Yuushoku Banzai

Dou Natteruno?! (Yuushoku Banzai)
1995.08.14 - 1995.08.17
11:00 - 11:08
Seiyuu guests
08.14 - Yokyama Chisa (�����Һ�)
08.15 - Matsumoto Rica (��������)
08.16 - Hayashibara Megumi (�Ӹ��ᤰ��)
08.17 - Tarako

There is a cooking corner called Yuushoku Banzai (ͼ���Ф󤶤�) in the TV program Dou Natteruno?! (�ɤ����ʤäƤ��?!). This corner is only about 7 minutes long, and the guests show how they cook one dish. During 8/14 to 8/17, they had some seiyuu guests.

They cooked the following.

8/14 - Yokyama Chisa (�����Һ�)
Tiramisu (�ƥ���ߥ�)
08.15 - Matsumoto Rica (��������)
Stamina omlettes (�����ߥʥ�����)
08.16 - Hayashibara Megumi (�Ӹ��ᤰ��)
Fried pork (�����Υ��޹���Ȥ�)
08.17 - Tarako
Rice soup (������)

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