X character file: Yuzuriha Nekoi. -- translated by Rika Takahashi (fuu) * Monologue. YUZURIHA Dear Grandma, How are you? I'm doing fine. I arrived safely in Tokyo. Hehehe... I got lost, just as you expected. But I never got the hang of walking in strage places... And I don't understand how to ride the subways in Tokyo! You can't tell which ticket to buy just by looking at the fare list, with all those different lines! You can't even tell which fare you need! I don't think this involves just my bad sense of direction. I'm writing this letter in the basement of the Diet Building. I was able to meet Hinoto-san. She was beautiful, just like you told me. But she looks like a child. I know that she's not realy a child. I also met KAMUI. Oh, wait, Kamui-san. He was older than me. They said he was a sophomore. But he was really little and cute. I think he's concerned about his lack of height. I think I hurt his feelings by saying something I shouldn't have. I am feeling bad about that. I met a lot of different people in the basement of the Diet Building. A guy from Kouya-san who speaks the Osaka dialect, and a beautiful girl who wears a sailor suit and pulls a sword out of her hand, and a serious-looking wind master. They all said that they could see Inuki. But. I met before that... .... someone who can see Inuki. * Drama. The streets of Shibuya. Yuzuriha walking along the sidewalk merrily, an ice cream in hand. YUZURIHA Haagen Dazs's Cookies and Cream is delicious as usual! Yuzuriha looks back at the dog that follows (that no one else can see), Inuki. YUZURIHA Don't you think so, Inuki? Inuki barks happily. YUZURIHA Do you want to try some, Inuki? Yuzuriha talks to Inuki, but Inuki whimpers. YUZURIHA That's right. You don't have to eat anything. It's so deliecious... what a pity. Inuki coyly croons to Yuzuriha. YUZURIHA Don't worry, Inuki. Even if you don't know what Haagen-Dazs tastes like, I love you. Yuzuriha hugs Inuki. YUZURIHA Because you are my only partner. Inuki barks, as if to answer her query. Suddenly, a voice from behind. MAN Miss. YUZURIHA ? Yuzuriha stands up. In front of her stands a man of about 20 years. MAN Miss, you are cute. Do you want to have some tea together? YUZURIHA MAN You are really cute. YUZURIHA Thank you. Oh, I want to ask you something. MAN ? Yuzuriha points to where Inuki is. YUZURIHA Can you see him? Of course, the man couldn't see anything. MAN What do you mean, him? YUZURIHA Oh. You can't see either. Yuzuriha does not look too disappointed. She keeps her smile and brightly comments. YUZURIHA I am not going to date anyone who cannot see him. Yuzuriha turns around. YUZURIHA Bye! She tries to walk away. MAN W, wait! YUZURIHA And. Yuzuriha stops at the man's plea. YUZURIHA I have to head over to the Diet Building now. MAN D, Diet Building... what for...? Yuzuriha smiles. YUZURIHA To discuss about the End of the World. Buster of the crowds. Yuzuriha walks along with Inuki. Yuzuriha remembers the past while walking. (flashback) Inside Mitsumine Shrine. Yuzuriha looks about 7 years old. She is crying hysterically in her grandmother's lap. YUZURIHA Grandma. Grandma! The young Yuzuriha complains to her grandmother in tears. YUZURIHA Everyone calls me a liar! They say that they can't see Inuki! That there isn't a dog anywhere! Inuki's right here! Next to her, Inuki the puppy whimpers sadly. GRANDMA Inuki is right there at your side. YUZURIHA Then, whey does everyone say that I'm a liar!? GRANDMA Because not everyone can see him. YUZURIHA Why!? Why can't they see!? GRANDMA Inuki is a dog that only you can see. Yuzuriha cries harder. YUZURIHA Why am I the only one that can see him? GRANDMA That is because Inuki will be with you your whole life. He is your dog and only your dog. YUZURIHA Other kids don't have these dogs? GRANDMA No. That is your power, and only yours. YUZURIHA I don't want power like that! I just want everyone to be able to see Inuki! Grandma starts to speak in a soft yet stern voice. GRANDMA I can't do that. YUZURIHA Wha..... GRANDMA That is your Power, and will become one of the stars in determining the fate of this earth. (end flashback) On top of a pedestrians' bridge, over a busy street. Yuzuriha stands there alone with Inuki. YUZURIHA Even in Tokyo, there isn't anyone that can see you. Yuzuriha, as if trying to make Inuki feel better. YUZURIHA But. Maybe the people who I will meet in the Diet Building will be able to see you. Because Grandma said that they are going to be my comrades. Inuki barks once, as if it knows that Yuzuriha is trying to cheer it up. YUZURIHA I hope someone else will be able to pet you, Inuki. Yuzuriha kneels. Petting Inuki, mumbles to herself. YUZURIHA If I meet someone that can see you, maybe I won't feel so lonely anymore. Inuki barks concernedly. YUZURIHA (whispering) Maybe.... I'll fall in love with that person. Inuki looks worried. Yuzuriha smiles and stands up gingerly. YUZURIHA Don't worry, Inuki! I'm fine! Let's go to the Diet Building! Brightly. YUZURIHA I'm bad with directions, so if we don't hurry, the sun will set! Inuki barks cheerfully as if it was answering. Yuzuriha and Inuki run down the steps of the pedestrian bridge cheefully. YUZURIHA Inuki, this way! Suddenly. The man that they pass (Kusanagi) adresses them. KUSANAGI That's a good dog. YUZURIHA ! Yuzuriha looks back with a start. Kusanagi, petting the Inuki that he supposedly cannot see, smiles at Yuzuriha. KUSANAGI A weird dog, but a good dog. Yuzuriha starts to cry. Furthermore, she clutches onto Kusanagi. He is surprised. KUSANAGI M, miss.... YUZURIHA Finally... I met someone that can see my darling Inuki.... KUSANAGI Whoa, whoa, what happened? Kusanagi, fretting but patting Yuzuriha's back. KUSANAGI Did I say something upsetting? YUZURIHA No, that's not it. Yuzuriha dries her tears with her sleeve. YUZURIHA I'm just happy. Inuki comes near her, as if he was worried. YUZURIHA I'm Yuzuriha Nekoi. This is Inuki. KUSANAGI I'm Kusanagi Shiyuu. YUZURIHA Kusanagi, Shiyuu..... Yuzuriha smiles. YUZURIHA It sounds like your first name and last name got mixed up. KUSANAGI I can't tell which name is your first name either, miss. The two laugh heartily. KUSANAGI Have your tears dried up? YUZURIHA Yes. KUSANAGI That's good. Yuzuriha, desperately. YUZURIHA U, um! KUSANAGI ? YUZURIHA Will.... I see you again? Kusanagi is slightly surprised, but quickly smiles. KUSANAGI Yeah. YUZURIHA Thank you! Inuki barks once, concernedly. * Monologue YUZURIHA Grandma, I finally met someone. Someone who can see Inuki. I'm really happy for some reason. I was happy when I was able to meet the people who are called the Dragons of Heaven in the basement of the Diet Building, but I'm happier that I met him. Kusanagi Shiyuu is a funny name. He said he works for the defense force. He lives in the army post in Ichigaya. When I said that I was bad with directions, he escorted me to the Diet Building although he was heading towards work. He's a nice man. I love him. Grandma. I... I love Inuki, but I still want everyone to be able to see my dear Inuki. I want the person I love to love the other things I love too. I would rather be able to see the same thing as the person I love, instead of having something that only I have. Grandma. I fell in love with him. I wonder if you'll be happy for me. Or mad at me. How's the shrine? Are all the dogs healthy? It was my job to clean the place. I wonder if you're in charge of that now. It gets cold around dawn, so please be careful with your health. I think I will end it here. I will write again. Oh, and... Don't think of answering the phone as a nuisance anymore. I do love to write letters, but I get worried when I can't contact you in the case of an emergency. Until next time. To my dear grandma. From Yuzuriha. --end--