Ishino Ryuuzou (ÀÐÌîε»°)

Personal Information

Ishino Ryuuzou (ÀÐÌîε»°) was born on December 12th, 1962 in Chiba. His blood type is O. He works for Ribero.


Ryuuzou has done the following roles in anime.

Ashita he Free Kick Carl Henderson
Ashita he Free Kick {episode 4} announcer
Ashita he Free Kick {episode 9} Megalo
Bannou Bunka Nekomusume {phase I} student A
Evangelion committee member
Golden Boy animator
Gundam Wing Chang Wu Fei
H2 Nakajima
H2 Ichinose
Hyper Police Tommy
Tonde Buurin male student
V Gundam Gettle Deple
Ys {II} Townsperson B


Ryuuzou has done the following roles in games.

Quo Vadis 2 [Sega Saturn] Tellard


Ryuuzou has done the following roles in CD/radio dramas.

Gundam Wing [radio] Chang Wu Fei


Miscellaneous CDs

Ryuuzou appears (sings/talks) in the following CDs.

Lookup latest CD information for Ishino Ryuuzou in the seiyuu database

Books and Magazines

Some of the books and magazines that Ryuuzou has appeared in prominently are as follows.

Voice Animage 3, 1995.07.?? {5 P} Gundam W article, MONO
Shin Kidousenki Gundam Wing Endless Waltz (Anime V Special), 1997.09.01 {1 P} interview, MONO

This page updated Wed Aug 16 02:05:48 JST 2000.

seiyuu page | Hitoshi Doi