Meanwhile, back in Tokyo...

"Great job, Andy! I don't think there's a single shot there we can't use."

"Well, of course. We're done for the day, right?"

"Looks that way."

"Okay, I'm off. Ja ne!"

The photographer watched him go, wondering again at the phenomenon that Andy was both a genuinely nice person and incredibly narcissistic. Of course, a model of his fame would be sure of himself, but still... He decided not to wonder about it any longer, and turned to pack up.

Andy drove to his apartment in downtown Tokyo, thinking that he'd really like to just sit and relax for an evening. It was nice to have a few hours with nothing planned.

He got up to his apartment and took a moment to marvel at the view from his twenty-eighth story apartment window. As he glanced into the mirror in the front hall, he noticed that the light on the answering machine by the door was blinking.

I hope the teeny-boppers haven't found my number again, he thought. It's a pain to change it. As he listened to his messages, he breathed a sigh of relief. Well, at least it wasn't the teeny-boppers. But Tetsuya and Keisuke... they were just annoying. Well, it *had* been over a week since they'd last called.

"Reincarnation, my foot," he mumbled as he erased the message. The next message took him completely by surprise, but it was not in the least unwelcome.... His manager had found him another job, but this had a twist...

"This is the breakthrough you need! It's not a huge part, but it's enough! It'll bring you attention. This is it, this is the big time!" the agent blabbered enthusiastically. Those were the only two messages on the machine.

Andy went to the kitchen and fixed a drink. England? The thought was just outrageous... but... a movie? Weren't movies made in Hollywood? Maybe he should go, if only to broaden his horizons. He imagined that even if it didn't work out (but how could it not, with him involved?), he could still return to Tokyo and his modeling career.

Okay, he'd go. Besides, he just had a feeling... yes, this was it. He called his manager back and told him to get everything arranged.


About a month or so later...

"Doesn't it feel good to get in a good decent shopping trip?" Asked a tall girl with red hair.

"I don't know why everyone makes such a big deal about shopping in London," answered a shorter brown-haired girl whose American accent was a stark contrast to her companion's British. "The selection sucks and everything's overpriced. But then again, it *is* shopping, so I'm not going to complain any more about it!"

"That's the spirit! Have you ever been to Herrod's?"

"No, but from what I've heard, neither of us would be allowed to get in, since we're both wearing jeans."

"True, but we could go watch some of the people coming and going."

"Oh, good idea!""Of course it is! Let's go!"

The girls made their way to a bus stop, and miracle of miracles, found a couple of open seats on the bus. On the ride to the store, the brown-haired girl reflected on how strange this all seemed. Just a year ago, I was on my way to Ontario Mills with Celeste and Michi-chan. Of course, shopping in Southern California is much better. I haven't seen any anime stuff the whole time I've been here. Depressing.



"Wake up! Here's our stop!"

"And everyone else's too, I see." Indeed, it seemed as if just about everyone on the bus was on their way to Herrod's. "Well, if I could wrestle through the crowd at my high school, this should be a cinch!" She said, as people from all sides pushed and shoved in their efforts to get off. She saw her companion make it out, and called out, "Heather! Hang on a sec!"

People were now also trying to get on, making it doubly difficult. Finally, Susanne just shoved her way to the door and jumped from the bus.

She was off-balance enough when she jumped, but then she found herself suddenly trying to avoid a couple of kids who ran right in front of her. She lost her balance and wobbled a little bit, then felt a hand reach out to steady her.

She regained her balance and turned to thank the kind person... and found herself looking into the eyes of probably one of the most gorgeous men she'd ever seen.

"Ah... thank you," she managed to say."It's okay. You're alright?" She nodded, noticing he had a slight Asian accent. Japanese? He spoke good English, though.

"This is insane," he then said. She tried to listen to him but not stare. "My friend told me to go to Harrod's, he said it's a really good store, I had to visit it. And he neglected to mention that there was a dress code."

Sure enough, he was wearing jeans. And boy, did he wear them well... Susanne made herself formulate thoughts and answer him. "I know. My friend and I just came to look at some of the people coming and going. Oh!" She suddenly remembered her friend, and as she looked around, she suddenly appeared beside her.

"There you are," she said. I'm glad to know you got off okay! This mob is cutthroat!"

"Yeah, I almost fell flat on my face but... I'm sorry, what's your name?" she said, turning back to the man.

"Andy," he answered, holding out his hand. "And you are?"

"I'm Susanne, and this is Heather," she said, shaking his hand and gesturing to her friend. "Anyway," she turned to Heather, "Andy here caught me."

"Wow, a real-life nice guy! It's nice to meet you," she said.