Betterman Night 7
Title: Forte
On Air: May 13, 1999

Reported on Dec. 3rd, 1999


 The employees are out side of Ajanta caves, and are worried about disappeared Keita and others. However, they cannot make any counter measure.

 Keita stands on strange space. He sees young Hinoki is having breakfast with her family. Hinoki is smiling. Her face is bright not like the Hinoki who Keita sees recently. The scene has changed, and Keita sees that young Hinoki attends the funeral of her family. Crying Hinoki insists that her family has not died. Keita talks to crying Hinoki, "Do not cry, I will stand by you." Hinoki asks, "Why you are here in my dream?" Keita wakes up, and he finds Hinoki is sleeping beside with him. Keita tries to wake Hinoki. The mysterious girl comes to Keita, and tells to Keita, "You are in danger, you'd better run." The girl talks without moving of her mouth.
 Keita says to himself, "I thought that Ajanta Caves are just sight seeing spot, but I encounters mysterious monster. The researching team were supposed to disappear in here." Hinoki wakes up, and tells to him, "Ajanta Caves were supposed to be the place for monks. Some researchers says that the monks had special technique to invoke the narcotics in brain. My family, father, mother and a big brother were in the researching team which disappeared."
 Keita tries to get out of the cave, however, Hinoki wants to give up. Keita scolds Hinoki, "If you die in here, your family would be disappointed."

 Yanagi wakes up, and finds Kaede, Sakura, Asami and Akamatsu are sleeping around him. Yanagi wakes them up. Something is coming close to them. Yanagi attacks it, but it is Keita and Hinoki.
 Keita talks to them about Behemott, and the Betterman was beat by Behemott. Asami analyses that they were controlled by the sounds which Behemott created.

 Betterman Lamia wakes up. He finds the mysterious girl stands in front of him. She says, "You still alive." And leaves from him. The yellow bird Sayla is beside him. Lamia talks to Sayla, "I lost." The yellow bird Sayla says, "I know." Sayla tells to Lamia to watch the red flower beside him. The red flower has a seed. Lamia takes the seed, and says, "This is Forte."

 Kaede tries to find the way get out with using of her special ability. However, she always lost the way. Sakura says, "It is coming." Suddenly, a big flying insect attacks them. They run away, but Keita is captured by the insect. The mysterious girl who armored strange dragon look comes to save him. She says to Keita, "Run away!" Keita thinks how cool she is. Keita catches up to others. They find their Kakuseijin, and Tyran. However, Behemott comes to them. Asami is surprised how big Behemott is. Betterman Lamia comes to them. Lamia takes the red seed, and eats it. Lamia transformed into Betterman Forte. Sakura says, "Forte". Betterman Forte attacks Behemott. While Betterman is fighting with Behemott, Keita and others run away with Kakuseijin and Tyran.
 Betterman Forte searches the weak point of Behemott, and stabs at the weak point with his horn. Betterman Forte finally destroys Behemott.

 The employee are waiting for them outside of the caves. Suddenly Kakuseijin and Tyran comes out from the caves. Keita and others finally come out of the caves.


On Air date May 13th,1999

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