Neither of the girls had heard of the studio which Andy was supposed to be at, and it seemed a little ridiculous to accost random pedestrians to ask them. After all, Heather had lived in London for three years now, and she was a performing arts major.

"It's just that there's so many studios and things here," she said as they stood in a shop, studying a map. "And what was with that chick, anyway?"

"My best guess is that someone put a major bug up her ass."


"Never mind," she said, turning back to a map.

"I can't even get oriented as to where we are on this map!" Heather eventually said, shoving the map back onto the rack in frustration.

"What I wouldn't give for a Thomas Guide," Susanne muttered.

"What's that?"

"Nothing. This is ridiculous. What about a cabbie?"

"What about a cabbie?"

"Well, cabbies are supposed to know the town... think we could get in a cab and tell the cabbie to get there quick and he'd take us right to it?"

"How much cash do you have on you?"

Susanne stuck her hand in her pocket and brought out a few bills and coins. "Damn, not much."

"Same here. Enough to take the bus back, basically."

"Okay," Susanne said, thinking. "Okay, okay I think I've got an idea. I've got more money back in my room, anyway."

"We're going back?"

"I need to make a phone call."

"Okay, I guess."

And so, the two girls fought their way back onto the bus and rode to the suburbs, where their university was located.