Hyoga, Cignus Saint


hyogaName means: "Ice River"

Age: 14

Height: 1, 72 m

Weight: 60 kg

Birthdate: January 23th (Acuarius)

Bloodtype: O

Birthplace: Rusia

Training Place: Siberia

Master: (Anime) Cristal Saint
(Manga) Camus, Acuarius Gold Saint

Special attacks: Aurora Thunder atack, Diamond Dust, Aurora Execution

Hyoga was orphaned when the ship where he and his mother voyaged was sunked in the ocean and his mother decided to sacrifice herself for save him. The ship was trapped in Siberia's eternal ice, which preserves Hyoga's mother beauty. Hyoga would to be Saint because only a Saint has the power to crash the ice over the ship.

Hyoga's the last to arrive the Galactic Tournament and confronts Ichi, Hidra Saint. Hyoga defeats Ichi easy with his "Diamond Dust" attack, which smashed Ichi's armor. After he confronts his own master, Cristal Saint, who's hipnotized by the Gran Pope. In his last moments, Cristal Saint recovers his own and says Hyoga to fight Sanctuary's evilness.

In the Santuary, Hyoga falls in Geminis Saint trap, falling down in another dimension and arriving to Libra's house, where Acuarius Gold Saint Camus (who was master of his master) is waiting for him. Camus asks Hyoga to leave his mision, but Hyoga refuses. So Camus sank Hyoga's mother's ship further because he thinks his feelings for his mother make Hyoga's sentimental and weak. Hyoga's raged now, but he can't defeat Camus, who locks up him in his ice prison and leaves Libra's place, criying.

His friends find him when they arrive to Libra's temple, but they can't broke the ice. Dohko, Libra Gold Saint and Shiryu's master, gaves him his cloth and with the cloth's weapons Shiryu brokes the ice. But Hyoga's so cold and his life is in danger. Shun, Andromeda Saint, decides to stay and help him, urging Seiya and Shiryu to go away. When they're gone, Shun uses his own cosmo for warm up his friend, risking his own life.

Hyoga appears in Scorpio's place just at time to help Seiya and Shiryu from Scorpio's Gold Saint Milo's power. He carrys an unconcious Shun in his arms. When his friends leaves Milo's place, he battles the Gold Saint, who tells him Camus locked him for save his life. But Hyoga says he don't need the mercy of anybody and Milo decides to fight against him like a true Saint. His "Scarlet Needle" is a terrible weapon which leaves Hyoga badly wounded. But he can freeze partialy Milo's armor. Hyoga's bleeding but he tries to crawl out fo Scorpion's place. His courage and faith has a great impact in Milo, who stop the bleeding and saves his life.

After, Hyoga must confront Camus again. After a hard fight, in the edge of the uncounciousness, Hyoga achieves the 7th sense and the "Absolute Zero" the supreme temperature, and Camus is glad to gave his life for learn his disciple the last secret.

Hyoga wears his new armor, returned to live thanks Scorpio's Gold Saint Milo's blood, during Asgard battle. Hyoga must fight a tragic combat against Hagen of Merak, Beta God Warrior, who uses the ice as weapon like him, but also the fire. Hyoga defeats him using the ultimate attack Camus learned him, the "Aurora Execution".

But more tragic is his combat in Poseidon kingdom against Isaak of Kraken, General of North Atlantic Ocean, a former friend and training partner, who losed an eye for save him. In his last moment, he reconigzes his fault and gives Hyoga a valuable advice.

In the final fight against Poseidon, Hyoga wears his master gold cloth and, with Shiryu, helps Seiya to broke the column where's kidnaped Athena.