Ohsawa Chiaki (ÂçÂôÀ齩)

Personal Information

Ohsawa Chiaki (ÂçÂôÀ齩) was born on November 19th, 1981 in Tokyo. She is 158 cm tall and weighs ?? kg. Her three sizes are 83-59-82. She works for Stardust Promotion.


Chiaki has done the following roles in anime.

Street Fighter Zero Kasugano Sakura


Chiaki has done the following roles in games.

Early Reins -Kouya no tenshitachi- [PlayStation] Alice Dawson



Solo CDs

Chiaki has released the following solo CDs.

Single CDs

Chiaki has also released the following CD singles.

Lookup latest CD information for Ohsawa Chiaki in the seiyuu database


Some of the videos/LDs/DVDs that Chiaki has appeared in are as follows.

Books and Magazines

Some of the books and magazines that Chiaki has appeared in prominently are as follows.

AnimeV May 1998, 1998.03.25 {2 P} Kirara audition article, MONO
Animedia May 1998, 1998.04.10 {1/2 P} article, COLOR
AnimeV June 1998, 1998.04.25 {1 P} article, MONO
Animedia June 1998, 1998.05.10 {1/2 P} article, MONO
Voice Animage 20, 1998.05.22 {2 P} article, COLOR
AnimeV July 1998, 1998.05.25 {1/2 P} Kirara article, COLOR
Animedia July 1998, 1998.06.10 {1/4 P} Kirara event report, COLOR
Dengeki B-Magazine July 1998, 1998.06.10 {1/4 P} event report, COLOR
AnimeV August 1998, 1998.06.25 {1/2 P} article, MONO
AnimeV September 1998, 1998.07.25 {4 P} Kirara article, MONO
Ani Raji Grand Prix volume 15, 1998.08.26 {1 P} event report, COLOR
Newtype October 1998, 1998.09.10 {1/2 P} article, COLOR
Voice Animage 23, 1998.11.22 {2 P} article, MONO
Ani Raji Grand Prix 21, 1999.08.26 {1/2 P} event report, COLOR


Radio Shows

Chiaki has/had the following radio shows.

Guest Appearances

Chiaki has appeared as a guest on the following radio shows.


Some of the events that Chiaki has appeared in recently are as follows.

1998.05.10Kirara event in Yomiuri Land
1998.07.26Kirara Completion event in Suginami Koukaidou
1998.08.01Kirara Completion event in Osaka
1998.08.02Kirara Completion event in Nagoya
1998.08.08Kirara event in Kawagoe
1998.08.09Kirara event in Hachiouji
1998.08.23Kirara event in Yokohama
1998.08.29Kirara event in Nagoya
1998.08.30Kirara event in Osaka
1998.09.05Kirara event in Niigata
1998.09.06Kirara event in Hiroshima
1998.09.12Kirara event in Fukuoka
1998.09.13Kirara event in Kumamoto
1998.09.15Kirara event in Yamagiwa Soft
1999.07.20Anime Scramble event
2000.07.23Kirara event in Kanda Panse Hall

This page updated Tue Aug 15 08:43:47 JST 2000.

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