X character file: Nataku. translated by Rika Takahashi * Momologue. NATAKU My name is Nataku. I don't know who named me. They called me that when I woke up. That my name was "Nataku" from now on. I am in the laboratory for Toujyou Pharmaceutical Company. A laboratory in the basement of the Sunshine. [fuu notes this can refer to the Sunshine 60 building in Ikebukuro portion of Tokyo, or the area surrounding the building that is called "Sunshine City". In this case, the former is what is meant. ^_^] A place where even executives of the company can't enter without permission. That's what a researcher said. Today is the 443rd day since I woke up. Today is Monday. It said so on the calendar in the laboratory. Sexless. I have no gender, as I was a body born but not conceived. A female researcher said I was like an angel. Angel. A winged organism written in religious books. As I am not yet educated sufficiently in common knowledge, I do not understand why the researcher used the religious term "angel" when referring to me. I am supposedly a "child" that was born only a little more than a year ago. Child.... A scene that spreads out when I close my eyes. A child running...... Who is that? Who is the young man and the elderly person that patted the child's head.....? And. Who does this memory belong to? * Drama. COMPUTERIZED VOICE 3. 2. 1. 0. Nataku has awoken. The saline liquid is drained from the aquarium. The doors made of strengthened glass open. Toujyou stares at the scene. TOUJYOU ..... Nataku. The artificial life form that took my company, Toujyou Pharmaceutical Company, thirty years to create. A "human" created by another human, grown not in a woman's body but in a cultured solution maintained by computers. An "organism" born using only genetic engineering and an artificial womb. Toujyou looks at Nataku sadly. TOUJYOU Kazuki.... Calls out to Nataku, but no response. Nataku merely looks back at Toujyou with glassy eyes. TOUJYOU Was it impossible to revive you....? **flashback** Past. Toujyou residence. Kazuki runs around in the vast garden. Kazuki's fun-filled laughter. The laughter draws near. Breathing like she is rushing inside. KAZUKI Daddy!! Kazuki jumps in happily. Father, Masaki, catches her. MASAKI Now now. Don't do that, Kazuki. You're not supposed to run. KAZUKI But! I wanted to greet you, Daddy! Kazuki beams as she is picked up by Masaki. MASAKI I'm home, Kazuki. KAZUKI Welcome back, Daddy! MASAKI Were you a good girl today? KAZUKI Yup! I was a good girl! So you would come back early! Then, Toujyou's voice from the other side. TOUJYOU Yes, Kazuki was a good girl. She also drank all her medication. KAZUKI Oh! Granddaddy! MASAKI I have returned, Father. TOUJYOU I'm sorry I troubled you. KAZUKI Um, um, Daddy is at Granddaddy's company, right? MASAKI Yes. KAZUKI You're making medicine at the company, right? TOUJYOU Yes, for you, Kazuki. KAZUKI For me? TOUJYOU Yes. So you will get better soon. So you can go to school full of energy. That's why your father is doing research on a lot of different drugs at the company. Kazuki, hearing that, happily turns to Masaki. KAZUKI Then! When Daddy's medicine is all done, I can run around all day!? MASAKI Yes. KAZUKI I can go to schoool!? MASAKI Definitely. KAZUKI Yaaay! I love you, Daddy! Kazuki looks happy. KAZUKI I'm going to be your bride, Daddy! Daddy, you're going to have two brides, me and Mommy! Masaki and Toujyou look at each other and laugh. MASAKI I wonder when you'll stop saying that. Masaki comments with a laugh, but Kazuki replies seriously. KAZUKI I will! I WILL become Daddy's bride! Toujyou looks joyful TOUJYOU Then you have to start practicing your bridal chores. KAZUKI Yup! I'll do my best! Slipping out of Masaki's hold. KAZUKI Oh! I made sweets with Mommy today! A cake! You like sweet things, right Daddy? MASAKI Yes. I love sweets. KAZUKI You like it too, right Granddaddy? TOUJYOU Anything you make, Kazuki. Kazuki starts to run. KAZUKI I'll get Mommy to brew some tea! I'll be waiting! Kazuki runs off. MASAKI Don't run, Kazuki! Masaki calls out to Kazuki's back with a worried look. Kazuki, energetically KAZUKI Okaaaaay! Masaki and Toujyou look at each other in apprehension. But both seem to think Kazuki is too cute to be angry. Toujyou, following Kazuki's disappearing figure with his eyes. TOUJYOU ...... that child..... Toujyou looks in disbelief. TOUJYOU ..... Kazuki..... is involved in the "Future of the Earth"...... MASAKI ............... Masaki silently bites his lip. MASAKI Kazuki is my precious daughter. No matter what powers are hidden inside her, no matter what fate awaits her...... I want to make her happy..... TOUJYOU I agree. **end flashback** **another flashback** Kazuki lying in a hospital room. Various equipment are attached to her body. Electric beeps signalling her pulse ring in the room. TOUJYOU Kazuki! Kazuki!! Toujyou desperately calls for his weakening grandchild. KAZUKI (monologue) ........ it's painful........ I can't breathe...... Kazuki somehow looks around in her fading consciousness. She sees Toujyou. TOUJYOU Kazuki!! KAZUKI (monologue) ..... Granddaddy..... Kazuki thinks. KAZUKI (monologue) ..... is this the hospital....? Did I collapse again....? Daddy..... Where are you.....? Masaki is calling for Kazuki right next to Toujyou. MASAKI Kaxuki......! KAZUKI (monologue) ..... Daddy...... I can't breathe....... it's painful...... Daddy....... MASAKI Kazuki! Kazuki! KAZUKI (monologue) I..... am going to..... be Daddy's bride..... So, I will learn cooking from Mommy..... and I'll be a good girl..... Because Daddy will soon make me...... medicine that will make me better..... Daddy...... Masaki takes Kazuki's hand. A painful look on his face. MASAKI .... Cute Kazuki.... I can't let you die like this..... I will wake you up again.... I promise..... Kazuki's consciousness continues to fade. KAZUKI (monologue) Daddy....... da..ddy......... The pulse beeps get weaker and weaker. Gets very weak. And one solid beep. **end flashback** Nataku, the artificial organism. No emotional changes. Just stares back at Toujyou TOUJYOU Nataku is the soulless God that appears in Chinese mythology. Something that was born as a lump of meat, then recreated as an "organism". But that "organism" did not house a soul..... This Nataku is like that. It has a human body, but no heart. Because it has no heart, it has no emotions. Because it has no emotions, hardships and happiness don't exist. A "thing" that just lives on...... Is this..... the limit.....? Toujyou slowly touches Nataku's hand. TOUJYOU ........ Kazuki...... * Monologue. NATAKU Who's memory is it? A man picking up a girl. Warm hand. I met a young man that resembled that man. The young man I passed by when I brough back the Holy Sword from Togakushi Shrine. The eyes were the same. To the man who the girl called "Daddy". Whose memory is it? The memory that I could not possibly have as a being that just recently came into existence.... Whose.... is this? And this emotion that appears when I think back about that young man....? Emotion? I have no emotion. So I heard. Then, is this emotion that girl's? Who is that girl? That young man..... Who is he.....? And. I wonder if there will be a day where we meet again. And I wonder if there will ever be a day where I find out the reason for this memory...? Before the end of the Earth.