What's Pokemon? Japanese Anime Series North American Anime Series Episode Synopses Pokemon Game Boy Games Pokemon Fan Artwork Pokemon Goodies Poke-Experiences Press Releases Poke-Links Site Map About the Authors

Just a line

Again, another line


Blue Ribbon

Gold Key

WIP Link

Trixie Turnpike
This site was chosen
for the Anipike's weekly
pick for the week
of 98/08/10!

E-mail me at:

We're baaaaaack! Please read the message from the authors about the site's comeback!

Welcome to the Cleft of Dimension's Pokemon page! After seeing a depressingly small number of Pokemon web pages in English, I've decided to get into the hype that's taken over Japan and to create my own page. Here you'll find info on both the Japanese and upcoming English Gameboy games and anime, as well as a small collection of pictures and screenshots.

I got hooked on Pokemon when I was at the Electronic Entertainment Exposition (E3) in May 1998 and I had seen a preview of both the game and the anime at the press-only Nintendo conference. At first I thought, "What the heck is this? Isn't this the show that made 700 or so kids go into seizures?" and I didn't care much about it. But after seeing the press releases and played a demo of the English version of the game, I was thoroughly hooked. Thanks to Shou Tsurugi, I got some more information about the series. I eventually bought the red, blue and green versions of the game, and I bought a Pocket Pikachu, so as you can see, I'm very hooked. ^_^

Of course, I couldn't have created this page all by my lonesome (although I'm the one who slaved at the HTML), so I want to give a big thanks to Brad Vaughan, my husband and best friend; Shou Tsurugi, for having a lot of patience with me and much-needed Poke-info; William "Rudy" White, for joining me on my never-ending quest for more Pokemon when we were back at E3; Fred St-Pierre, for beta-testing the page and slapping the HTML around a bit; and The Keeper of Crystal Earth, for tolerating my sudden outbursts of "Pika!" when I was on the phone with her.

So take your time here and enjoy what can be found on the Cleft of Dimension's Pokemon Page!

You are visitor *ERROR* to this section of the Cleft of Dimension (but everyone knows that I don't like counters, right?).

This page was created by Kathy Vaughan on June 22nd, 1998 in a fit of insanity. Don't worry, it's not as catching as on my main page. If you have any (and I mean it!) comments, suggestions, requests, gripes or flames, send 'em here. If you see a TYPO on this page, notify me right away, I hate these things. =) Just send everything to me at cod@compusmart.ab.ca.

Pokemon ("Pocket Monsters") is copyright 1995, 1998, Nintendo Co. Japan, Game Freak and Creatures. The Pokemon anime series is copyright 1998, Nintendo Co. Japan, Game Freak, Creatures and TV-Tokyo. No copyright infringement was intended when these pages were created; if you see anything on these pages that would constitute a copyright infringement, be it with the content or the graphics, please contact me at cod@compusmart.ab.ca. and we'll work things out.

The Japanese Opening Theme translation and the translation of the Japanese Rocket Gang speech is copyright 1998 by Shou Tsurugi; all rights reserved. No reproduction of those translations is permitted without the permission of the translator.

The Cleft of Dimension and its contents, unless noted otherwise, is copyright 1998 by Kathy Vaughan; all rights reserved. No reproduction of the contents of this page is permitted without my expressed written permission.

Last update: 99/01/12

Kathy here... Okay, we're ticked off. The report we had read at Videogames.com said that we'd be getting new Pokemon seasons starting the 29th. How many of you have been getting reruns of the first episodes instead? WSBK has been airing the reruns, and YTV is almost finished its first run of the episodes, so we don't know what's happening. They were right about the TV stations airing Pikachu's Bye-Bye on November 20th, but...

Anyways, we'll keep you posted on what happens on the Canadian side of things, and if they'll show the new episodes.

School has started for me and Melissa, so we're busier than expected. Also, my Windows 98 blew up in my face last week, so we're slowly reinstalling everything (including the video capture card drivers ^^;), so as soon as that gets working, we'll take the screen shots.

On the new art gallery section...

Melissa here! I'd just like to say that I hope you will enjoy the expanded art gallery and forgive me. Being in charge of fanart is a heavy responsibility! I must make difficult descisions about who's pics go up so if you don't see yours now I will try my best to get yours up sometime. I feel bad when someone doesn't get up the art they poured their heart and soul into. But I will try my best for all of you Pokemon fans! So what do we have anyway?

  • Updated the Artwork page with new pics and a new gallery stuffed choc-full of pics!

When I asked people to stop copying from my friend's Pokemon page, I didn't say that it was okay to copy from mine. I'm still seeing sites that blatantly copy material from my friend's site, and now I suspect one site of copying my own material and I'm aware of it. There are strict copyrights on both our pages, and violating these copyrights is a serious offense in our respective countries and in the United States. Remember, we're only responsible for what's on our own sites; if you see material that was copied from our pages and that's botched up beyond belief, keep in mind that we did not give permission for their reproduction and it's not our responsibility that there might be mis-information there! So c'mon, if you're making your own Pokemon site, it's okay to get information from other sites, but don't copy them, okay? It makes you feel better knowing you weren't lazy and cut/paste material you didn't write into a page and call it your own.

Previous updates can be found here.

Kathy and Brad Vaughan: cod@compusmart.ab.ca

Melissa Woodford: pokemon_art@hotmail.com