A rough summary for X11, less the side story at the end, compiled partly from my friend Nataku's summaries. Kamui is having flashback of what happened since he returned to Tokyo. (Take that as a summary of X1-10 in less than 20 pages) He then gets dressed and heads down the stairs to breakfast. Kamui, Yuzuriha, Sorata, and Arashi are living in a house together and going to CLAMP school. Everyone worries over Kamui. They sit down for breakfast and then go to school. Sorata for some reason isn't wearing uniform. Yuzuriha takes off to middle school. Kamui leaves Arashi and Sorata to where Kotori's buried. Kamui gets to his classroom and immediately called out by Keiichi Segawa, an energetic classmate. He seems to like Kamui very much and is very cheerful. He asks Kamui if they can eat lunch together. During lunch, Kamui rushes off to another part of campus and meets up with Subaru for tutoring. Kamui wonders why Subaru quitted school -- because of Sakurazukamori? Subaru starts tutoring Kamui and lights a cigarette. Kamui comments on it and Subaru tells him that contrary to most people, cigarette has the opposite of adverse effect on him. He said brand doesn't matter, and Kamui wonders if that is also because of Sakurazukamori. Hinoto wakes and comments on not having any different dreams of the future. Daisuke, Souhi, and Hien were concerned about Hinoto. Daisuke comments that it must be harsh for Hinoto. Hinoto thanks Daisuke as he leaves, and again in her thoughts, then says "But I...." Keiichi finally finds Kamui for lunch but apologizes as he notices that he broke in on a tutoring. Subaru tells Kamui to go have lunch. Keiichi and Kamui leaves. Suddenly, an earthquake comes and Kamui stands up in surprise. Keiichi pushes him to the ground and shelters him with himself until the quake stops, then yells at Kamui that he shouldn't be standing during an earthquake. He them says that it's unusual that the Campus is rocked by an earthquake. Kamui associates it with Dragon of Earth. Later, all the DoH less Subaru are gathering in a fast-food restaurant discussing the earthquake. Sorata asks Kamui what he thinks of the quake and Kamui says it feels different. Sorata agrees. Kamui says he can feel the Holy Sword. The place where the quake was centered in Ikebukuro where Sunshine 60 is. It created some damage to Nataku's lab. Later, they find out nataku's data has been downloaded by someone else (the beast). Fuuma is sitting in Kanoe's chair. Nataku walks by and Fuuma tells it they've gotten its data. Nataku comments on not wanting to go back but to stay by Fuuma's side. Fuuma asks why. Nataku replies that it doesn't know, but that it doesn't want to be separated from Fuuma. Nataku tells Fuuma that he resembles its father. Fuuma asks what its father called Nataku. Nataku told him, 'Kazuki.' Fuuma then calls Nataku "Kazuki." He strokes its hair and says that if that is Nataku's wish, he will grant it. The DoE and Kanoe discuss how different (gentle) Fuuma is now and that Kanoe has a bad feeling about this. Satsuki finishes the download of Nataku's data and touches a picture of Yuuto. Kusanagi is in a park, surrounded by cats. He talks to them and they reminds him of the girl with the same name (Yuzuriha Nekoi -- neko means cat). Meanwhile Seishirou is lurking on top of tall buildings. Another day of school. Today is Kamui and Yuzuriha's turn to make breakfast. Kamui says that he's not going to be home for dinner that night because he'll be over at a classmate's house. That evening, Kamui and Keiichi arrive at the Keiichi's house, which is close to the Sunshine 60. Keiichi's mother makes dinner for the boys and the takes a tray to another room. Keiichi says it's for his father who died from the earlier earthquake (i.e. the one caused by Seishirou). After dinner, Keiichi walk Kamui back home. On the way, another quake strikes. Kamui struggles out of Keiichi's body-shielding and tells him not to worry about him and go home. Earthquake hits Sunshine 60 as Nataku about to kill the scientist and the president. The president asks Nataku's intention, Nataku replies this is what Fuuma wants. The Prez calls him "Kazuki" as Nataku was about to give the final blow. Fuuma senses Kamui and says that he's coming and takes off. Sunshine 60 is falling. Kamui realizes that if it falls-- "--everyone will die," Fuuma finishes the thought for him. Kamui turns around and stares at his former best friend. Nataku arrives and throws the unconscious president between the two Kamui. Fuuma starts to hurt the prez. Kamui throws himself between Fuuma and the old man. Fuuma starts to play with Kamui as Kamui takes the president with him and gets out of the way. Fuuma damages the building more. As it tilts, Fuuma asks Kamui why he doesn't make a Kekkai, and then says that it's impossible for Kamui to do it. Kamui seems to want to know why, and Fuuma replies that since he's the other Kamui, he knows everything about him. As he lifts Kamui up by the throat trying to finish him, Subaru appears with his spells and 'falcons'. Nataku helps with dodging the flying papers. Fuuma turns and smiles at Subaru, saying that he has come to help Kamui. Subaru freezes, as Seishirou's image seems to appear behind Fuuma. They look alike, he thinks. He clears his thought and the last scene, we see Subaru creating a star-shaped kekkai. X11 side story is Subaru's.