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     t r a n s l a t i o n s :   s h o k o m i

translators:  nekojita, mari hayashi
    nekojita: http://ayashi.net
    tetris no miko: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Village/1949/anc/anc.html

translations available:
1999 issue 11
1999 issue 12
1999 issue 13
1999 issue 14
1999 issue 15
1999 issue 16
1999 issue 17
1999 issue 18 (in progress)
status: shokomi is published bi-weekly, and reaches the united states about one to three weeks after it's published in japan. spoilers abound. fyi, the events of 1999 issue 17 pick up right where anc volume 12 leaves off. i stopped translating shokomi in november of 1999 due to time considerations, but tetris no miko has picked up the slack. you can find her translations here
stuff done by ”Lã 1999. please ask before taking.
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