The Yaoi Files
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HOT Links . . .
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©2000, Higashiko

Agent Arisugawa Sorata "Sora"
Series: X
Personal: Sora likes to be involved in everyone's affairs...this job makes it easy. --Agent Tarou, Personnel Division
Webpage/Shrine: Katko's CLAMP Celebration
Quote: "Not only can I spot a pretty face, but I can pick out some great sites for you to visit. I'm too cool . . ."

General Anime/Manga Information

Anime FAQ

Anime Web Turnpike

Otaku World

The Complete Manga Translation Index

PRISMS: The Ultimate Manga Guide

Hitoshi Doi's page

US Anime - lots of really nice stuff, not bad prices

The Official Animerica Homepage

The Assistant Director's Picks

Lipstick Boy - Homosexuality in CLAMP

Milky Way

Oh my god! She trains Fisheye!

Yaoi/Yuri Support on the Web

Mt. Reikaiku Mailing List

David Bowie's Area

The World's Only Life-sized Neko Bus

Iron Chef

The Gushoushin's Library (another kawaii Yami no Matsuei site)

Aestheticism Online

The Cosplay/Anime Costuming & Masquerade Links


Sasuga Japanese Bookstore

Adolescent Liminality in the Manga of Hagio Moto

Rear Attack Yaoi Gallery

Yuri's Yaoi Manga World

AnimeRose's Yaoi Links Garden

Koala's Collection of Manga & Visual Rock

Aquarius' Manga World

Higashiko's Picks

Estrigious Studios

Luke's Merle Shrine

Boys Don't Cry: A Duo Maxwell Shrine

Studio Kyrn

Internet Guide to Anime Cels

Hiro's homepage

Ivory Dice

~yume no kanata

The Cartoon Page

Deprive: Official Homepage

CGFA: John William Waterhouse

Nikaku Animart (They've cel supplies!)

Emily's Random Shoujo Manga Page

The Doujinshi Artist's Reference Guide

Kitara's Artwork

Bakeusagi's Picks


Puutsuki's Picks

These three are all in Japanese
C's Changer
a kemono (Japanese furry) page. This guy is a fantastic artist!

BeastSide - Love the Minotaur? I sure as hell DO! ^_^;;
Another hot kemono page.

Huge kemono community and links site.

Euro-Asia Gameboy (this one's in English)

Agent Pages
Agents, let us know if you'd like your webpage listed here!

Special Agent Puutsuki

Special Agent Caerbannog

Special Agent Hushityo

Special Agent Sarcasm-hime

Special Agent Foxyboy

Special Agent Sara K
Twenty-First Century Digital Girl and Midgarpsyche


Active Field Agent SD Ryukage

Agent Yashami-D-Loreli

Agent Dandragon Wolf

Agent Seishirou Sakurazuka

Agent Dooms Angel

Agent Josiah

Agent Hikaru Shidou

Agent Harukami  

Agent Hyel

Agent Phoenixfeather:
Xelloss &  Zelgadis Couple Shrine  Pheonixfeather's MP3 Horde  

Agent Mikell 

Agent Satoshi Myuu

Agent Beffie

Agent Michiru Kaioh

Agent Misha Ramsey

Official Debriefing Sites

Sakura no Yume

Peony Pink

End of the Innocence 5.0

Project Rose Signet

Love Mode

Fallen Angel: a Shrine to Angel Sanctuary

Yami no Matsuei

Rence & Frankie's Fushigi Yuugi Shrine

Surly-Genki: A Kaim Tachibana Shrine

Pantyhose Taro Worship Shrine

The ONLY Campus Cop Duklyon homepage out there...

We Worship Aburatsubo!

Yggdrasil Earth Support Services

Honey Flash! -A Cutey Honey Page

Labyrinth of Lickitung

Zetsuai 1989/Bronze

Way of the Fire Demon

The Yoroiden Temple


Guide to Neon Genesis Evangelion

Sae's Magic Hat

Ludwig II

Rob's Koko wa GreenWood Page

Half and Half Shrine

Full Moon


EROS: Animanga: Earthian

Serpent's Devilman (temporarily down)

Katko's CLAMP Celebration

Bakaretsu Hunters Page

Alex's Ai no Kusabi


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Here are some link images you can use
(please put these on your own server space rather than linking to ours):

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All characters and images are copyright their respective creators.

This Document is the Property of the Shounenai Bureau of Investigation, ©2000.
(except the Asst. Director, Watan Okoge, who can be reached via email at