X character file: Yuuto Kigai. * Monologue. YUUTO To Tomoe. I'm sorry. Work went longer than I thought, and I'm home late. I heard your message on the answering machine. I'm calling you now because you told me to call you. But, to catch you not home...... I don't know if it's good karma or bad...... Oh. Of course, my karma. So, I'll leave a message in your machine. Your answering machine can record for a long time, right? It seems like I'll be able to talk a lot. How are you? I'm still working seriously at the ward office. You doubt me. I really am taking my work seriously. The name registry at the ward office is a fun place. Even yesterday. A young father came to register his first child. Right before turning it in, he started having second thoughts. He told me to hold on a minute, and was debating for thirty minutes in front of the office. A child's name is a big deal. I waited with him, but the new father still was debating. I thought I would be meddlesome, but I got him to show me what name he thought of. And it turned out to be Tomoe. Tomoe-chan. A good name. The dad still had doubts, so I started explaining. About how wonderful the name Tomoe was, from the bottom of my heart, using a girl I knew as an example. Of course, I was talking about you. Then that father was really touched. He told me, "Tomoe is the best name after all," in tears. I was also happy, because it was nearing lunch break. That reminds me. You called me at the Setagaya ward office the other day? I'm sorry, I think that was my paid-vacation day. I was at the prefecture office that day. The Tokyo Prefecture Office. In Shinjuku. It's a fun place...... Especially the lower floors. * Drama. Prefecture office, underground. Kanoe is sitting on her chair. Light electronic noise suddenly fills the room. Kanoe flips a switch. Yuuto's voice fills the room. YUUTO Have I disturbed you? Kanoe grins. KANOE No, Yuuto. But it is unlike you to use a telephone. Yuuto is in the bustle of Ikebukuro station, on a phone. YUUTO Since it seems I will be late for the appointed time, I thought it best to phone you. Kanoe's dubious voice can be heard from Yuuto's phone receiver. KANOE Where are you now? YUUTO Still in Ikebukuro. Prefecture office, underground. Kanoe, still looking suspicious. KANOE It is unlike you to be late, isn't it? Yuuto's voice echoes in the room. YUUTO I ended up a bit confined, inside of a Kekkai. KANOE A Kekkai......? Ikebukuro station. Yuuto, with a sneer. YUUTO Yeah. I thought that I would meet Kamui, but a cheerful lad from Osaka interfered. This boy put up a Kekkai...... but it was quite remarkable. It was a perfect alternate dimension with a radius of three kilometers. Even after he dispelled the Kekkai, there was absolutely no damage to normal space. Kanoe's suppressed voice is audible from the phone. KANOE Then...... he is of the end of the World...... YUUTO Yes, he is one who is connected with the End of the World... What's more, he's a member of the Seven Seals. Prefecture office, underground. Kanoe, sitting in her chair. KANOE You fought inside a kekkai with one of the Seals? Yuuto's laugh-filled voice echoes in the room. YUUTO I'm sorry but because he was so cheerful, I couldn't help myself...... But this time it was a draw. We had a guest. KANOE A guest......? YUUTO Inside the kekkai put up by the Osaka boy, there was an intruder. KANOE What did you say?! Kanoe makes surprise apparent for the first time. Yuuto leans against the wall of Ikebukuro station. YUUTO Indeed, the Osaka boy was also surprised. KANOE The first requirement of a Seal is the ability to create a kekkai. To breach that kekkai... Who the hell is it? YUUTO He was a boy of about high school age...... tall...... and he knew Kamui. KANOE ...... Kamui!? Then that boy is also...... Yuuto laughs joyfully. YUUTO One of the Seven Seals, and the mysterious high-schooler who broke the kekkai. I was teased by those two, and so I came back crying to you. Kanoe laughs happily to Yuuto's words. KANOE You're a Dragon of Earth...... one of the Seven Angels. What are you saying? Yuuto, as if playing dumb. YUUTO I am but a humble civil servant. Kanoe laughs again. KANOE You're so cute, Yuuto. When you arrive here, give me a detailed report. YUUTO My pleasure. Yuuto hangs up. Sighs. Mumbles softly. YUUTO Dragons of Heaven, and Dragons of Earth. The End of the World. The End of the Earth. Hmm. If someone heard the conversation I just had with Kanoe-san, they would think I was a freak. Prefecture office, underground. Yuuto walks down a corridor. Footsteps echo. YUUTO Yup, nobody would believe that there is a room like this underneath the Tokyo Prefecture Office. Yuuto arrives at Kanoe's personal room. Knocks. KANOE Come in. Kanoe's voice from within the room. Yuuto opens the door. YUUTO I'm back. KANOE Welcome back, Yuuto. Kanoe seems to have been waiting by brewing (black) tea. Yuuto notices the tea settings. YUUTO Is it tea-time? KANOE Yes. I wanted to hear your story with Satsuki. YUUTO She's here? KANOE Yes. Beast seems to be making a fuss, so she's been cooped up in the computer room. But I think she will be here soon. YUUTO Is Satsuki-chan all right in school? She was a freshman in college this year, right? Kanoe smiles suggestively. KANOE You think there is a professor that can teach Satsuki something? YUUTO ...... There isn't. Kanoe finishes the tea preparations. KANOE You didn't need sugar or milk. YUUTO Just the first cup. KANOE The second one is with just milk. YUUTO You remembered? I'm glad. KANOE ...... We are alike in that way. Yuuto giggles. KANOE So? How do you feel now that you fought a Dragon of Heaven? YUUTO It was hard. I can't win against youngsters lately. Kanoe laughs. KANOE If you're not young, what will I be? YUUTO You are still plenty young. KANOE ...... You don't even know my real age. YUUTO I'm not stupid enough to ask a woman her real age. KANOE ...... You really are cute, Yuuto. Kanoe laughs playfully as she takes a tea-filled cup in hand. KANOE .. .. .. Satsuki too. She's cute. The Dragons of Earth in my grasp. The Seven Angels. I only have two, but I will gather all seven. Yuuto quietly looks at the smiling Kanoe. KANOE You don't ask anything. YUUTO You prefer me to ask? KANOE It's not a fun story even if you asked. YUUTO Then I won't. KANOE Yes. There are many more fun things. Kanoe smiles at Yuuto. Kanoe's eyes that are looking at Yuuto seem moistened. KANOE We should have fun. Satsuki will be here soon. The three of us. Soon...... the Earth...... will change to what I want it to look like. And...... my wish will be granted. * Monologue. YUUTO Tomoe. Do you want me to take you to Shinjuku sometime? Since I've had more errands in the area, I've gotten quite knowledgeable of the area. Oh...... but...... I don't think you should be coming to Tokyo that much. There are a lot of earthquakes in Tokyo. You remember from when you went to school over here, right Tomoe? Two days wouldn't pass before another quake hit, and you were often pale because you hated earthquakes. There have been more earthquakes lately. Yeah, I know why...... Oh, um. Lots of reasons. And. I have no intentions of quitting my job at the ward office. I don't even think about quitting. You know, Tomoe. It's nice to live wishing for something, thinking, "Let's do this, I want to do that" -- but it's not bad to live "for the time being" and "going with the flow" either. What you are, how you were born. Sometimes you understand when you live naturally. I'm happy that you worry about me, someone that isn't as steady as others. But you have to take care of yourself sometimes, too. Oh, I think this machine is going to cut me off soon. I'll call again. Don't catch a cold. My dear young sister Tomoe. This was your only brother, Yuuto.