Tonight 2 (1994.11.02)

Tonight 2
24:10 - 24:40 (?)
Yokoyama Chisa (²£»³ÃÒº´)
Kouda Mariko (Ô¢ÉÜÅÄ¥Þ¥ê»Ò)
Shiina Hekiru (ÄÇ̾¤Ø¤­¤ë)
Hayashibara Megumi (ÎÓ¸¶¤á¤°¤ß)
Ogata Megumi (½ïÊý·ÃÈþ)

Tonight 2 is a variety news program that runs daily late at night. On 1994.11.02, they had a special feature on female voice actresses. They had some other stuff, and the total time for the seiyuu feature was around 15 minutes.

They started by showing a film of a street-side interview. They put pictures of female seiyuu on a board and asked the people on the street to identify them. Of course most of them couldn't! But one guy recognized Hayashibara Megumi. [I wish they would have asked me.. ^_^;]

Yokoyama Chisa

They showed the following.

Kouda Mariko and Shiina Hekiru

They showed the following.

Hayashibara Megumi

They showed the following.

Ogata Megumi

They showed the following. [CM break]

seiyuu school

Yoyogi Animation Gakuin has a school for seiyuu. 5 years ago there were 100 students, but now there are 500.

Voice Animage

Animage is going to put out a special magazine about seiyuu, Voice Animage.

other miscellaneous stuff

It takes about 10 years to become established as a seiyuu. Right now there are lots of people want to be seiyuu, more than the number of seiyuu required. So it's a very tough world.

seiyuu TV page | seiyuu page | Hitoshi Doi