Susanne's aura flared brightly, but she could only stare at the fuku clad girl.

"That was stupid of you to do. Couldn't even control your aura. You know the consequences of the Game." Celly pulled the BBBoD (TM) out of HammerSpace (TM) and pressed the small button on the handle. The Bat's features changed and morphed into an obscenly long, wickedly sharp Escudo sword.

She swung the BBBoD into a ready position and cried out:

"There can be only one!!!">>

"Hotohori no Otaku?" Susanne cried. "What the hell are you talking about??" The fuku clad girl before her swung her obscenely long, wickedly sharp sword manacingly as Susanne jumped back out of the way. "And put that thing away before someone gets hurt!"

"There can be only one!" The girl cried again. "And it shall be me! I am invincible!"

"You're a loony!" Susanne answered, discovering at that moment that she had backed right up against the wall of the business department building.

Of course, Susanne's remark had only served to further infuriate the loony, and she lunged at Susanne, her sword raised to deliver the final blow.

One moment, Susanne was trying to back away, hoping desperately for a bobby to happen by, and the next moment, the fuku clad loony was lying flat on her back. Her sword, now the (relatively) harmless BBBoD, lay on the ground six feet away from her. A tall blonde girl with streaks of pink in her hair now stood in between Susanne and the loony.
