Sentaro Daimonji and Satsuki Miyakoji

Japanese voice:
Bin Shimada

English voice:
Brad Swaile


Voice Sample
(Sentaro and

Tea Spoon Throw

Paralysis Tea

Ranma first discovered Sentaro while he had been knocked unconsious while riding his horse into Tokyo one afternoon. When he awoke to find Ranma (a girl at the time) he thanked her for saving his unworthy life, and slipped some paralysis power into her tea, and quickly kidnapped Ranma and took her back to his home where he announced to his Grandmother that he had found his new bride.

Sentaro is a master of the Martial Arts Tea Ceremony and believed that he was engaged to a monkey. This was the result of his fiancee, Satsuki sending her pet monkey in her place, because she was too nervous to get married. Thankfully they both fell for each other the when they finally met, and Ranma got off the hook.

Sentaro and Satsuki on their horse
Sentaro's grandmother


The Meaning Behind the Name
Sentaro means "boiling great son," which may be a reference to the fact that he is about to inherit his family's legacy. Daimonji is "(Dai) faithful service to those older + (mon) problem (or some monkey reference) + (ji) pity".
Sanae means "tea sprout" while Satsuki means "tea moon" the joke here being the tea references. Miyakoji means "main thoroughfare of the metropolis."