

Toshiba-EMI TYLY-3006
CAV, 27 min, 3800 yen
released 1995.??.??

[information provided by Yuchou Hu]

This is a music video collection filmed on some tropical island which is not identified anywhere. There are 6 tracks: an opening plus 5 music videos. A short break follows each video.

1. opening
The filming of the videos is over. Fumie is very happy and asks the people to enjoy the videos.
2. Love Wing
Fumie in a garden, in front of a stand of orange heliconias, walking through a forest of palm trees. B/W segment showing Fumie in the make-up room.
3. Romance ni Byou Yomi
Studio photo session interspersed with concert footage (similar to what she wore in Hummingbird Nekkyou no Hadaka Eve concert). For the photos she wears a kimono, a business dress and pajamas, among others. Blooper while filming track 2. She backed into a tree and got disoriented, forgetting where to go next.
4. My Blue Paradise
Outdoor clip with her playing on the beach. A lunch break.
5. Kurumin to Kiss
An artsy video with all white background. Only her head or face is visible throughout. Review of a day's work on a small tv. She is very happy because she comes out very nice in the video.
6. Chikyuu Ryokou
Outdoor video showing her going everywhere on the island. End credit along with footages not used in the music videos.