Promo poster for third film

The third film, "Chou Musabetsu Kessen! Ranma Team vs Densetsu no Houou" (Team Ranma vs. the Legendary Phoenix), was first shown at the Toei/Shogakukan Animation Festival in 1995. The story (which is based on a manga story featured in vol. 29) revolves around a Phoenix that hatches on Kuno's head, and allows him to defeat Ranma. In order to make the

Phoenix leave, growth pills must be fed to it. The Phoenix grows to immense size (and stays pearched on Kuno's head), and flies through Tokyo wrecking buildings and everything else that gets in its way. It takes the combined might of Ranma, Akane, Ryoga, Shampoo and Ukyo to finally force the bird to leave Kuno's head and fly away.