From: Elizabeth How > ^_^ Finished finally. I've decided to drop the Romanji completed to make it easier on me. This a tranlation of the transcript inside the CD book. The {} are where the transcript has action <> and ===== indicate various notation in the transcript. I have tried to be as faithful as I could to the original japanese but I stress that I'm translating _meaning_. Direct translations of some parts of the original would have sounded unnatural and strange. Liz ------------------------------------------------------------------------- X CHARACTER FILE 4a : NATAKU Monologue: ========== Nataku : My name is Nataku I have no idea who gave this name to me From the moment I awoke, I was called that. 'Henceforth your name will be 'Nataku'' I live in a research lab of Toujou Pharmaceuticals. A lab located underneath Sunshine (refs to Sunshine City in Ikebukuro, Tokyo) A place where not even staff of Toujou Pharmaceuticals can enter without permission. That's what a researcher said. As of today, it's been 443 days since I awoke. Today is a Monday. That's what is said on the calendar. Sexless. Posessing a sexless body, I have no gender. Like an angel, one of the female researchers said. Angel. A winged creature described in religious texts. I'm still so ignorant of the ways of the world... I don't understand why that researcher would use something from religion to describe me... I'm only a child of scarcely more than a year. Child... This scene that appears whenever I close my eyes... A child, running. Who is she? The young man and the old who ruffle her hair... who are they? And... Whose memory is this? Drama: ====== Computer: 3, 2, 1, 0. Nataku has awoken. { Fluid drains from a tank. A reinforced glass door opens. Toujou, who watches all this steadily. } Toujou: .... Nataku. An artifical lifeform that we've spent 30 years creating. Nurtured not in a woman's body, but in fluids regulated by computers... A 'human' made by humans. Born from man-made wombs and through genetic engineering. { Toujou watches Nataku with eyes that are filled with sadness. } Toujou: Kazuki... { Faces Nataku and starts to call but Nataku shows no reaction. It only returns Toujou's gaze with eyes like glass. } Toujou: So... there really is no hope of bringing you back to life, is there? { Past. Toujou home. Kazuki runs across a wide garden. The laughter of a happy Kazuki... Getting nearer and nearer. Ragged breathing. } Kazuki: Father! { A happy Kazuki launches herself, Into the arms of her father, Masaki. } Masaki: Hey. Stop, Kazuki! No running! Kazuki: But! I wanted to come meet you! { Kazuki, lifted in Masaki arms, is in high spirits. } Masaki: I'm back, Kazuki. Kazuki: Welcome home, father. Masaki: Were you a good girl today? Kazuki: Uhm! I was a good girl the whole day! In the hope that you'd return home sooner. { And from behind, Toujou's voice. } Toujou: Um. It's true that Kazuki's been a good girl. Kazuki: Ah! Grandfather! Masaki: I'm home, Father. Toujou: Welcome back. Kazuki: Um... Father, you work in Grandfather's company right? Masaki: Yes. Kazuki: And you make medicines at the company right? Toujou: Yes. For Kazuki's sake. Kazuki: Me? Toujou: Yes. So that you can get well soon. So that you can go to school. Your father is researching all sorts of medicine at the company. { Kazuki, hearing this, turns happily to Masaki. } Kazuki: Then, If Father succeeds I'll be able to run the whole day!? Masaki: Aa. Kazuki: And I'll be able to go to school!? Masaki: Definately. Kazuki: Wa! I love you, Father! { Kazuki looks happy. } Kazuki: Kazuki wants to become Father's bride. Father, Mother and I... we'll both be your wifes, ok? {Masaki, Toujou exchange a glance and laugh. } Masaki: And I wonder how old you'll be when you stop saying that. { Though Masaki is laughing , Kazuki answers him seriously. } Kazuki: I will! I will become Father's wife. { Toujou, happily. } Toujou: Then you'd better start taking lessons in home-making. Kazuki: Uhm. Kazuki will do her best! { Kazuki escapes her father's arms. } Kazuki: Today, I helped Mother make some desert! Cake! Father, you like sweet things right? Masaki: Aa. A lot. Kazuki: You too right, Grandfather? Toujou: I like anything that you make. { Kazuki starts to run off. } Kazuki: I'll get Mother to make tea! I'm going on ahead. { Kazuki runs off. } Masaki: Stop running! Kazuki! { Masaki worriedly calls after a running Kazuki. Kazuki, in a cheerful voice . } Kazuki: Ok! { Masaki and Toujou exchange looks of resignation but both seem helpless in the face of Kazuki's adorable personality. Toujou tracks Kazuki's progress. } Toujou: That child... { Toujou, looking like he's filled with disbelief. } Toujou: ...Kazuki having a part to play in 'The Future of the World'... Masaki: ... { Masaki quietly bites his lip. } Masaki: Kazuki is our beloved daughter. I don't care what power is hidden in her... what Destiny she has... All I want is for her to be happy. Toujou: Yes. { Kazuki lying in a hospital bed. Various machines are hooked up to her. The sound of a heart rate monitor. } Toujou: Kazuki! Kazuki!! { Toujou calls desperately to a weakening granddaughter. } Kazuki: ...It hurts... I can't breathe... { Despite a fading consciousness, Kazuki manages to look at her surroundings. } Toujou: Kazuki!! Kazuki: ... Grandfather... { Kazuki, thinking. } Kazuki: ...This is the hospital...? I collapsed again...? Father... Where...? { Next to Toujou, Masaki also calls Kazuki. } Masaki: Kazuki...! Kazuki : ... Father... I can't breathe... It hurts... Father... Masaki: Kazuki! Kazuki!! Kazuki: Kazuki... Father's wife... wanted to be... That's why I got Mother to teach me how to cook... Why I was a good girl... Because soon, Father's going to create a medicine... to make me well... Father... { Masaki holds Kazuki's hand. His expression is one of grief } Masaki: ... My adorable Kazuki... I won't let you die like this... Someday, I'll bring you back... so... { Kazuki's consciousness continues to fade. } Kazuki: Father... Fa... ther... { The heart rate monitor reflects Kazuki's fading heartbeat. It's beeps become still slower. The continous beep of a stopped heart. } { The artifical lifeform Nataku, With no indication of any emotional reaction, watches Toujou fixedly. } Toujou: Nataku... The name of a soulless God of Chinese Mythology. Transformed from a being initially born of flesh and bone, into a living _thing_. But a living _thing_ with no soul. It's the same with this Nataku. It's body is human but it has no heart. And because it has no heart, it feels no emotion. Because it feels no emotion, it does not know pain, joy, anything... It's merely a living, breathing _thing_. This... is the end?... { Toujou tentitively touches Nataku's hand. } Toujou: ... Kazuki... Monologue: ========== Nataku: Whose memory is this? The man who lifts the little girl up in his arms. Warm arms. I met a young man very much like the man in this memory. A passed by him when I went to bring back the shinken from Tougakushi Shrine The eyes... were alike. Like the man the little girl called 'Tou-sama'. Whose memory is that? It can't possibly be mine. I, who awoke not long ago. This... Who does this memory belong to? And... this feeling whenever I think about that young man I met... Feeling? I have no emotions. That's what I heard someone say. Then... this feeling belongs to that little girl? That young man... Who is he...? And... Will we meet again someday? Will I ever find out why I have this memory? Before the end of the world.