While Celly was wondering how she got to London, Mercy was fighting a battle of her own. She had finally wondered into Konan. She was dressed very differently from everyone else. Having blue streaks in her hair didn't help matters much. She started to wander about the city, hoping she would find the man she was looking for. Mercy didn't realize that some men were watching her every move.

Mercy ended up turning into an alley. "!@#$%$%^&*" she said. Realizing she had not been paying attention she decided to turn around and come back the way she had just come. As she turned, the men who had been watching her suddenly appeared.

With nowhere to run, Mercy decided she would have to fight them. The men were shocked that she being a "woman" would try and fight them. Mercy was glad she had martial arts training and lightsaber at side. Just then a man began to move towards her and she whipped out the lightsaber. The deep blue blade sprang to life.

The men still inched closer and closer. They seemed to be oblivious to the fact that she had a weapon in her hand. She swung the lightsaber and hit one of the men's shoulder, causing a flesh wound.

Then, before Mercy knew it, the lightsaber was kicked out of her hands. "Just great," she mutted as she watched her lightsaber land about 25 yards away from her.

She was about to do a roundhouse when a voice from the shadows said, "Get down."

Mercy stood, not knowing whether to duck or stay standing. The voice again said, "Get Down" and Mercy decided to take a chance.

The next thing she knew, the words "Lekka Shein" were coming out of the darkness and a flame shot over her head. She heard the men scream and run for their lives.

Mercy go up and turn to face the stranger. He handed the lightsaber back to her. She said thank you.

He started to turn and walk away. Mercy cried "Chotto!!" The stranger turned and waited for her to continue. Mercy said "I just wanted to thank you for helping me." He grumbled and started to walk away again when suddenly a blue light engulfed her and Mercy cried, "Not again, !!@#$%^&*(" The stranger turned around and was amazed at what he saw. He decided he better take her to see Hotohori. The stranger thought maybe he would know what to do. The blue light disappeared, and the stranger said, "We are going to go see the emperor, Hotohori."

Mercy was too stunned to speak and started to follow the stranger.
