Tonight 2 (1994.11.02)
- Program
- Tonight 2
- Date
- 1994.11.02
- Time
- 24:10 - 24:40 (?)
- Highlights
- Yokoyama Chisa (�����Һ�)
- Kouda Mariko (Ԣ���ĥޥ��)
- Shiina Hekiru (��̾�ؤ���)
- Hayashibara Megumi (�Ӹ��ᤰ��)
- Ogata Megumi (��������)
- Report version 0.6 by Hitoshi Doi, 1994.11.28
- Report version 1.0 by Hitoshi Doi, 1995.03.01
Tonight 2 is a variety news program that runs daily late at night.
On 1994.11.02, they had a special feature on female voice actresses.
They had some other stuff, and the total time for the seiyuu feature
was around 15 minutes.
They started by showing a film of a street-side interview.
They put pictures of female seiyuu on a board and asked the people
on the street to identify them. Of course most of them couldn't!
But one guy recognized Hayashibara Megumi.
[I wish they would have asked me.. ^_^;]
Yokoyama Chisa
They showed the following.
- Some clips of her concert at a university.
(Some people that I knew were in the crowd shots.
If I had gone, I might have been on TV.. ^_^;;)
- A short clip from her video.
- An interview while she was signing lots of signature boards.
- Some scenes of Ruly (Iron Leaguer).
Kouda Mariko and Shiina Hekiru
They showed the following.
- Some clips of them recording a CD.
- Some scenes of Momo (Tama)
- Some scenes of Okinu-chan (GS Mikami)
- An interview with Shiina Hekiru
A seiyuu doesn't have to be cute, and doesn't have to go in front
of people. So I feel, "What am I doing now? Can I be doing this?"
- An interview with Kouda Mariko
A seiyuu is an actor, so they can sing.
It's just part of being a seiyuu, so I think it is ok.
Hayashibara Megumi
They showed the following.
- Megumi's 5 CDs
- Megumi's 3 radio programs
- Some scenes of Ranma-chan
- An interview with Hayashibara Megumi
I do have some resistance to going out in front of people.
But if the recognition of anime fans can rise, it's ok.
- Some clips from Megumi's video
Ogata Megumi
They showed the following.
- Some scenes of Sailor Uranus
- Ogata Megumi's picture book, that will be coming out later.
- An interview with Ogata Megumi
I want to do roles like a little rock, etc that only seiyuu can do.
[CM break]
seiyuu school
Yoyogi Animation Gakuin has a school for seiyuu.
5 years ago there were 100 students, but now there are 500.
Voice Animage
Animage is going to put out a special magazine about seiyuu,
Voice Animage.
other miscellaneous stuff
It takes about 10 years to become established as a seiyuu.
Right now there are lots of people want to be seiyuu,
more than the number of seiyuu required.
So it's a very tough world.