X character file: Kamui Shirou. * Monologue. KAMUI I had always thought. That I would protect Kotori and Fuuma. No matter who came along, no matter what happened, I would protect the two. I still remember clearly. When I was still little. That rainy day when I first met Fuuma. When the small puppy was soaked in the rain. The day I kept waiting because Mother wasn't home yet. I was all alone until Fuuma offered an umbrella to me. Fuuma and Kotori were the only ones that played with me, someone who had no idea who his father was. We would play hide-and-seek often at Togakushi Shrine...... and we got scolded by our parents that we never came home. The past when I was happy. The times that I cherish...... The people dear to me. So, I swore. To myself. That I will protect Fuuma and Kotori. The park where we played until dusk. The large elm tree. The happy times that lasted until that day. When Saya-san, Fuuma and Kotori's mother, passed away...... and Mother left Tokyo, taking me with her. I will protect Fuuma and Kotori. * Drama. Sounds of waves. Young Kamui cries, holding his knees, on the beach. Tooru, shaded by a parasol, approaches him from behind. TOORU Kamui...... Tooru pats Kamui's head. Kamui looks up at Tooru with tear-stained eyes. KAMUI ...... I want to see Kotori-chan, and Fuuma...... TOORU Kamui...... Kamui clutches onto Tooru. Tooru gently embraces Kamui. The parasol falls onto the sand. TOORU ...... You can't go see them just yet. You can't see them. KAMUI Why? Why can't I go see Kotori-chan or Fuuma? Kamui hysterically asks Tooru. Tooru looks down. TOORU ...... You don't want them to end up the way Saya did, right? KAMUI ...... Aunt Saya......? Tooru nods slowly. TOORU Saya...... died...... for us. Kamui is surprised. TOORU ...... She died for the sake of the Holy Sword. Kamui doesn't understand what she means. KAMUI Holy Sword? However, Tooru does not answer Kamui's query. She lets him go from the embrace, and looks him squarely. TOORU ...... Kamui. Tooru's eyes seem to acknowledge something. TOORU I will probably die. Kamui is surprised. KAMUI Mother!! TOORU When you are strong enough to be able to live by yourself... I will Die. KAMUI NO!! Mother, I don't want you to die! Kamui cries even harder, and clutches Tooru harder. But Tooru has a gentle look on her face. TOORU Kamui, do you have something that you want to protect? Kamui looks up at Tooru's question. KAMUI ...... Something...... that I want to protect? TOORU Do you know anyone... that you want to be happy, so much, that you wouldn't care what happened to yourself, as long as they were happy? Kamui is silent. He speaks out slowly. KAMUI .......... Kotori-chan and Fuuma...... Tooru smiles. TOORU Then you will be fine. You will not choose the wrong path. KAMUI But Mother, you are important, too! I want you to be happy, too!! Tooru picks up the parasol that flew away. TOORU I want you to be happy, too, Kamui. ...... But it is my Destiny to die. KAMUI Destiny......? What is Destiny? TOORU A future that has already been set. KAMUI I don't think so! Tomorrow's things aren't already decided! That can't be true! Tooru hugs her child with a warm face. TOORU Well. Maybe _you_ can change the future...... Because...... you are "Kamui"... KAMUI Mother...... TOORU Become strong, Kamui. So that you can protect Kotori-chan and Fuuma-kun. So that you can protect the ones that you love. So that you will not doubt your actions once you wield the Holy Sword in these hands to fight. Become strong, Kamui. Indoor pool of CLAMP Campus. Kamui watches the water lapping the poolside. Remembers Tokiko's words from the videotape. (flashback) TOKIKO ...... Kamui. You have no time. You must choose your destiny. To become a Dragon of Heaven, one of the Seven Seals. Or to become a Dragon of Earth, one of the Seven Angels. The Earth's fate will change drastically according to that decision. But don't forget, Kamui. Think about yourself before you think about the Earth. What you want to do. What fate you will choose. What paths you will follow. And who you want to protect. You are always the one that chooses your own future. Your mother, Tooru-neesan, must have wished so too. Choose your own destiny. "Kamui". To become a Dragon of heaven and protect the Present. Or to become a Dragon of Earth and wish for a Change. Kamui...... You are the one that chooses your future...... Also remembers his mother Tooru's voice. TOORU Maybe _you_ can change the future...... Because...... you are "Kamui"... (end flashback) KAMUI (monologue) ...... Mother...... Tokiko-san...... Fuuma quietly stands behind him. Kamui turns around, sensing the presence. KAMUI ..... Fuuma...... FUUMA Kotori... said you were crying...... KAMUI Kotori! She can recognize us!? FUUMA ...... No...... Fuuma shakes his head. Kotori is at the poolside. Watching the surface of the water, giggling, eyes apparently not focusing on what is front of her. Kotori still seems to be not back to normal. Kotori laughs happily, touching the water. KAMUI ...... Kotori...... Kotori jumps into the pool. FUUMA, KAMUI Kotori!! Surprised, Kamui and Fuuma jump into the pool and hoist Kotori back up to the surface. But Kotori still laughs happily. KOTORI Water. Pretty. I like. The sky is pretty too. The air and wind. All pretty. This is where Kamui-chan is. I love it. Kamui, with a painful look on his face, look at Fuuma and Kotori. KAMUI I...... ... don't care what happens to the Earth...... But...... I want to protect. The place where you and Kotori can live happily, Fuuma. The splashes suddenly grow taller. The water whirls around the three, as if to engulf them. Another shrill noise. Fuuma, looking traitorous as before. BLACK FUUMA .... You seem to have made a decision. Dragon of Heaven. You chose your future as one of the Seven Seals. "Kamui". If you chose your future as a Dragon of Heaven, it is my Destiny to be a Dragon of Earth. KAMUI Fuuma!! KAMUI Fuuma......! An explosion around Fuuma. The pool collapses, unable to handle the impact. KAMUI (scream) Kamui is blown away. KAMUI Fu......uma......! Desperately calls Fuuma, but no change in his cold stare. BLACK FUUMA ...... No. I am...... "Kamui". I was born to become the Accompanying Star. The other "Kamui" that will fill the empty seat when "Kamui" chooses one Dragon from either Heaven or Earth. You chose to be a Dragon of Heaven. I will become a Dragon of Earth, and kill the Seven Seals -- the Dragons of Heaven. KAMUI Fu... u... ma.... Kamui still cannot believe what is happening in front of his eyes. The resonance of the Holy Sword. A Holy Sword is now in Fuuma's hand. The resonance screech grows louder. BLACK FUUMA The Holy Sword born for "Kamui" is answering my call. I am "Kamui". Fuuma raises his hand. As if being pulled by that hand, cords hanging loose from the buildings entwine around Kotori. Fuuma plasters Kotori onto a cross made of rubble without touching her, using his Power. KAMUI Kotori!! Kamui calls out to Kotori is a painful voice. However, Kotori's body has lost all strength. BLACK FUUMA The Earth is wishing for a Change. A Change that won't be hindered by humans. Fuuma's cold voice echoes around the now ruined pool. BLACK FUUMA For that. I will kill all those who make the Earth Impure. Kotori mutters, keeping her eyes closed. KOTORI ..... Onii-chan.... Fuuma whips the Holy Sword into the air. KAMUI Stop! Fuuma!! Kamui screams. But the Holy Sword that Fuuma holds over his head is thrust through Kotori's chest. KAMUI (SCREAM)!! * Monologue. KAMUI (muttering, in a teary voice) .................... Kotori.................... .................... Fuuma.....................