
kikiName means: ???

Age: 10 (aprox)

Height: ? m

Weight: ? kg

Birthdate: ?

Astrological sign: Aries

Bloodtype: ?

Training Place: Tibet

Training Place: Tibet

Master: Mu, Aries Gold Saint

Special attacks: He posees the power of telechinesis and teletransport.

Kiki appears for first time when Shiryu goes to Jamir mountains in search for Mu. Kiki's Mu disciple but he doesn't know his master is also Aries Gold Saint. Kiki goes to Japan and gave Seiya his armor, because Shiryu is seriously wounded, and remains here.

During the Sanctuary battle, Kiki takes care (with his master) of Athena, until the other Bronce Saints arrives.

In Asgard, Kiki remains with Athena and Flare, Polaris Ilda's youger sister, until she falls down ill and he must take care of her.

Kiki plays an important role in Poseidon kingdom. He goes from one column to another carring with him the Libra Gold Cloth. With the cloth's weapons, the bronze saints can destroy the columns for save Athena.

