Escaflowne Compendium







Picture of Varie FanelVarie (Escariina) Fanel

Queen of Fanelia
Varie disappeared ten years ago looking for her older son (Van's older brother) after he himself disappeared during the dragon-slaying pre-coronation ritual.

Spoilers: Episode 9

Age Undeterminable
Gender Female
Family Goau (father and former king who died twelve years ago), older son (disappeared during royal coronation rites ten years ago), Van (younger son and current heir)
Affiliation Fanelia
Debut (in a vision) Episode 9
Voice Yoshiko Sakakihara

Note: In Katsu-Aki's Shounen Ace manga version of Escaflowne, Van's mother is named Escariina, and she was a former "little songbird" singer in the words of Dilandau. In Yuzuru Yashiro's Asuka Fantasy DX manga version of Escaflowne, Van's mother does not appear at all.


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Copyright © 1997 Sunrise, TV Tokyo/Bandai Entertainment, Inc./Egan Loo.
All rights reserved. Last Revised on 1997 December 31

Egan Loo <>
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