Asuka December Issue X - Kekkai 20 Disclaimer Copyright (C) Clamp 1999 This translation is only intended as a companion for those who are reading the X story in the Asuka Magazine. It is not intended for public or commercial use. No profit has been, or will be made out of it. Please keep it for your personal use only. % indicates lines not spoken $ indicates flashback lines [ ] indicates lines in handwriting or captions { } indicates the actions P. 8-9 COLOR PAGES Satsuki lying amidst her machinery with cords and wires plugged into her, her glasses held in one hand. TEASER Shibuya was destroyed by Fuuma and Seishirou ... P. 11 {Scenes of destruction} SEISHIROU This is tasty. Where did you buy the ice cream? FUUMA In Shibuya. SEISHIROU Then we won't have the chance to taste it again. FUUMA They have another branch in Mejiro. Let's try it out next time. P. 12 SEISHIROU That's great. FUUMA Yeah. But ... moving around will be difficult now that the Yamanote line no longer works. P. 13 {More destruction along the railway.} P. 14-15 FUUMA Built in the shape of Buddha's hands, the Yamanote Line is a ring-like "Kekkai" laid for the protection of Tokyo. P. 16 FUUMA A ring loses its power when you break it. SEISHIROU So the Yamanote Line is destroyed ...? P. 17 SEISHIROU Well, let's try out everything delicious out there before the entire Tokyo is destroyed. Would you like to go to the crepe shop with me? FUUMA Gladly. P. 18 SORATA So the Yamanote Line is totally trashed. ARASHI The 109 Building fell. It was one of the Shibuya kekkai. It seems that the damage has spread to the Shibuya Station. SORATA The Yamanote Line is one of the keystones among the kekkai protecting Tokyo. ... This is not good. ARASHI ... Yes. P. 19 SORATA Anyway, it irks me that we don't know where the "Dragons of Earth" will next appear. To make things worse, one of the "Dragons of Earth" seems to be a "Dreamgazer". Our moves are known to them to a certain extent. Is the Princess still feeling unwell? ARASHI It seems that she is still in her sick bed. SORATA That means ... we won't be able to predict the next targeted "Kekkai". P. 20 SORATA After his meeting with the Princess, Kamui looked so thoughtful. Something must have happened inside the dreamscape. SORATA What is it? You look so startled. ARASHI ... I hadn't noticed Kamui's expression. P. 21 SORATA He's easy to read. Whether he's upset or happy, his face shows it all. [Well, he seems to believe that he has a poker face.] ARASHI ... Can you read me too? P. 22 ARASHI What am I thinking of right now? SORATA "This guy looks frivolous, but he can be quite observant, too." I guessed right, didn't I? P. 23 SORATA However, there are things that I can't say for sure. ... For example, what do you think of me? P. 24 SORATA I love you. I'm not teasing you, and it's not meant as a joke. I'm serious. My feelings haven't changed a bit since we first met. P. 25 SORATA I've decided that if I have to die for someone, that someone will be you. Are my feelings for you nothing but trouble to you? {He held a strand of Arashi's hair in his hand.} Am I still merely one of the "Dragons of Heaven" in your eyes? P. 26-27 SORATA {He kissed the strand of Arashi's hair in his hand.} I think that you are becoming more relaxed around me. Have I gotten the wrong impression? P. 28 ARASHI I ... P. 29 NOKORU {Barging in with Suoh and Akira.} Arisugawa-san! {Arashi disappeared from the side of Sorata so quickly that he turned about looking for her.} NOKORU ... It seems that I have interrupted you. [That was so careless of me.] SORATA Not at all. It was a one-sided courtship. To her, you arrival must be a timely rescue. [Hahahahahahahaha] So, did you find out where the "Dragons of Earth" might target next? P. 30-31 NOKORU We can't be absolutely sure. For the moment, we simply used the computer to round up locations that are more at risk. {Arashi looked at Sorata, and played with her hair that he had been touching a moment ago.} P. 32 REPORTER Please take a look at this! The fire has just been put out in Shibuya! It looks like some kind of ruins. Here is the Shibuya Station. Can this snake-like thing be the railway!? P. 33 REPORTER What's puzzling is that the other Yamanote Line stations have followed suit when the Shibuya Station was destroyed. There is no plausible explanation for this! P. 34 KAREN The "Kekkai" I created has become useless. P. 35 SEIICHIROU Karen-san! You didn't get hurt did you? Are you really alright? KAREN {Smiling} That's what I told you on the phone. I'm fine. I just changed my job. I wasn't in Shibuya. SEIICHIROU That's great! P. 36 KAREN Did you worry about me? SEIICHIROU Of course! KAREN Thank you. What about you? Are you okay? SEIICHIROU I was in the Editing Department when it happened. KAREN What about your wife and daughter? SEIICHIROU Our apartment is outside the reach of the Yamanote Line. KAREN That's good to hear. P. 37 SEIICHIROU I phoned them in a hurry, and guess what they told me? "We're okay. Just calm down." They made me take deep breaths at the phone. P. 38 KAREN You've got a wonderful wife. SEIICHIROU Thank you. KAREN Oh, I nearly forgot. Is your leg okay? SEIICHIROU It's alright. Don't feel bad about it. I did that to myself. P. 39 KAREN But it was my fault. SEIICHIROU Not at all. Because you made a promise to me. P. 40 KAREN "I won't do anything that makes you cry." Right? SEIICHIROU Yes. P. 41 {Earth rumbling} P. 42 SEIICHIROU & KAREN % Earthquake!? TEASER The cities are crumbling one by one ... The next place to fall will be ... !? *** Utako ~ Keeper of Heero's SelfDestruct Pro Laptop *** Last Impression: Gundam Wing fanart, doujinshi translation, quotes and stuff