Shiryu, Dragon Saint

shiryuName means: "Purple Dragon"

Age: 14

Height: 1, 72 m

Weight: 53 kg

Birthdate: October 4th

Astrological sign: Libra

Bloodtype: A

Birthplace : Japan

Training Place: Rozan Mountain (China)

Master: Dohko, Libra Gold Saint

Special attacks: Rozan Ryûhishô, Rozan koryûwa, Excalibur

Shiryu is the most calm and reflexive of the team. He was trained by the old master Dohko (whos is really Libra Gold Saint). In order to win his cloth he must make Rozan waterfall flows to the sky. His girlfriend is Shunrei, an orphaned girl adopted by master Dohko, who grews her like a daughter.

During the Galactic Tournament, Shiryu confronts Pegasus Saint Seiya, in a long and hard fight. At the end, Seiya saved his life. Their armors were destroyed during the fight, and Shiryu goes away in search of Mu, the only person in the world who can repair them. When Shiryu finds him, Mu told him the price is his life, because the armors are living beings and needs blood for turn into life. Without think it twice, Shiryu shed his blood over the armors, falling unconsiousderrama. Mu stops the bleeding and decide to repair the armors as a reward for his courage.

Shiryu returns just in time to save Seiya from the evil power of Black Pegasus' meteors. After he fights agains Black Dragon, who at end wishes to know the power of friendship and saves his life.

During the fight against Perseus Silver Saint Argol, who wears the terrible shield of medusa, Shiryu blinds himself for save Seiya and Shun from Medusa's stone curse. In Rozan, his masters learns him to recover his lost courage and goes away to the Sanctuary, despite his blindness. During his combat with Cancer Gold Saint he achieves the 7th sense and recovers the vision. Inside Libra mansion, his master gaves him his cloth and with the cloth's weapons, he saves Hyoga from Camus' ice prison. Shiryu sacrifices himself during the battle against Capricorn Gold Saint Shura, when using a forbidden attack, the Rising Dragon. But Shura reconigzes his error and protects Shiryu with his own armor, pulling him down to Earth.

Shiryu wears his new armor, returned to live thanks to Gold Saints blood, during the Asgard battle. Shiryu appears lucky to save Seiya from Tholl of Phecda, Ganma God Warrior, and after confronts the wild Fenrir of Alioth, Epsilon God Warrior, in a fierce fight.

In Poseidon's kingdom, Shiryu confronts Krishna of Krysaor, Indic Ocean General. During the fight, he knows Capricorn Shura keeped his fabulous sword Excalibur in his right arm, and thanks to him Shiryu brooks Krysaor's gold lance.

In the final fight against Poseidon, Shiryu wears his master gold cloth and, with Hyoga, helps Seiya to broke the column where's kidnaped Athena.