Athena fight with Artemis
By: "Fusao Nishiyama" <>
Athena X Artemis

In Greece -

Saori - I fell the evil is returning
Shun - Saori , I'm afraid I'll have to fight again ...
Seiya - The evil , Saori ?

In Asgard -

Fler is looking at the stars . A spirit appears near her and says - Fler
, do you want to have this world in your hands ? The moon has the power
Fler - No ! My sister said to me I can't mistake as she with the Nibelungo
ring .
Spirit of Artemis - I won't use the Nibelungo Ring . Your body will be my
body !!!!!!!!!
Hilda listen to Fler's voice in the Guarujara Palace - Fler , what is the
problem ?
Fler Sleeps and wakes up as Artemis , the evil godness of the moon . - This
world is mine ! WA HA HA HA Ha !
Hilda runs to Artemis , but she is going to the moon .

In the Moon -
Artemis - I want wy warriors ! the moon warriors !!!!
Athalanta - I'm athalanta , your first warrior .
Eneus - I'm Eneus , your second Moon Warrior .
Gorgophonia - I'm gorgophonia . I'll be your slave .
Ippholite - I'm your Moon warrior , Ipholite
Gilgamesh - I'm Gilgamesh , your warrior forever .
Artemis - You are my fife Moon Warriors who will kill the Saints of Athena
!!! Let's go to Athena's sanctuary sanctuary in Greece .

In the sanctuary -

Saori listen to a voice - Who are you ... I think I know you . You are
Fler of Asgard ! Why are you wearing these clothes ?
Artemis - Athena , I'm not Fler anymore . I'm ARTEMIS , the godness of the
moon and the moon will dominete your poor Earth . This Earth will be mine .
Come with me ! Come to the moon !
Bronce Saints - Saori ! We'll save you - they run to Saori , but the moon
warriors don't let .
Moon Saints - We are the Moon warriors .
Artemis and the monn warriors return to moon with Athena
Shun - They kidnaped Saori
Hyoga - They went to the moon
Shiryu - We have to save her .

In the Moon -
Artemis - Athena , I'll kill you and take to me your energy of your cosmo
and I'll be the most powerful godness and I'll dominate the world and
everybody will have to be my slaves .
Athena - You can't do it .
Artemis - We are in the moon , Athena and my power here is bigger then in
other places . I'll wil kill you now
Athena -I won't let . I'll fight with you and my Saints will protect me .
Athena and Artemis fight hardly with their cosmos

In the Sanctuary
Seiya - Mu , how can we go to the moon
Mu - The Gold Saints will use their cosmos to send you to the moon . Can I
coun with You , Shaka ?
Shaka - Yes , I'll use all my cosmo
Aioria , Milo , Aldebaran , Dohko- Yol can count with us , Mu .
Gold saints do five golden capsules to Seiya , Shun , Shiryu , Hyoga and
Ikki ant put this saints in they
The capsules fly to the moon .

In Asegard

Hilda - Athena Saints , please , save Athena and Fler !

In the moon

Artemis throw Athena down because in the moon , she is more powerful .
Ikki - We have to go to that palace .
Seiya - Let's go .
Hyoga - We have to save Athena and Fler .
The saints run to the palace but they meet a moon saint , Gilgamesh
Gilgamesh - Are you Athena Saints ? I'm here to kil you
Saints - We don't have time to fight to him here .
Shiryu - I'll stay here to fight with him .
Seiya , Shun , Hyoga and Ikki go away
Gilgamesh - Let me go !!!
Shiryu - You'll have to fight with me .
Gilgamesh - With pleasure .
Gilgamesh fights with Shiryu hardly
Gilgamesh - Receive my power - Universal Explosion
The Saints are going when other moon warrior appears . He's Ippholite .
Ippholite - I'm a moon warrior . I'm Ippholite .
Hyoga - I'll fight with them . Go away , friends .
Shun - But Hyoga !!!
Hyoga - Don't worry about me . Go away . Ippholite , I'll finish you . Ice
Circle !!!
The saints go away
Ippholite - I can't move !
Hyoga - The Ice circle won't let you move
Ippholite walks to Hyoga
Hyoga - How can you move in my ice circle ?!?!?!
Ippholite - Do you think I'm weak ? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !
Ippholite - Now , I'll finish you ! THE CRATER OF THE MOON !!!
Hyoga - What is happening !!! AAAAHHHH !!!!
The saints continue their way but they meet Eneus
Eneus - I'm Eneus , a Artemis's warrior .
Ikki - Don't spend time , go away .
Seiya - Let's go , Shun
Ikki - The phoenix ilusion
Eneus - This ilusion won't work !
Ikki - This is what you think !
Eneus feels Ikki's ilusion
Eneus - I'm not afraid , Phoenix . Receive the ROTATION OF THE MOON !!!
Shun - IKKI !!!!!!! I fell ikki is not well
Seiya - We have to go away .
Gorgophonia - No .
Seiya - Who are you ?
Gorgophonia - I'm gorgophonia .
Shun - Seiya , let me fight with him as Shiryu , Hyoga and Ikki
Shun - Andromeda Chain !!! Capture him
Seiya - See you , Shun
Gorgophonia - Will you fight with me , Andromeda ? Yo can't win .
(Gorgophonia is Androginous as Aphrodite and Misty )
Shun - I don't like to fight , but I have to save Athena . Attack , Nebula
Chain !!!!!
Gorgophonia - OH ! This chain is a little powerful . But it can't with me !
The fragrance of the moon !
Shun - AAAAHHHHH !!!!
Seiya meets Athalanta
Athalanta- You are the last Saint ! I'll finish you
Athalanta fights with Seiya
Seiya - Give me your power Pegasus!!!
Athalanta - The power of pegasus cant touch me . gravitational power of the
Seiya Goes to the high and falls with all the pouwer in the ground .
IN the Moon Palace
Artemis - Athena , did you see ? Your saints are nothing for my warriors !

In Asegard

Hilda - The saints ! They Need help . Odin ! Give me your biggest power
The god warriors revive !!!
Hilda uses the Odin's clothe
Hilda - Siegfried , Sid , Bud , Mime , Hagen , Fenhil , Dholl , Alberich
!!!! We have to save Asegard and the world !!!
Hilda and the saints go to the moon with the power of the gold saints in
the Sanctuary .

In the moon
Gilgamesh - Shiryu ? Are you alive . I'll finish you now !!! prepare
yourself !
Fenhil - No ! You won't kill Shiryu
Shiryu - Are you Arioto Epsylon Fenhil ?
Fenhil - Yes . Gilgamesh , receive the power of the imortal wolf !!!!
Shiryu - And the power of the dragon !
Gilgamesh - I can't resit this . AAAAHHHH ! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHGGGGGG
Shiryu - We finish him , Fenhil
Ippholite - Hyoga ? How can you be alive after my power ? Receive it again
Hagen - Stop , moon warrior
Ippholite - Who are you
Hagen - I'm Merake Beta Hagen , a god warrior . The fire ken !!!
Hyoga - Aurora execusion !!!!!!
Ippholite - What is happening . Ice with fire ? AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Eneus - Ikki , now , you will die !
Sid - No , they won't die . You will . Black tiger claw !!!!!!
Ikki - PHOENIX WINGS !!!!!
Gorgophonia - Well , I didn't think you could be alive after the moon's
fragrance , bud if you want ...
Mime - No you cannot kill Andromeda . To save the Earth , I'll send to you
the Stringer Requiem !!!!
Gorgophonia- What is this ? OOHH !
Shun - Capture him , nebula chain
Gorgophonia - OOHHH , these strings are ... OOOOHHHH !
Athalanta - Pegasus , now , receive again ...
Siegfried - No . You'll receive the tempest of the dragon !!!
Seiya - Siegfried ? Pegasus power !!!!
Athalanta - No , no , AAAHHHHGGGG !!!!!!

In the moon palace
Hilda - Artemis , my gad warriors and Athena's saints finished all your
moon warriors . Now , you are alone !
Artemis - Oh , no
Athena - Hilda , lets finish Artemis
Hilda - Now , artemis , receive my power
Hilda stops her attack
Artemis - You can't kill your dear sister , Hilda . AH AH AH AH Ah !
The god warriors and the saints appear .
Seiya - Saory , are you well ?
Hagen - Fler !
Artemis - I'm not Fler , but if you fill me , you will kill fler .
Athena - People , we are more powerfun then her . I'll use my Anphora as I
used with Poseidon !
The cosmos of everybody go to Athena
Artemis - Athena , what will you do ?
Athena - Artemis , don't you know the human love can win the fight
Artemis - My soul ! AAAAAHHHHRRRGGGG !!!
Artemis's soul goes to Athena's anphora .
Hilda - Fler !!!!
Fler !!! - Hilda !
Hagen - Fler !
Fler - Hagen !
Athena - Let's return to Earth !