It takes place AFTER the end of the FY tv series (the manga equivalence will be the end of part one, tankouban number 13) and BEFORE the story of X, eh... well, technically, before Kamui showed up in Tokyo. After watching the FY's first ova(1-3) and understood what's going on, I might be using some of the elements in there too. Any comments & critiques will be greatly appreciated. ========================================================================== Feathered Dreams An X/Fushigi Yuugi crossover Rabi-chan Part One --------------------------- "Miaka! You'll be late if you keep on eating. Yui-chan's waiting for you outside already..." "Hai! Kaa-san, where's the bento box?" "Miaka, you just finished your breakfast..." "Onii-chan, all CLAMP Gakuen high-schoolers are going on a picnic by the sea today, you know?" "Another picnic? Geez, how many picnics have you had ever since you got in 2 months ago? "That's why, onii-chan, you should have applied for CLAMP Gakuen's University. What a pity..." "If I didn't get into U of K, who's gonna be there to meet your Tamahome in the first day of class? Well, well... Maybe I should've applied for CLAMP Gakuen. I sure could've got in..." "Onii-chan!" "Miaka, if you keep on talking, Yui-chan's gonna leave without you! Here you go, your bento box." "Arigatou, Kaa-san! Ittekimasu!" Miaka Yuuki closed the door behind her and spotted Yui standing at the bus stop across the street. "Yui-chan!" waved Miaka, "gomen ne..." She ran over to where Yui was standing and continued, "You know, you look really cute in that blue T-shirt. It's the same color as that earring of yours, eh... Nakago's... and..." "Hey, hey, Miaka," Yui stopped Miaka, pretending to be angry. "You're late and don't you dare try to cover it up with those words." "Alright, Yui-chan, I'll share some of today's lunch with you, now forgive me, please? Please?" Miaka made a sincere face with teary eyes, and held her hands together in front of her chest. Yui laughed out loud as she saw Miaka's face, "Okay okay, Miaka, and don't make that fake face in front of me." Yui continued, watching the bus approaching the bus stop, "By the way, why did you pick that red shorts? It's not like it's not hot enough today..." "Red's my color 'cuz I'm the Suzaku no Miko. And it matches the color of my ring. You think it looks alright?" "Yeah yeah. It looks good on you. Now get on the bus." Miaka followed Yui and abroaded the bus. It was almost empty. They picked a seat and sat down. "Seriously, Yui-chan, do you think the shorts look bad?" Miaka asked. "You look just fine. Besides, you're gonna take that off when you swim in the sea, so..." Yui paused and looked at Miaka, who suddenly lifted her left hand over her mouth. "What's wrong?" "I... I... forgot my swimsuit... Oh no!" Miaka couldn't believe herself. "I just knew it, therefore..." Yui dug into her backpack, and pulled out two swimsuits, "I brought two! But I'm not too sure if you can fit..." "Yui-chan, you're a savior!" "Let go of me, hey, let go...!" Yui Hongo entered her classroom, three doors away from Miaka's, and was greeted almost immediately by her classmate, Kotori Monou, who seemed to be very excited and happy about something. "Kotori-chan, you look overly-cheerful today," said Yui, putting down her backpack, "Oh, look at that braided bracelet you have there. What a nice design. Did some hot guy make it for you?" Kotori blushed as she heard Yui mentioned about the bracelet. She quickly defended herself. "No no... it's not like that. I made it myself. In fact, I made four. One's for you..." Kotori opened her bag and took out another bracelet of a similar pattern. "Do you want me to put it on for you?" "Sure," said Yui, as she watched Kotori tying the bracelet on her left hand. "Four? You had that much time? Um... But it's gonna get wet in the water when we go swimming." "It doesn't really matter because it dries up pretty fast," said Kotori, fingers tying the last knot on Yui's bracelet. "Besides, I can't go into the sea because my doctor wouldn't let me. There you go. Hope you like it." "Thanks, Kotori-chan. It's a pity that you can't come swim with me and Miaka. Wait, you said four bracelets... Yours, mine, and probably Miaka's... whom did you make the fourth one for?" In a soft tone, Kotori added, "Kamui-chan... I dreamed of him last night." "Kamui-chan?" asked Yui, puzzled. Only a second later, Yui guessed who this Kamui-chan could be, so she said, "Oooh, that childhood friend of yours? The one you've been thinking of for the past six years since he moved away?" Kotori's face turned crimson, "Yu...Yui-chan, don't tease me, please..." "Alright. You said your dreams always come true, so I was just wondering what kinda dream you had last night... Was it... romantic?" asked Yui in an interesting voice. "You want to see it?" Kotori asked. "See it?" Yui wondered what that would mean. Kotori took Yui's left hand with both of hers and asked her to close her eyes. Kotori did the same, and in an instant, Yui saw herself drifting in space with Kotori. "Wha...what's this?" Yui gasped in astonishment. "Where are we?" "We're passing through a dream," Kotori explained calmly, "the dream that I had last night. Come this way." Kotori gestured Yui to her right. At about a distance of ten feet, the sky suddenly turned dark, and there, stood a handsome young man of their age, wearing something that resembled farmer clothes of brownish color. A pale young girl with long flowing hair, dressed in a white night-gown, who looked identical to Kotori, was approaching the young man. 'Ka...Kamui...-chan? Are you.... Kamui-chan?' He didn't answer. Instead he turned around and walked away from her. 'Kamui-chan... where are you going?' She followed him. He stopped and pointed to the night sky with his right hand. She looked up and saw seven sparkling stars. 'The Big... Dipper?' He turned around and walked towards the girl, with tears in his eyes. 'Kamui-chan, you're crying... Why?' Without a word, he gently put his right hand around the left side of her neck. Brushing delicately at her earlope with his right thumb, he slowly lifted up her face. He lowered his own and gave her a deep kiss. Yui saw the scene from a slight distance and giggled, "Wow, you have quite a nice time there, Kotori-chan." Kotori didn't say anything, which surprised Yui a little. It was long before he finally broke away the kiss. Still with tears in his eyes, he began to vanish into the darkness. 'No! Kamui-chan... no!' She tried to chase after him, but it seemed that the ground she was standing on, was moving in the opposite direction as she ran. As he dissolved into a swirl of bright light, two glittering stars descended from nowhere and landed in front of Kotori. The first one, it turned into a bracelet. The dream began to fade away, as Kotori almost collapsed next to Yui. The next moment, they were back in the classroom. Kotori looked extremely pale. Yui suggested going to the school clinic, so she walked her there. The nurse did a brief check-up on Kotori and said that she should be alright if she would rest in bed for half-an-hour, and would definitely be able to attend the picnic. Hearing this, Yui was relieved. They both thanked the nurse as she walked out of the clinic. "Gomenasai, Yui-chan, I made you worry about me again." Kotori apologized sincerely, lying on the bed. "Should I tell Fuuma-san about it?" Yui asked in a concerned voice. "No. I'm alright," Kotori insisted. "And I don't want onii-chan to worry about me. Yui-chan, why don't you go back to the classroom? Tanaka-sensei should be doing the roll-call and annoucements on the picnic." "It's okay," Yui replied. "I rather keep an eye on you." "Thank you," Kotori smiled. "That bracelet in the dream had the same design as the ones I made this morning. I woke up after the dream and couldn't fall asleep again, so..." "Oh?" Yui was reminded about the dream. "It was an old bracelet that I made for Kamui-chan before he moved away six years ago." explained Kotori. "I had made one for myself too. I was looking for it this morning after I got up but of course, I couldn't find it. So I just made one again. And I was having fun making it, so I kept on making one after another." "Silly girl," Yui smiled at Kotori, "you should take care of yourself and get some rest instead. Um... so what about the second star? What was it?" "It turned into a book," replied Kotori. "A book?" Yui asked, wondering what connection there could be between a bracelet and a book. "What's it called?" Kotori answered, "Shijin Tenchisho." Yui couldn't believe what she just heard. "Shijin... Ten...chi...sho?" ======================================================================= Ramblings: ======================================================================= "Shijin Tenchisho" is "Book of the Universe of the Four Gods". Yes, I hate the translations Tomodachi gave as "The Four Gods, Sky and Earth". It's terrible. Anyway, I hope I'll continue writing this thingy. I have the story roughly planned out, but I doubt I have the patience to finish it... I don't write that well anyway.