The Disclaimer and background info: The Book: X Volume 10, Asuka Comics A-64-13. ISBN4-04-924688-0 C9979, retailed at 390 yen. The original Copyright (Japanese): CLAMP and Kadokawa Shoten, 1997. First printing: September 17, 1997. This "script" was written as an _aid_ for those who wanted to read the Japanese manga (as the US version is not available yet)... not for sale or for commercial/public use. Please keep it for your own personal use. Thanks. X volume 10 -- Yumemi I Translated by Shinobu and Nataku Edited by Fuu and Rabi-chan % indicates lines not spoken $ indicates flashback lines [ ] indicates lines in handwriting or captions { } indicates footnotes < > indicates sounds << >> indicates spells by the onmyouji pair from TB. P.2 Yumemi \yumemi\: (1) Seeing dreams. The dreams seen. (2) Seeing the future in dreams. One with that ability. P.5 NOKORU This... the center of this campus. P.6 SORATA Hiding it in the middle of that fountain? [Wow, this is impressive.] P.7 NOKORU Will you please touch your hand to that? P.8 [KAREN: Well....] SORATA What's this? [arrow: This] NOKORU Our schools' crest. SORATA ...I like it, but.... Isn't using it as a mark for the place where the Holy Sword is to be safekept overdoing things a little? NOKORU I think so too. [It was to the former Chairwoman's taste.] P.9 NOKORU It will react only to your fingerprints. P.10 YUZURIHA I-it looks like a robot hanger! P.11 NOKORU Inside... the Holy Sword's safekeeping place, as Tokiko-san told us. P.12 P.14 %KAMUI %The Holy Sword.... P.15 NOKORU This is... ...what the former Chairwoman promised your mother Tooru-san she would build. The place to safekeep the Holy Sword. P.16 P.17 SCIENTIST 1 What incredible vibrations! At this rate, the container won't hold!! SCIENTIST 2 It's a short; the power's out.... SCIENTIST 3 The data! P.18 NATAKU You want to return... "Kamui"? P.19 SORATA This place looks like... ...a compilation of all types of Magic. NOKORU Well, this _is_ the place where we've tried to amass all existing occult knowledge. P.20 NOKORU CLAMP Campus' monorail draws a pentagram as it runs; even that is a Magic to protect this room. It's not like this school's monorail doesn't run on a fixed course. It also goes at a fairly slow speed. [Running on foot is a little bit faster.] ARASHI So this room is actually the focus for the pentagram's "spell" the vehicle in fact treads. NOKORU Yeah. P.21 KAMUI Do you know how the former Chairwoman became acquainted with my mother? NOKORU I don't know the details either... ...but.... It was after this Campus had already been established that she met your mother.... Construction was already in progress and I think whole buildings had to be moved in order to achieve its present layout. KAMUI The former Chairwoman.... {note: the structure of this in Japanese makes it likely that Kamui is saying something like "I want to meet the former Chairwoman," but without a verb, there's no way to be sure. --trans.} P.22 NOKORU I would have liked to have you introduced to her too but... she's already gone into seclusion and won't meet with anyone. But there is... ...a message for you from the former Chairwoman. "Even if you meet with me, you would change nothing... have other things you should be doing, other people you should be meeting." There is also have a message from Tokiko-san. If this sword is "sealed" in this place, the other sword's power will likewise be "sealed." P.23 KAMUI The other sword too? NOKORU The Holy Sword is a thing which can only be wielded by "Kamui." You can surely control this great power, just as the other "Kamui" can. The other sword will pass into the other "Kamui"'s hand and... there is no telling what it will be used for. P.24 NOKORU Therefore... "Until it is necessary on the coming day, seal the Holy Sword in this place," as Tokiko-san.... $(Tokiko) $Don't cry. This is my Destiny. My chosen Destiny. SORATA So that's why Tokiko-san... ...said "protect the Holy Sword"? ARASHI Until it is necessary on the coming day, the Holy Sword... ...will be protected in this place.... P.25 $SUBARU $I, to make the future that I wish for into reality, live. $I cannot stop my own wish. $KAMUI $Because he was... "special"? $SUBARU $Therefore, you, too, should chose. $For the sake of only _your_ Wish. P.26 $SUBARU $Even if there will be people who will say that you're selfish? $KAMUI $...Because... I couldn't protect Kotori.... $SUBARU $Even if there will be people who will blame you? $KAMUI $I want to protect Fuuma more than ever. $SUBARU $Even if no one will understand your Wish? P.27 $KAMUI $I don't want to lose Fuuma. P.28 KAMUI $I want to bring Fuuma back. What should I do? P.29 SCIENTIST 4 Kyaa! SCIENTIST 5 Get in touch with President Toujou! NATAKU Da...ddy.... P.30 NATAKU You want to go to him...? LADY SCIENTIST Nataku!? Where are you going!? P.31 LADY SCIENTIST Kyaa.... NATAKU!! P.32 P.33 P.34 P.36 BLACK FUUMA The Holy Sword is "sealed." P.37 STUDENTS [Kyaa!] P.38-39 BLACK FUUMA The final battle with the fate of Earth at stake has begun. P.40 KANOE At last the other "Kamui" has awoken. Earlier, I was told by one of the Dragons of Earth beneath me... ...he said someone trespassed into a Kekkai put up by a Dragon of Heaven. The only one who could do that is "Kamui." P.41 KANOE As expected, there are two "Kamui." The true "Kamui" who becomes Heaven or Earth, and... ...the one who was born certainly to fill the vacancy; the Twin Star. P.42 KANOE "Kamui" chose to be a Dragon of Heaven, one of the Seven Seals. So the other "Kamui" is mine. %HINOTO %It's not true.... KANOE The "Kamui" of the Dragon of Earth, the Seven Angels, will approach very soon. P.43 %HINOTO %It is not true, Kanoe! %It is not true! KANOE I'm your only younger sister. I don't have powers like yours of seeing the future, but... ...I can steal a look at your dreams. P.45 KANOE "Kamui" has come. P.46 KANOE The Dreams you provided... I'll give you proof they were correct. %HINOTO %Kanoe! %Do not invite "Kamui" in! %KANOE!! P.47 %HINOTO %Kanoe.... P.48 P.49 YUUTO What's wrong, Satsuki-chan? P.50 P.51 SATSUKI ..."Kamui." P.52 KANOE "Kamui." P.53 KANOE I've been waiting... ..."Kamui." P.54 SORATA Well, what do we do now? KAMUI In the Diet Building... with Hinoto. P.55 KAMUI About Mother, and... ...about myself... ...there are some things I'd like to ask her. NOKORU The Holy Sword... ...will definitely be protected by this campus. P.56 NOKORU Until the day you need this sword... ...please take care. P.57 KUSANAGI You seem well. That's right, you all like this tree too, don't you? Hmm? P.58 KUSANAGI ...One of my comrades? He's holding on to something dangerous. Well, later. P.59 P.60 SEISHIROU Since the last time I was here... ...this place seems to have gotten more dangerous. P.61 SEISHIROU Especially the "underground" areas. P.62 %HINOTO %A Dreamgazer... glimpses the future inside dreams. %From that, I see in dream the tomorrows that will happen.... KAKYOU Sacrificing everything, you cannot see, or hear, or speak. And I, too, cannot cause my own death. P.63 KAKYOU ...We have to borrow "Kamui"'s power.... You know the conclusion to this battle. As I do. P.64 KAKYOU However, that Future is not the one you wish for. Therefore, you gather the Dragons of Heaven to prevent the future that should be. For the sake of your only wish, which has nothing to do with the Fate of the Earth. P.65 KAKYOU Your younger sister certainly has the power to peep inside your Dreams. However, she cannot see all your Dreams. She doesn't know of the Dreams you have hidden. %HINOTO %I.... KAKYOU The "Kamui" of the Dragons of Earth said... ..."The future is already decided." P.66 KAKYOU The young man called Fuuma... and I knew he would become a Dragon of Earth. And you... ...couldn't stop that from happening. P.67 %HINOTO %Whether it is impossible for a Dreamgazer to alter the foreseen future... %...or even to do anything about the future she dreams... %HINOTO %...this girl.... KAKYOU The one the "Kamui" of the Dragons of Earth wanted to protect... ...and the one, according to both our DreamGazings, the "Kamui" of the Dragons of Earth would kill first. P.68 KAKYOU Although she held the gift of DreamGazing since she was born... ...she died without awakening that power. $KOTORI $...the future... is not yet... decided.... KAKYOU As a DreamGazer, she was incomplete. This is the Dream that girl saw the instant she died. P.69 %HINOTO %Do you believe in that girl's DreamGazing? $KOTORI $...the future... is not yet... decided.... KAKYOU Do you believe? P.70 YUUTO Kanoe-san, Satsuki-chan's Beast said "Kamui".... KANOE "Kamui" is here. YUUTO You're... P.71 YUUTO ..."different" from that time we met before. KANOE He is the "Kamui" of the Dragons of Earth, as the both of you, being Dragons of Earth as well, should know. P.72 SATSUKI My computers answered that he is "Kamui." KANOE And you, Yuuto? YUUTO Certainly... ...there's something responding inside me. P.73 KANOE Who's this? FUUMA A Dragon of Earth. And a DreamGazer. KANOE A DreamGazer?! Then he's...! The DreamGazer who Passed through my sister's Dream.... P.74 P.75 SATSUKI There are people coming here. Three people. P.76 FUUMA Dragons of Earth. And... P.77 FUUMA My Holy Sword comes. P.78 SOUHI Princess. HIEN You look pale. SOUHI I'll prepare a medicinal bath. HIEN It'll be just a few minutes. P.79 %HINOTO %Yes, Saiki-dono? DAISUKE No... you appear tired. I recommend you get some rest.... %HINOTO %I am a DreamGazer who catches glimpses of the future in sleep. DAISUKE Even if you are made to sleep there won't be any true rest for you.... %HINOTO %You sound troubled. [Ah!] P.80 %HINOTO %It's all right. I trust your wounds are now better? DAISUKE Y-yes. %HINOTO %For how many years already... %...have you served me? DAISUKE It's been nearly eight years. %HINOTO %For generations, your family have been Wind Masters affiliated with Ise. P.81 %HINOTO %Before you were born it was settled that you would serve me. %And you have protected me for eight years' time. %But... %...are you unhappy with that Destiny? DAISUKE Princess Hinoto.... P.82 %HINOTO %This future, that was decided by a will other than yours from before you %were even born.... P.83 DAISUKE I... ...have never once had hidden thoughts of discontent beneath my feelings of happiness at my destiny of protecting you, Princess Hinoto. P.84 %HINOTO %..."Kamui" has come. P.85 P.86 KAMUI I only have questions to ask. P.87 %HINOTO %Saiki-dono. HIEN/SOUHI KAMUI!! P.88 KAMUI Fuuma.... %HINOTO %I know. P.89 %HINOTO %And the girl you thought most important as well. KAMUI I have questions. %HINOTO %I too... %...have things that I must speak to you about. P.91 %HINOTO %Everything within the dream.... P.94 KAMUI Why did Mother die? P.96 TOORU This is the end. We won't talk again. Saya. Please leave Togakushi. SAYA No. I realized this at the time I met you: I would live for you... ...would die for you. P.97 TOORU Saya.... SAYA I felt happy when I realized that. I was a high school student, the day I first met you... ...I can remember it even now. And you? TOORU I haven't forgotten. SAYA That's good. P.98 TOORU If you're not here, Kotori-chan and Fuuma-kun.... SAYA Kotori? This morning she clutched my hand... ...and said "Don't go anywhere." TOORU Kotori-chan has inherited your powers. SAYA No. The only things I can understand are about you. P.99 SAYA Kotori is a bit stronger than I. But I'm happy. Because I have the power, though really only a little, to understand the future, I was able to meet you. Don't cry. P.100 TOORU I wouldn't cry if you were not the one who will die tomorrow. SAYA Tooru.... P.101 SAYA If there is a Hell, I am undoubtably going there. Such a kind person.... To be gifted with such cute children.... Yet I kept deceiving them again and again.... But no matter what anyone else says, I'm happy. P.102 TOORU If I had more Power, I might have been able to change your future. SAYA No. Even if you were God, that would be impossible. Because I am the only one who can choose my tomorrow. P.103 KYOUGO ...You are going to pass away, aren't you? SAYA ...Yes. Today, only in this place, can the Holy Sword be born. If I, with Powers however small, can become the receptacle.... KYOUGO Is it for Tooru-san? KYOUGO I knew... ...from the time you first came to Togakushi. P.104 KYOUGO You have always longed for only one person. SAYA Dear.... KYOUGO You mean Tooru-san when you say that. SAYA Why.... KYOUGO Why did I marry you? Because I love you. No matter who you longed for. P.105 SAYA ...I'm... sor...ry.... KYOUGO What are you apologizing for? You've been a good wife to me... ...and a good mother to the children. SAYA Kyougo-san.... P.106 KYOUGO My duty... to protect the Holy Sword. Until the day the Holy Sword is in "Kamui"'s hand... ...I will risk my life to protect the sword you bear. P.109 P.110 KYOUGO ...Saya. KAMUI No way.... P.111 KAMUI Then Saya-san... herself.... %HINOTO %...Do you want to see the rest? %There is a painful "past" waiting for you, but still.... KAMUI But still... P.112 KAMUI I want to know. P.113 KYOUGO This is the sword you risked your life to bear. Until the day it passes to "Kamui"'s hand, I will protect it. For certain.... P.114 %KAMUI %Fuuma! P.115 %KAMUI %Fuuma? P.117 KAMUI FUUMA!! P.118 %HINOTO %The first Holy Sword's birth... %HINOTO %...since this time... %...he had been set walking upon the path for the sake of becoming the other %"Kamui." P.119 %HINOTO %You, who had returned to Tokyo, should have also had the chance to meet with %the other "Kamui", who was in this same state. KAMUI Fuuma, even as I was calling his name, wasn't concerned... ...he didn't remember anything about that time. P.120 %HINOTO %Yes, that has always been.... %"Kamui." While you were unconsciously confused about choosing to become a %Dragon of Heaven or a Dragon of Earth.... P.121 %HINOTO %When your mother died, you returned to Tokyo. %And then you met your two precious childhood friends. %"Kamui," please remember the words your mother told you in the flames. KAMUI "Go to Tokyo... ...your destiny is waiting." %HINOTO %Your "destiny" is about that girl and boy. P.122 %HINOTO %Now that your mother is dead, those most precious to you are those with %whom you spent the gentle time of your past--the people of the Monou family %alone. %In particular, the two siblings you loved and relied upon, Fuuma Monou and %Kotori Monou. %Following your mother's words, you met the two of them again in Tokyo, %and at the same time, worried about them all the time. P.123 %HINOTO %Even though you did not understand it, you were tossed around by something %contrary to yourself... %...which you knew through your mother's death. %You kept thinking that if they were related to you, certainly they would %also meet misfortune, %and that you didn't want the two of them involved in your cruel destiny. P.124 %HINOTO %Then the Shinto priest passed away, %and your choice was forced. %"Do I disappear from before the two of them just like this?" or... %..."Do I risk my life to protect them?" %Those were your... P.125 %HINOTO %..."choices of destiny." P.126 %HINOTO %If you were cut off from the two's existence, you would have nothing to %protect. %With nothing to protect, you would have no connection to this Earth, right? %No. Not just to the Earth... %...but even to your own life.... P.127 %HINOTO %And if you swore to protect the two... %...would not you wish to "maintain" this Earth on which the two of them %live? KAMUI Tell me... P.128 KAMUI ...if I'd forgotten the two of them, vanished from them.... If I'd wished to become a Dragon of Earth.... Would Kotori have ended up dying...? P.129 %HINOTO %... No. %That girl... %... whether you wished to become a Dragon of Heaven or a Dragon of Earth.... KAMUI Would have died...? %HINOTO %...Yes. %I lied to you. P.130 %HINOTO %The lie, if you chose the future in which you became a Dragon of Heaven... %...that the girl could be saved.... %I do not think you can forgive me. %After you have returned from the dream... please take your freedom. KAMUI Why... ...did you lie? You said... it was for... the Earth's sake? P.131 %HINOTO %I, too... wanted to change the future. %It was not for the sake of the Earth... it was for my own wish. %I will not lie to you anymore. %Though you may not believe me, this is the true me. P.132 %HINOTO %I will show you... %...why your mother died. P.133 %KAMUI %This is... Okinawa? {According to Satsuki's Character File, Okinawa is where Kamui lived after he and his mother left Tokyo.} %Mother is dead.... TOORU Yes. Kamui will definitely head for the school. No, the Holy Sword now at Togakushi will not become Kamui's. P.134 TOORU It will probably go to the hand of the other "Kamui." The Holy Sword.... Another has yet to be born. Chairwoman... oh, you've already retired, haven't you? Until the day that Kamui truly needs the Holy Sword, please take care of it. P.135 KAMUI Mother! P.136 TOORU Really... was useless of me. KAMUI What is this!! Why did the fire...! P.137 %HINOTO %Your mother was heir to the "Magami" family. %The Magami clan's occupation is "kage-nie." %Being a "shadow" {"kage"} for the one protected, %she is the "offering" {"nie"} which accepts all disasters, the "kage-nie." KAMUI Whose "kage-nie" was Mother!? P.138-9 %HINOTO %"Earth's." P.140 TOORU ...I'm sorry, Kamui. I must die, leaving you alone with this cruel fate. Kamui... be strong... that you can choose the future. P.141 PAST-KAMUI Mo... Mother!! TOORU Go to Tokyo. Kamui. Your Destiny... waiting. PAST-KAMUI MOTHER! P.142 TOORU ...Saya.... P.143 KAMUI ...What does it mean, the "Earth"'s "kage-nie"...? P.144 %HINOTO %...Do you know about "global warming"? KAMUI Mother told me.... ...that the Earth's temperature keeps going up.... %HINOTO %...That's right. %People cut down trees, stain the earth, %harmful exhausts are continuously spewed. %For those reasons, Earth's temperature climbs yearly. That is going to %destroy the Earth.... P.145 %HINOTO %And then your mother herself became Earth's "kage-nie" and defended the %Earth from disaster. %However.... %No matter how much power your mother had... protecting the Earth is %impossible. KAMUI So... Mother "burned" to death. P.146 KAKYOU The Earth is wishing for a "change." P.147 KAKYOU You are "Kamui," aren't you? KAMUI Who are you...? KAKYOU ...Kakyou. A Dragon of Earth; a DreamGazer. $KOTORI $Just like Kakyou said. KAMUI The one Kotori talked about? P.148 KAKYOU ...The same. "The Kamui of the Dragons of Heaven" and "the Kamui of the Dragons of Earth." No matter how different the shape is, this is what I see. %KAMUI %Fuuma...!! P.149 KAKYOU The future the Seven Seals, the Dragons of Heaven, wish for. The future the Seven Angels, the Dragons of Earth, wish for. P.150-1 KAKYOU If the Dragons of Heaven remain, people will keep living, the status quo will be "maintained." If the Dragons of Earth destroy all the Kekkai, the buildings people constructed will crumble; the "change" will come. Which do you feel is more beautiful? P.152 KAKYOU At this rate, the Earth will die. Defiled, it will lose the power to regenerate. The Earth is also living. Like you. The ones killing the Earth are people. If people keep increasing like this, without reform.... Too, if the Earth continues to be trampled unnoticed by so-called living bodies... P.153 KAKYOU The Earth will die. In spite of that, do you wish to "maintain" this "world"? P.154-5 KAMUI For me... the "world" *is*... ...the people I love. So... ...if those people don't exist...'s like there is no "world." P.156 KAKYOU ...I... ...know the conclusion of this fight. But... P.157 KAKYOU The future.... %HINOTO %"KAMUI"...! P.158 KAMUI ...I met the DreamGazer of the Dragons of Earth.... He introduced himself as Kakyou.... P.159 KAMUI The Earth is being destroyed. I may be making a mistake P.160 KAMUI But... I've decided. I will take back Fuuma. P.168 [The Earth's final legend has begun.] X10-END X - ASASHI KISHU P.172 LADY (Kaede) What are you looking at? ARASHI I thought... ...Should I eat or should I stop? LADY (Kaede) Why were you undecided? ARASHI I'm thinking of if there's a meaning to if I eat trash to live. P.173 LADY (Kaede) What is your name? ARASHI Arashi. LADY (Kaede) Are you alone? Where is your family? ARASHI I had a mother, but she's dead. Mother told me not to die. She said she had to die, but that I must live. So I've lived for three months. I'm alone. I was thinking about if there's a meaning to living like this. P.174 ARASHI I wanted to keep Mother's will, but... ...I was thinking that whether I by myself am living or die, it wouldn't change, would it? LADY (Kaede) ...I expect you are seven this year. You are an intelligent child, just like your mother. I came to invite you. Arashi. Let us go back to Ise Shrine together. P.175 PRIESTESS Kaede-sama. She went into the bath very meekly, but.... KAEDE Do you not want to eat? ARASHI I still haven't decided. If I'm going to live or to die like this. P.176 KAEDE Do you remember your mother? ARASHI Anytime I was scared of something, she would hold me and not let go, and... ...if I was alone, if I was taken out by someone, she would be so worried and wouldn't go outside. She wasn't rich, but... ...she was a kind person. KAEDE Your mother... ...was a priestess at this Ise Shrine. She fell in love with a university student came to these grounds for technical research seven years ago, but she left this Ise, pregnant with you. ARASHI Why did she leave? KAEDE Because it had been decided that you would become a Dragon of Heaven. P.177 ARASHI ...A Dragon of Heaven...? KAEDE ...Arashi. Neither coming close to anyone nor being understood by anyone for your entire life, even though you are living, it may be just the same as if you were dead. Saying that you are alone... ...that is so sad. But Arashi... from now you will probably meet many people. P.178 KAEDE People who will be friends to you, people who will be enemies to you, and people who will love you. P.179 KAEDE I looked for you and your mother all the time. I was not in time for your mother, but... I am truly glad I could meet you. ARASHI Is it probably better that I live? KAEDE If you were dead, I would be sad. ARASHI Sad? KAEDE Yes. ARASHI Really? P.180 ARASHI ...Thank you for this food.