Image Gallery of Di Gi Charat

This is a section of Di Gi Charat fan art. If you have a piece of Di Gi Charat art that you did yourself and would like to have it put up here, I'd love to add it.

Here is a fanart picture of Puchiko drawn by my friend, Ryoko_san. ^__^

Here's my own attempt at a piece of Di Gi Charat fan art.

Here's another one by me of Puchiko about to do one of her belly flops onto Gema. It didn't really turn out the way I wanted, though.
Puchiko and Gema

This one was sent to me by Farmer Jo:

This one was submitted by Chibi:

A CG pic created by Hellrage:
Dejiko and Puchiko

The following four pictures were taken from the March 2000 issue of Animage. Please note that great care was taken to make sure the names of the artists were included in the scans to insure that proper credit is given for these pictures.
