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Schedule of Film Festival Showings of Studio Ghibli Works


Due to the release of the Miramax English dub version of Princess Mononoke, retrospectives of the works of Studio Ghibli have been organized by film festivals, museums, and theaters throughout North America and Europe.  Also, Miramax arranged for several festival showings of the Princess Mononoke dub before the October premiere.  (Please see the Princess Mononoke Dub Impressions page for fan comments concerning special showings of the dub.)

You may also read fan impressions and reviews of the Studio Ghibli retrospectives.

The dates for the showings listed here are based on information provided to Team Ghiblink, and are subject to change without notice.  Please contact the organization sponsoring the event for up-to-date schedule details or other information.

If you have information about events not listed here, or corrections, please send the details to us.



Festivals Held in 1999

Festivals Held in 2000

Festivals Held in 2001

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