Susanne could only stare at Andy's long brown hair, and his gorgeeous hazel eyes. And his voice! Wow!

She could only describe it as... chocolate...

She was mustering up more courage to talk to him, when--

"Andy! Andy! Thank god I found you! I thought that some teenyboppers had got hold of you again."

Andy turned back to face the woman who came running up. She was in her mid-twenties and her blonde-brown hair was done up in a slighty unweildy bun. She shoved the glasses that were about to fall off her nose back up.

"Oh, Tessa, it's you," Andy remarked.

"Of course it's me. Now hurry up! You have a shoot at three, a run through at five and then that get together at seven." Tessa spied the two girls next to Andy. "Who are you?" she demanded.

"Umm... I'm Susanne, and this is my friend Heather. We sort of ran into Andy here."

"Literally," he laughed. Susanne nearly fainted when she heard him laugh, but almost glared when Tessa took a hold of Andy's arm.

"Well, it was nice to meet you," Tessa said quickly, handing two cards to Susanne. "Go to this address and give these cards to the secretary at the front desk. You'll get the complementary photos, etc. Sorry, but we have to go." Tessa left quickly, dragging Andy with her.

"Maybe we'll run into each other again!" he shouted over his shoulder.

To be continued...