Previously on BW!, a mysterious girl fell out of the sky, screaming for Tamahome, while in the real world a surprised Susanne bumped into a man named Andy and was rudely interrupted by Tessa, his agent.

Back to the Bishounen World...

"Well... darn..." the fuku clad girl muttered. "I've run around this whole city and still haven't found Tama-chan yet. What does a girl have to do here? Get abducted and sold as a slave?!?"

"Pretty, pretty, pretty..."

The girl whirled around and was faced by a gang of unruly young men. "Eep!"

The leader stepped forward. "This girl is dressed strangely, but she will bring a good price on the market."

"Nanii no da?!?" the girl asked. The men stepped forward but as normally happens, the girl was backed against a wall. She started to shake in fear as the gang advanced on her.

Suddenly, there was a blur and several men fell down. The girl looked up expectantly.

A little boy ran after a large black dog, which had knocked over the men. "Bad dog!" he yelled. "Bad dog!!!"

The girl sighed and looked at the remaining group of men. "Damn, I thought it was him. I guess I'll have to take care of this myself."

She reached into HammerSpace (TM) and pulled out her Baseball Bat Of DOOM (TM). She started swinging the BBBoD (TM) mercilessly and clubbed down all of the men who did not immediately run away.

Wiping the sweat off her brow, she muttered, "I'd still rather be saved by a bishounen!" She put her BBBoD (TM) away and went in search again.

To be continued...