ... Thank you. P. 130 KAMUI ... First we have to look for Yuzuriha. SUBARU ... That's right. Now he doesn't have to worry anymore. KAMUI "He"? P. 131 SUBARU Segawa-kun, if I remember correctly. He seemed to have remembered meeting me once. After the Shinjuku earthquake, whenever he saw me here in the Clamp campus, he asked about you. He asked me, "Shirou-kun still hasn't come to school yet. Is he alright?" P. 132 SUBARU He was really worried about you. KAMUI That's because ... he's a friend. P. 133 SUBARU ... I'm glad that you've made a good friend. KAMUI ... Yeah. P. 134 KAMUI % Kotori ... % ... Maybe I've made a mistake. % However ... P. 135 KAMUI % Even if it's a mistake, % I will get Fuuma back. P. 136 KAMUI % Kakyou said that if I use the "Holy Sword", I will "meet Fuuma". What did he mean by that? % Why will that lead to "further tragedy". % Also, % was that really Hinoto? P. 137 KEIICHI SHIROU-KUN!! I'm so glad to see you! I was worried that something had happened to you since you didn't come to school ...! {His eyes fell on Kamui's bandaged arm.} Aah! You did get hurt! If you'd told me, I would have come to visit you! KAMUI I'm ... I'm okay now. KEIICHI Really!? Are you sure!? {Kamui nodded.} KEIICHI Good! [Sigh of relief.] P. 138 KEIICHI During the time when you didn't show up, I was worried that I would never see you again, just like my parents. Whenever there's an earthquake, it started me thinking. Is there anything I can do other than worrying? I wish I had the power to stop earthquakes. That's what I thought. P. 139 KEIICHI Of course, earthquakes are just part of natural disasters, but recently, they are occurring somewhere in Tokyo almost on a daily basis. If I can stop the earthquakes, maybe I won't lose people I care about anymore. I know I sound like a child wishing for supernatural powers. [Mom used to say I always act like a little kid.] Ahahaha! Funny isn't it? P. 140 KEIICHI Shirou-kun, it's okay to laugh at me if it sounds funny. KAMUI ... I won't laugh at you. KEIICHI ... Thank you. P. 141 KAMUI % A "Kekkai" that can only be created by the Dragons of Heaven. DAISUKE $ Seiichirou-san told me once how to create a "Kekkai". $ To protect what is important to you. $ That's what he strongly wished for when he created a "Kekkai". KAMUI A "Kekkai" to protect what I care for. P. 142 {In Shibuya, near the Shibuya 109 department store, Seishirou stood on top of a building, his gloved hand dripping blood.} P. 143 FUUMA Have you finished your work? SEISHIROU Yes. Are you here in Shibuya on business? FUUMA Nataku failed to derail the Yamate line at Shibuya, so I'm here to do some follow-up. SEISHIROU I see. P. 144-147 FUUMA Now that you've defiled that building with blood, it's easier to take care of things. {As Fuuma pointed to the Shibuya 109 building, a dragon of energy hit it and the structure collapsed.] P. 148 FUUMA Do you want any? This chocolate chip ice cream is really tasty. {Fuuma held out the ice cream cone.} SEISHIROU I'm honored. {He held Fuuma's hand and tried the ice cream.} TEASER There is a sense of danger in Shibuya ... *** Utako ~ Keeper of Heero's SelfDestruct Pro Laptop *** Last Impression: Gundam Wing fanart, doujinshi translation, quotes and stuff