X character file: Subaru Sumeragi. translated by Rika Takahashi * Monologue. SUBARU Sister. [fuu is actually translating "Neesan" for once.] I don't think I have the right to talk to you in my heart like this anymore. I don't know how long it's been since you have gone away. It's because I try not to think about it. Grandma told me long ago. That you shouldn't count the age of dead people. To keep the souls separated from their bodies at peace. To keep from those souls tied down with the remorse of the people still living and grieving over them. Sister. So, I don't remember the day that you passed away. The fact that you are not here is the only thing engraved in my heart. Because I can't do anything. So I won't put you in any more pain. I only think of one thing every day. About one person. Sister. Humans can stay alive without happiness. Even if others see me and say that I am Unhappy. If I have one Wish. I wonder what you would think if you knew what my wish was. Would you laugh? Would you get angry? Or would you cry? The person that a smile best suited. The person who I wished for more happiness than anyone else in the world. But. The last face I remember of you. Was a crying face. People say I have changed. They say I'm like a completely different person now. I wonder if it's because of the cigarettes that I have started smoking after your death. Or because I stopped paying attention to my clothing. Is it because I no longer wear the clothes that you picked out for me, and because I cut my hair? Grandma told me to stop smoking. But I won't stop. Smoking is not fitting for some spell castors, but I seem to be fine. It's like a medicine I'm using all the time to improve concentration. To save up my powers. For the time that I meet that person. And today. I finally met him Seishirou Sakurazuka. The one person that I still have feelings for. * Drama. Nakano after an earthquake. Screams and sirens intertwine in the air. Strong wind. Subaru and Seishirou face each other in the smoke and dust. Seishirou is smiling, but Subaru looks like he is trying to kill strong emotions. SEISHIROU Subaru-kun. Seishirou speaks slowly. He smiles softly, seemingly unknowing of the panic surrounding him. Subaru looks at Seishirou silently. SUBARU I have been looking for you. Subaru says monotonously. [fuu thinks about adjective -- wah! can't read kanji and my Koujien is 400 miles away!!] Seishirou, still smiling. SEISHIROU Why? SUBARU To may my wish Reality. A star-shaped space from Subaru's hand. Growing. A star-shaped kekkai surrounds the area. Seishirou looks up, impressed. SEISHIROU A Kekkai. The Seven Seals, no the Sumeragi Clan taught it to you as the Dragons of Heaven. One of the Dragons of Heaven that wil save the Earth from destruction. Seishirou laughs softly. SEISHIROU They meant you, Subaru-kun. Subaru shows no reaction. SUBARU I have no interest in the future of the Earth. Seishirou looks surprised. But laughs again. Seishirou starts a conversation as if chitchatting. SEISHIROU How many years has it been? Seishirou takes one step towards Subaru. Subaru prepares for battle, on guard. SEISHIROU You have grown taller. You used to be mistaken for a girl often. You have matured quite a bit. Seishirou removes cigarettes from his coat pocket. Subaru silently removes a lighter from his jacket pocket, and lights Seishirou's cigarette. Seishirou looks slightly surprised. SEISHIROU Is that lighter yours....? Subaru stays silent. Puts away the lighter. SEISHIROU It's bad for your health. Seishirou looks amused, but Subaru stays silent. SEISHIROU How's school? SUBARU I quit. SEISHIROU I thought you wanted to be a caretaker in a zoo? SUBARU ........ SEISHIROU Is Grandmother well? SUBARU ........ SEISHIROU Do you live in Tokyo? SUBARU ........ SEISHIROU In Shinjuku, like before? SUBARU ......... SEISHIROU ......... Seishirou stares at Subaru, who has stopped responding. SEISHIROU Anything wrong? SUBARU You remember. SEISHIROU What? SUBARU I thought you had already forgotten about me. SEISHIROU I haven't forgotten. Seishirou laughs joyfully. SEISHIROU There is no hunter that forgets about a prey he missed hunting. Subaru, in reaction, glares at Seishirou. Seishirou doesn't seem to mind. Looks back at Subaru with a smile. People screaming. Sounds of sirens far away. SEISHIROU You said you had a wish. Is your wish..... to kill me? SUBARU ........ SEISHIROU Me, the one that killed your dear sister...... Subaru doesn't answer. Looks at Seishirou silently. Seishirou laughs happily. SEISHIROU You really are cute, Subaru-kun. Subaru still has a stern look. SEISHIROU I would like to play with you a bit longer..... but I have an errand to run now. Unnatural air surrounds Seishirou. The wind dances around, centering on his body. Seishirou starts to chant. SEISHIROU On asanmagini unhatta. On asanmagini unhatta. Subaru, with a start, prepares. Puts his hands together in front of him. SUBARU On bazalagini harajihattayasowaka! Winds gather speed, as if attracted by the spells. SUBARU On makayakisha bazalasataba, jakuunban kohalabeishaun! (repeat) Seishirou's spell, covering Subaru's spellcasting. SEISHIROU On asanmagini unhatta. On asanmagini unhatta. SUBARU On makayakisha bazalasataba, jakuunban kohalabeishaun! (repeat) At the greatest peak of Subaru's spell, Seishirou's spell acts to shut it out. SEISHIROU Onbazalatoshikoku Winds attack Subaru like blades. SUBARU ! Subaru gets blown away by Seishirou's Power. Subaru slams against the building behind him. Subaru can't get up immediately from the damage. Seishirou slowly approaches the curled up figure of Subaru. SEIHSIROU Then........ I will see you again. Subaru, bearing the pain and wringing out his snergy, SUBARU ........ Seishirou...... san........ * Monologue. SUBARU Sister. He hasn't changed. The right eye he lost because of me, that smile. He won't change. Nothing changed as a result of meeting me. I couldn't influence him at all. I was just a passer-by. Like a glass cup, a Thing that breaks if you let it go. Like the stone that lies there. I know that. I realized that back then. It's not that I'm sad. I no longer have that emotion -- sadness. All I have is one wish. I live only to grant that wish. My dear sister who was killed by him to bring back my heart. The person that wanted me to be Attached to something. The person that I truly cared about more than anyone else. Sister. I also met Kamui today. Kamui was sunk at the bottom of sorrow. Kamui shut his heart, having things important to him ripped apart by someone he loved. Kamui no longer speaks, now that the girl he loved was killed right in front of his eyes. He can't see anyone. Like how I was once. The monk from Kouyasan said that the one who killed the girl was a friend from early childhood that Kamui swore he would protect. Kamui. The one that holds the key to the Earth's fate. But. I have no interest in the outcome of the Earth. I live only to grant my wish. Sister. Is the one thing I am attached to make you sad? Even if that is the case, I can't stop wishing for it. Sister..... No...... Hokuto-chan.