X character file: Kakyou Kuzuki. * Monologue. KAKYOU I am dead. Even though this body is still breathing, although barely, and my heart is still beating, I am already dead. Life or death is not determined by the warmth of the body. For example, even if warm blood still runs through my body, the mirror inside my heart has shattered and will show nothing ever again. Don't feel anything. Don't want anything. There is nothing for me, now that I am dead. Past. When I could reach this hand up and grasp the sky. When the sunlight in the distance and the faint sounds of the waves were still nearly. When I was still alive. When that person was my everything. Know that they can't go back, people wish to return to when they were happy. But I can't even wish for something for my own sake. All I can do is to keep sleeping. To keep dreaming about those times when that person was around. By myself. I knew that a girl would be appearing in my dreams that have been full of solitude. A young, smiling girl, with beautiful eyes. A girl still not knowing that she was born with qualifications to be a Dreamgazer that sees the futures in dreams. I see the future in my dreams. The future of the Earth. The future that Kamui chooses. And...... I also knew..... about the tragedy that would later befall the girl. * Drama. In Kotori's dream. Kotori endlessly falls down the darkness of a dream. KOTORI (scream) A thread reaches out of nowhere and winds around Kotori's arm. Kotori stops falling. KAKYOU It's dangerous over there... If you fall in...... you won't be able to return. A voice from somewhere. KOTORI Who is it......? But the voice does not answer Kotori's query. KAKYOU Over here. Come back...... Kotori's body continues to be pulled up. Allowing herself to be pulled up, she notes a bed placed by itself in the dark space. Kotori gently approaches the bed. She notices someone in the bed. KOTORI ...... Who...... are you? Answer from the bed. KAKYOU One who Walks through Dreams. KOTORI Walk through.... dreams....? Kotori doesn't understand what Kakyou is saying very well. But Kakyou, on the bed, continues. KAKYOU You were almost trapped in the Dream. Something terrible happened and your heart didn't want to wake up. KOTORI Am I...... sleeping? KAKYOU Your Heart is. KOTORI ...... My Heart.... Kotori's thoughts are not clear, perhaps from being in a dream. No real doubts are placed on the unrealistic scenery (a bed levitating), but logic is not working either. KAKYOU You were born with talent as a Dreamgazer, but you fell asleep without waking those powers... Kotori remembers why she was falling in her dream at Kakyou's words. Kotori starts to cry again. KOTORI Mother.... KAKYOU You had a scary dream. You almost lost your will. KOTORI You.... saved me......? Kakyou does not answer. Kotori, hearing no complaints. KOTORI Thank you.... Perhaps from relief, or from thankfulness, more tears fall from Kotori's eyes. Kakyou gets up from the bed. KAKYOU Don't cry...... You'll fall into the Sea of Tears again. KOTORI Sea of Tears...? KAKYOU The tears that your heart shed were what you almost got drowned in. Kotori somewhat understands what that meant, and wipes her tears. KOTORI ...... Why are you on a bed? Are you ill...? Kakyou, silent for a moment. KAKYOU I have been sleeping for a long time. Until the Day when the End of the Earth is chosen. KOTORI The end... of the Earth...? KAKYOU Yes. We decide the fate of the Earth. KOTORI Who will....? KAKYOU ............ Kotori, happy that Kakyou is talking to her. KOTORI Can I come closer....? KAKYOU ...... Sure. Kotori walks up next to the bed. The moment that she touches the bed, the surroundings become a seashore. The sound of waves. Seagulls flying in the distance. KOTORI Where...? A voice from behind. Kakyou is now standing behind Kotori. KAKYOU Inside my Dream. KOTORI Your...? So this is your dream....? But that was my dream that we were in before.... KAKYOU You could have been a Dreamgazer. So you can walk from Dream to Dream like this. The seagulls flying over the ocean gather around Kotori. Kotori laughs joyfully. KOTORI Hello birds, I'm Kotori. KAKYOU Kotori... that's a pretty name. KOTORI Could you tell me your name? KAKYOU Kakyou.... KOTORI Kakyou.... Your name is pretty too. Kotori smiles at Kakyou. KOTORI ...are you always asleep? Will you ever wake up? KAKYOU ...I will sleep until the Promised Day. KOTORI Aren't you lonely...? KAKYOU My Heart is already dead. So I don't feel loneliness. Kotori saddens at Kakyou's words. KOTORI Then.... There is no one you want to see? KAKYOU ...... The Person I want to see...... no longer exists in this world. No longer exists in any World....... Kotori starts crying, and embraces Kakyou. KOTORI ...... So pitiful.... You loved...... that person...... I sense that in your heart you are crying...... That your Heart is in pain -- worse than if it was being ripped apart... I feel it....... Kotori is in synch with Kakyou's heart. A shrill metallic noise echoes. Kakyou lets go of Kotori. At the same time, the shrill noise stops. KAKYOU ...Don't attune your heart with mine... You will die from pains in your Heart if you do... Kakyou looks directly into Kotori's eyes. KAKYOU ... you know.... "Kamui". I saw your heart when we were in synch. ...... You...... are also involved in the End of the Earth. KOTORI The "Kamui" you just mentioned...... Are you talking about Kamui-chan......? KAKYOU I am talking about Kamui...... and I am also talking about another person. KOTORI Another...... person? Kakyou takes Kotori's hand. KAKYOU You should go back soon... or your Heart will really die. KOTORI ...... where? KAKYOU To where those that love you are waiting. Feathers emerge on Kotori's back. Kotori's body floats. KOTORI ...... Kakyou! Kotori reaches out towards Kakyou. Kakyou takes her hand. KAKYOU We shall meet again. Kotori's body continues to float up. KAKYOU And...... when I see you again...... you.... will pass away...... Waves. Kakyou'e dream on another day. Kakyou supports Kotori from behind her. Kotori is already dead in real life. Kakyou prevented Fuuma from killing Kamui by moving Kotori's corpse through dreams. But Kotori is already disappearing, even in the dream. KAKYOU ...... Is this.... what you wanted? KOTORI ...... Thank you. KAKYOU ...... I knew this would happen. I...... will stay asleep next to the Kamui that will be a Dragon of Earth...... Until the Promised Day...... Although I know the future.... I can't do anything. I couldn't...... even save you. Kotori shakes her head. Smiles. KOTORI ...... Thank you...... Kakyou, slightly surprised at that reply. Kotori's feathers on her back grow larger than before. KOTORI I...... have to go...... I...... can't see you again...... Kakyou. KAKYOU A dead person cannot be resurrected...... You...... nor the person I want to see...... Kotori sadly look at Kakyou. Kakyou, as if expressing his emotions for the first time. KAKYOU ...... I can't even kill myself...... to see that person. I can only wait. For the end of the Earth. KOTORI ...... Kakyou...... Kotori's body levitates. KOTORI Tell Onii=97chan...... and Kamui-chan...... I love them...... and...... that the future...... is not determined yet...... Kotori stretches her big feathers and flies away. Kakyou watches. * Monologue. KAKYOU I see the future in dreams. I see the tragedies of the future in dreams. Yet. Even with the power to know the future, I can't save one person. That person. Nor that girl named Kotori. Nor all the souls that will die in this battle. She said. That the future is not determined yet. The future that she, a Dreamgazer. saw in a dream that arrived at the moment of her death. Is her Dreamgazing correct? Or is there only one future? I stay asleep next to the Kamui of the Dragons of Earth. Until the last day of the Earth. Hoping that the girl's Dreamgazing is correct...... Hoping that there will be a day that I can go next to that person......