[radio] CLAMP X Zenyasai (8/3) The following is a summary of a radio programme that was broadcast the night before the X movie was released. It was broadcast live from a movie theater in Shinjuku. (You had enter a drawing in order to get invited to the event. Needless to say, I didn't win ^^;;) The programme started out with clips from the movie ... "Go to Tokyo, Kamui ... your fate is awaiting you ..." etc. CLAMP then introduced themselves, and then played "Forever Love." After the song, they broadcast a digest of the movie plot. It consisted of sound clips from the movie, plus narrations explaining the basic plot. Then the first guests showed up: Seki Tomokazu (CV for Kamui), Iwao Junko (CV for Kotori), and Narita Ken (CV for Fuuma). Seki-san said that he auditioned for Subaru and Kamui, and was told the next day "you didn't make it as Subaru." CLAMP said that the movie staff couldn't decide who should play Kamui and Fuuma until the very end (CLAMP did participate in choosing the CVs). He also said that this was the first time he played a character who uses "magic." After a Q&A session, the three did two "live dramas," reading from the X manga. The first bit was from Vol. 4, where Kotori and Fuuma are talking, right after their father's funeral. The second bit was from Vol. 6, where Fuuma and Kamui are talking about their childhood promises. The second group of guests was Rin Taro (director) and Yuuki Nobuteru (character designer). Yuuki-san said that that all the characters, were difficult to draw, since all of then "have so many lines to draw!!!" He said that Kotori's hair was the most difficult to draw, and that the staff almost went crazy drawing her hair. Kamui's hair (the part that hangs over his eyebrows) was difficult to draw as well. The last guest was the producer for both the movie soundtrack and the X character files. He said that the music turned out to be the way it is because they didn't want it sounding like a typical anime BGM, where you have "happy sounding music for happy scenes and sad sounding music for sad scenes." CLAMP said in the Seishiro drama, Seishiro's mother will appear. They said that this is the only time his mom will ever appear. The CV is Yajimo Akiko (she was Relena Peacecraft in GundamW, and she does Crayon Shinchan too). CLAMP emphasized that just because the movie ended one way, it doesn't mean that the manga will end the same way. They said that they wanted some sort of a definite ending for the movie, hence the movie plot. They also gave some spoilers for the X manga. They said that although it looks pretty clear who's a seal and who's a minion by now, "this doesn't mean that it is fixed this way." But, they said, "the person everyone is most interested in will not switch sides and become a minion." [so Kamui & Fuuma will stay the way they are?] But, they also said, "someone great could switch sides." [More plot twists! This is what I love about CLAMP's stories!] Tomo ===================================================== Tomoko Kimura : t-kimura@cap.bekkoame.or.jp =====================================================